137 research outputs found

    Accessibility-based reranking in multimedia search engines

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    Traditional multimedia search engines retrieve results based mostly on the query submitted by the user, or using a log of previous searches to provide personalized results, while not considering the accessibility of the results for users with vision or other types of impairments. In this paper, a novel approach is presented which incorporates the accessibility of images for users with various vision impairments, such as color blindness, cataract and glaucoma, in order to rerank the results of an image search engine. The accessibility of individual images is measured through the use of vision simulation filters. Multi-objective optimization techniques utilizing the image accessibility scores are used to handle users with multiple vision impairments, while the impairment profile of a specific user is used to select one from the Pareto-optimal solutions. The proposed approach has been tested with two image datasets, using both simulated and real impaired users, and the results verify its applicability. Although the proposed method has been used for vision accessibility-based reranking, it can also be extended for other types of personalization context

    A Review on Video Search Engine Ranking

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    Search reranking is considered as a best and basic approach to enhance recovery accuracy. The recordings are recovered utilizing the related literary data, for example, encompassing content from the website page. The execution of such frameworks basically depends on the importance between the content and the recordings. In any case, they may not generally coordinate all around ok, which causes boisterous positioning results. For example, outwardly comparative recordings may have altogether different positions. So reranking has been proposed to tackle the issue. Video reranking, as a compelling approach to enhance the consequences of electronic video look however the issue is not paltry particularly when we are thinking about different elements or modalities for pursuit in video and video recovery. This paper proposes another sort of reranking calculation, the round reranking, that backings the common trade of data over numerous modalities for enhancing seek execution and takes after the rationality of solid performing methodology could gain from weaker ones

    Learning Object Categories From Internet Image Searches

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    In this paper, we describe a simple approach to learning models of visual object categories from images gathered from Internet image search engines. The images for a given keyword are typically highly variable, with a large fraction being unrelated to the query term, and thus pose a challenging environment from which to learn. By training our models directly from Internet images, we remove the need to laboriously compile training data sets, required by most other recognition approaches-this opens up the possibility of learning object category models “on-the-fly.” We describe two simple approaches, derived from the probabilistic latent semantic analysis (pLSA) technique for text document analysis, that can be used to automatically learn object models from these data. We show two applications of the learned model: first, to rerank the images returned by the search engine, thus improving the quality of the search engine; and second, to recognize objects in other image data sets

    Image Retrieval based on Bag-of-Words model

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    This article gives a survey for bag-of-words (BoW) or bag-of-features model in image retrieval system. In recent years, large-scale image retrieval shows significant potential in both industry applications and research problems. As local descriptors like SIFT demonstrate great discriminative power in solving vision problems like object recognition, image classification and annotation, more and more state-of-the-art large scale image retrieval systems are trying to rely on them. A common way to achieve this is first quantizing local descriptors into visual words, and then applying scalable textual indexing and retrieval schemes. We call this model as bag-of-words or bag-of-features model. The goal of this survey is to give an overview of this model and introduce different strategies when building the system based on this model

    Mobile product search with bag of hash bits

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