3,598 research outputs found

    Harmonic generation in ring-shaped molecules

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    We study numerically the interaction between an intense circularly polarized laser field and an electron moving in a potential which has a discrete cylindrical symmetry with respect to the laser pulse propagation direction. This setup serves as a simple model, e.g., for benzene and other aromatic compounds. From general symmetry considerations, within a Floquet approach, selection rules for the harmonic generation [O. Alon Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 3743 (1998)] have been derived recently. Instead, the results we present in this paper have been obtained solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation ab initio for realistic pulse shapes. We find a rich structure which is not always dominated by the laser harmonics.Comment: 15 pages including 7 figure

    Towards deterministic optical quantum computation with coherently driven atomic ensembles

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    Scalable and efficient quantum computation with photonic qubits requires (i) deterministic sources of single-photons, (ii) giant nonlinearities capable of entangling pairs of photons, and (iii) reliable single-photon detectors. In addition, an optical quantum computer would need a robust reversible photon storage devise. Here we discuss several related techniques, based on the coherent manipulation of atomic ensembles in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency, that are capable of implementing all of the above prerequisites for deterministic optical quantum computation with single photons.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A photon-photon quantum gate based on a single atom in an optical resonator

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    Two photons in free space pass each other undisturbed. This is ideal for the faithful transmission of information, but prohibits an interaction between the photons as required for a plethora of applications in optical quantum information processing. The long-standing challenge here is to realise a deterministic photon-photon gate. This requires an interaction so strong that the two photons can shift each others phase by pi. For polarisation qubits, this amounts to the conditional flipping of one photon's polarisation to an orthogonal state. So far, only probabilistic gates based on linear optics and photon detectors could be realised, as "no known or foreseen material has an optical nonlinearity strong enough to implement this conditional phase shift..." [Science 318, 1567]. Meanwhile, tremendous progress in the development of quantum-nonlinear systems has opened up new possibilities for single-photon experiments. Platforms range from Rydberg blockade in atomic ensembles to single-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics. Applications like single-photon switches and transistors, two-photon gateways, nondestructive photon detectors, photon routers and nonlinear phase shifters have been demonstrated, but none of them with the ultimate information carriers, optical qubits. Here we employ the strong light-matter coupling provided by a single atom in a high-finesse optical resonator to realise the Duan-Kimble protocol of a universal controlled phase flip (CPF, pi phase shift) photon-photon quantum gate. We achieve an average gate fidelity of F=(76.2+/-3.6)% and specifically demonstrate the capability of conditional polarisation flipping as well as entanglement generation between independent input photons. Our gate could readily perform most of the hitherto existing two-photon operations. It also discloses avenues towards new quantum information processing applications where photons are essential.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Wideband and UWB antennas for wireless applications. A comprehensive review

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    A comprehensive review concerning the geometry, the manufacturing technologies, the materials, and the numerical techniques, adopted for the analysis and design of wideband and ultrawideband (UWB) antennas for wireless applications, is presented. Planar, printed, dielectric, and wearable antennas, achievable on laminate (rigid and flexible), and textile dielectric substrates are taken into account. The performances of small, low-profile, and dielectric resonator antennas are illustrated paying particular attention to the application areas concerning portable devices (mobile phones, tablets, glasses, laptops, wearable computers, etc.) and radio base stations. This information provides a guidance to the selection of the different antenna geometries in terms of bandwidth, gain, field polarization, time-domain response, dimensions, and materials useful for their realization and integration in modern communication systems
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