6 research outputs found


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    In this work we deal with the problem of how to squeeze multiple ciphertexts without losing original message information. To do so, we formalize the notion of decompos- ability for public-key encryption and investigate why adding decomposability is challenging. We construct an ElGamal encryption scheme over extension fields, and show that it supports the efficient decomposition. We then analyze security of our scheme under the standard DDH assumption, and evaluate the performance of our construction

    Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Non-Membership

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    Often, in privacy-sensitive cryptographic protocols, a party commits to a secret message m and later needs to prove that mm belongs to a language L or that m does not belong to L (but this party does not want to reveal any further information). We present a method to prove in a non-interactive way that a committed value does not belong to a given language L. Our construction is generic and relies on the corresponding proof of membership to L. We present an efficient realization of our proof system by combining {smooth projective hash functions} and the Groth-Sahai proof system. In 2009, Kiayias and Zhou introduced {zero-knowledge proofs with witness elimination} which enable to prove that a committed message mm belongs to a language L (with a witness w) in such a way that the verifier accepts the interaction only if w does not belong to a set determined by a public relation Q and some private input w\u27 of the verifier. We show that the protocol they proposed is flawed and that a dishonest prover can actually make a verifier accept a proof for any message m in L even if (w,w\u27) in Q. Using our non-interactive proof of non-membership of committed values, we are able to fix their protocol and improve its efficiency. Our approach finds also efficient applications in other settings, e.g. in anonymous credential systems and privacy-preserving authenticated identification and key exchange protocols

    Security of Practical Cryptosystems Using Merkle-Damgard Hash Function in the Ideal Cipher Model

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    Since the Merkle-Damgård (MD) type hash functions are differentiable from ROs even when compression functions are modeled by ideal primitives, there is no guarantee as to the security of cryptosystems when ROs are instantiated with structural hash functions. In this paper, we study the security of the instantiated cryptosystems whereas the hash functions have the well known structure of Merkle-Damgård construction with Stam\u27s type-II compression function (denoted MD-TypeII) in the Ideal Cipher Model (ICM). Note that since the Type-II scheme includes the Davies-Meyer compression function, SHA-256 and SHA-1 have the MD-TypeII structure. We show that OAEP, RSA-KEM, PSEC-KEM, ECIES-KEM and many other encryption schemes are secure when using the MD-TypeII hash function. In order to show this, we customize the indifferentiability framework of Maurer, Renner and Holenstein. We call the customized framework ``indifferentiability with condition\u27\u27. In this framework, for some condition α\alpha that cryptosystem CC satisfies, if hash function HH is indifferentiable from RO under condition α\alpha, CC is secure when RO is instantiated with HH. We note the condition of ``prefix-free\u27\u27 that the above schemes satisfy. We show that the MD-TypeII hash function is indifferentiable from RO under this condition. When the output length of RO is incompatible with that of the hash function, the output size is expanded by Key Derivation Functions (KDFs). Since a KDF is specified as MGF1 in RSA\u27s PKCS #\#1 V2.1, its security discussion is important in practice. We show that, KDFs using the MD-TypeII hash function (KDF-MD-TypeII) are indifferentiable from ROs under this condition of ``prefix-free\u27\u27. Therefore, we can conclude that the above practical encryption schemes are secure even when ROs are instantiated with (KDF-)MD-TypeII hash functions. Dodis, Ristenpart and Shrimpton showed that FDH, PSS, Fiat-Shamir, and so on are secure when RO is instantiated with the MD-TypeII hash function in the ICM, their analyses use the different approach from our approach called indifferentiability from public-use RO (pub-RO). They showed that the above cryptosystems are secure in the pub-RO model and the MD-TypeII hash function is indifferentiable from pub-RO. Since their analyses did not consider the structure of KDFs, there might exist some attack using a KDF\u27s structure. We show that KDFs using pub-RO (KDF-pub-RO) is differentiable from pub-RO. Thus, we cannot trivially extend the result of Dodis et al to the indifferentiability for KDF-MD-TypeII hash functions. We propose a new oracle called private interface leak RO (privleak-RO). We show that KDF-pub-ROs are indifferentiable from privleak-ROs and the above cryptosystems are secure in the privleak-RO model. Therefore, by combining the result of Dodis et al. with our result, we can conclude that the above cryptosystems are secure when ROs are instantiated with KDF-MD-TypeII hash functions. Since OAEP, RSA-KEM, PSEC-KEM, ECIES-KEM and many other encryption schemes are insecure in the pub-RO (privleak-RO) model, we cannot confirm the security of these encryption schemes from the approach of Dodis et al. Therefore, the result of Dodis et al can be supplemented with our result. Consequently, from the two results we can confirm the security of almost practical cryptosystems when ROs are instantiated with (KDF-)MD-TypeII hash functions

    Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Identity-Based Encryption in the Standard Model with short Ciphertexts

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    We describe a practical identity-based encryption scheme that is secure in the standard model against chosen-ciphertext (CCA2) attacks. Security is based on an assumption comparable to (but slightly stronger than) Bilinear Decisonal Diffie-Hellman (BDDH). A comparison shows that our construction outperforms all known identity-based encryption schemes in the standard model and its performance is even comparable with the one from the random-oracle based Boneh/Franklin IBE scheme. Our proposed IBE scheme has furthermore the property that it fulfills some notion of ``redundancy-freeness , i.e. the encryption algorithm is not only a probabilistic injection but also a surjection. As a consequence the ciphertext overhead is nearly optimal: to encrypt kk bit messages for kk bit identities and with kk bit randomness we get 3k3k bit ciphertexts to guarantee (roughly) kk bits of security

    Non-Uniform Bounds in the Random-Permutation, Ideal-Cipher, and Generic-Group Models

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    The random-permutation model (RPM) and the ideal-cipher model (ICM) are idealized models that offer a simple and intuitive way to assess the conjectured standard-model security of many important symmetric-key and hash-function constructions. Similarly, the generic-group model (GGM) captures generic algorithms against assumptions in cyclic groups by modeling encodings of group elements as random injections and allows to derive simple bounds on the advantage of such algorithms. Unfortunately, both well-known attacks, e.g., based on rainbow tables (Hellman, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory \u2780), and more recent ones, e.g., against the discrete-logarithm problem (Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan, EUROCRYPT \u2718), suggest that the concrete security bounds one obtains from such idealized proofs are often completely inaccurate if one considers non-uniform or preprocessing attacks in the standard model. To remedy this situation, this work 1) defines the auxiliary-input (AI) RPM/ICM/GGM, which capture both non-uniform and preprocessing attacks by allowing an attacker to leak an arbitrary (bounded-output) function of the oracle\u27s function table; 2) derives the first non-uniform bounds for a number of important practical applications in the AI-RPM/ICM, including constructions based on the Merkle-Damgard and sponge paradigms, which underly the SHA hashing standards, and for AI-RPM/ICM applications with computational security; and 3) using simpler proofs, recovers the AI-GGM security bounds obtained by Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan against preprocessing attackers, for a number of assumptions related to cyclic groups, such as discrete logarithms and Diffie-Hellman problems, and provides new bounds for two assumptions. An important step in obtaining these results is to port the tools used in recent work by Coretti et al. (EUROCRYPT \u2718) from the ROM to the RPM/ICM/GGM, resulting in very powerful and easy-to-use tools for proving security bounds against non-uniform and preprocessing attacks

    Chosen-ciphertext security without redundancy

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    Abstract. We propose asymmetric encryption schemes for which all ciphertexts are valid (which means here "reachable": the encryption function is not only a probabilistic injection, but also a surjection). We thus introduce the Full-Domain Permutation encryption scheme which uses a random permutation. This is the first IND-CCA cryptosystem based on any trapdoor one-way permutation without redundancy, and more interestingly, the bandwidth is optimal: the ciphertext is over k more bits only than the plaintext, where 2 \Gamma k is the expected security level. Thereafter, we apply it into the random oracle model by instantiating the random permutation with a Feistel network construction, and thus using OAEP. Unfortunately, the usual 2-round OAEP does not seem to be provably secure, but a 3-round can be proved IND-CCA even without the usual redundancy mk0 k1, under the partial-domain one-wayness of any trapdoor permutation