7 research outputs found

    Chosen Ciphertext Secure Functional Encryption from Constrained Witness PRF

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    Functional encryption generates sophisticated keys for users so that they can learn specific functions of the encrypted message. We provide a generic construction of chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA) secure public-key functional encryption (PKFE) for all polynomial-size circuits. Our PKFE produces succinct ciphertexts that are independent of the size and depth of the circuit class under consideration. We accomplish our goal in two steps. First, we define a new cryptographic tool called constrained witness pseudorandom function (CWPRF) which is motivated by combining WPRF of Zhandry (TCC 2016) and constrained PRF of Boneh and Waters (ASIACRYPT 2013). More specifically, CWPRF computes pseudorandom values associated with NP statements and generates constrained keys for boolean functions. We can recompute the pseudorandom value corresponding to a particular statement either using a public evaluation key with a valid witness for the statement or applying a constrained key for a function that satisfies the statement. We construct CWPRF by coupling indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and CPRF supporting all polynomial-size functions. In the second and main technical step, we show a generic construction of a CCA secure PKFE for all circuits utilizing our CWPRF. It has been observed that obtaining PKFE supporting all circuits is already a complex task and iO-based constructions of PKFEs are only proven to be chosen plaintext attacks (CPA) secure. On the other hand, existing CCA secure functional encryption schemes are designed for specific functions such as equality testing, membership testing, linear function etc. We emphasize that our construction presents the first CCA secure PKFE for all circuits along with succinct ciphertexts

    Point-Function Obfuscation: A Framework and Generic Constructions

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    We give a definitional framework for point-function obfuscation in which security is parameterized by a class of algorithms we call target generators. Existing and new notions are captured and explained as corresponding to different choices of this class. This leads to an elegant question: Is it possible to provide a generic construction, meaning one that takes an arbitrary class of target generators and returns a point-function obfuscator secure for it? We answer this in the affirmative with three generic constructions, the first based on indistinguishability obfuscation, the second on deterministic public-key encryption and the third on universal computational extractors. By exploiting known constructions of the primitives assumed, we obtain new point-function obfuscators, including many under standard assumptions. We end with a broader look that relates different known and possible notions of point function obfuscation to each other and to ours

    Trading Plaintext-Awareness for Simulatability to Achieve Chosen Ciphertext Security

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    In PKC 2014, Dachman-Soled showed a construction of a chosen ciphertext (CCA) secure public key encryption (PKE) scheme based on a PKE scheme which simultaneously satisfies a security property called weak simulatability and (standard model) plaintext awareness (sPA1) in the presence of multiple public keys. It is not well-known if plaintext awareness for the multiple keys setting is equivalent to the more familiar notion of that in the single key setting, and it is typically considered that plaintext awareness is a strong security assumption (because to achieve it we have to rely on a knowledge -type assumption). In Dachman-Soled\u27s construction, the underlying PKE scheme needs to be plaintext aware in the presence of 2k+22k+2 public keys. The main result in this work is to show that the strength of plaintext awareness required in the Dachman-Soled construction can be somehow traded with the strength of a simulatability property of other building blocks. Furthermore, we also show that we can separate the assumption that a single PKE scheme needs to be both weakly simulatable and plaintext aware in her construction. Specifically, in this paper we show two new constructions of CCA secure key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs): Our first scheme is based on a KEM which is chosen plaintext (CPA) secure and plaintext aware only under the 22 keys setting, and a PKE scheme satisfying a slightly stronger simulatability than weak simulatability, called \emph{trapdoor simulatability} (introduced by Choi et al. ASIACRYPT 2009). Our second scheme is based on a KEM which is 11-bounded CCA secure (Cramer et al. ASIACRYPT 2007) and plaintext aware only in the \emph{single} key setting, and a trapdoor simulatable PKE scheme. Our results add new recipes for constructing CCA secure PKE/KEM from general assumptions (that are incomparable to those used by Dachman-Soled), and in particular show interesting trade-offs among building blocks with those used in Dachman-Soled\u27s construction

    Constructing and Understanding Chosen Ciphertext Security via Puncturable Key Encapsulation Mechanisms

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    In this paper, we introduce and study a new cryptographic primitive that we call puncturable key encapsulation mechanism (PKEM), which is a special class of KEMs that satisfy some functional and security requirements that, combined together, imply chosen ciphertext security (CCA security). The purpose of introducing this primitive is to capture certain common patterns in the security proofs of the several existing CCA secure public key encryption (PKE) schemes and KEMs based on general cryptographic primitives which (explicitly or implicitly) use the ideas and techniques of the Dolev-Dwork-Naor (DDN) construction (STOC\u2791), and break down the proofs into smaller steps, so that each small step is easier to work with/verify/understand than directly tackling CCA security. To see the usefulness of PKEM, we show (1) how several existing constructions of CCA secure PKE/KEM constructed based on general cryptographic primitives can be captured as a PKEM, which enables us to understand these constructions via a unified framework, (2) its connection to detectable CCA security (Hohenberger et al. EUROCRYPT\u2712), and (3) a new security proof for a KEM-analogue of the DDN construction from a set of assumptions: sender non-committing encryption (SNCE) and non-interactive witness indistinguishable proofs. Then, as our main technical result, we show how to construct a PKEM satisfying our requirements (and thus a CCA secure KEM) from a new set of general cryptographic primitives: SNCE and symmetric key encryption secure for key-dependent messages (KDM secure SKE). Our construction realizes the decrypt-then-re-encrypt -style validity check of a ciphertext which is powerful but in general has a problem of the circularity between a plaintext and a randomness.We show how SNCE and KDM secure SKE can be used together to overcome the circularity. We believe that the connection among three seemingly unrelated notions of encryption primitives, i.e. CCA security, the sender non-committing property, and KDM security, to be of theoretical interest

    Chosen Ciphertext Security via Point Obfuscation ⋆

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    Abstract. In this paper, we show two new constructions of chosen ciphertext secure (CCA secure) public key encryption (PKE) from general assumptions. The key ingredient in our constructions is an obfuscator for point functions with multi-bit output (MBPF obfuscators, for short), that satisfies some (average-case) indistinguishability-based security, which we call AIND security, in the presence of hardto-invert auxiliary input. Specifically, our first construction is based on a chosen plaintext secure PKE scheme and an MBPF obfuscator satisfying the AIND security in the presence of computationally hardto-invert auxiliary input. Our second construction is based on a lossy encryption scheme and an MBPF obfuscator satisfying the AIND security in the presence of statistically hard-to-invert auxiliary input. To clarify the relative strength of AIND security, we show the relations among security notions for MBPF obfuscators, and show that AIND security with computationally (resp. statistically) hard-to-invert auxiliary input is implied by the average-case virtual black-box (resp. virtual grey-box) property with the same type of auxiliary input. Finally, we show that a lossy encryption scheme can be constructed from an obfuscator for point functions (point obfuscator) that satisfies re-randomizability and a weak form of composability in the worst-case virtual grey-box sense. This result, combined with our second generic construction and several previous results on point obfuscators and MBPF obfuscators, yield

    Instantiability of Classical Random-Oracle-Model Encryption Transforms

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    Extending work leveraging program obfuscation to instantiate random-oracle-based transforms (e.g., Hohenberger et al., EUROCRYPT 2014, Kalai et al., CRYPTO 2017), we show that, using obfuscation and other assumptions, there exist standard-model hash functions that suffice to instantiate the classical RO-model encryption transforms OAEP (Bellare and Rogaway, EUROCRYPT 1994) and Fujisaki-Okamoto (CRYPTO 1999, J. Cryptology 2013) for specific public-key encryption (PKE) schemes to achieve IND-CCA security. Our result for Fujisaki-Okamoto employs a simple modification to the scheme. Our instantiations do not require much stronger assumptions on the base schemes compared to their corresponding RO-model proofs. For example, to instantiate low-exponent RSA-OAEP, the assumption we need on RSA is sub-exponential partial one-wayness, matching the assumption (partial one-wayness) on RSA needed by Fujisaki et al. (J. Cryptology 2004) in the RO model up to sub-exponentiality. For the part of Fujisaki-Okamoto that upgrades public-key encryption satisfying indistinguishability against plaintext checking attack to IND-CCA, we again do not require much stronger assumptions up to sub-exponentiality. We obtain our hash functions in a unified way, extending a technique of Brzuska and Mittelbach (ASIACRYPT 2014). We incorporate into their technique: (1) extremely lossy functions (ELFs), a notion by Zhandry (CRYPTO 2016), and (2) multi-bit auxiliary-input point function obfuscation (MB-AIPO). While MB-AIPO is impossible in general (Brzuska and Mittelbach, ASIACRYPT 2014), we give plausible constructions for the special cases we need, which may be of independent interest

    Instantiating Random Oracles via UCEs

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    This paper provides a (standard-model) notion of security for (keyed) hash functions, called UCE, that we show enables instantiation of random oracles (ROs) in a fairly broad and systematic way. Goals and schemes we consider include deterministic PKE, message-locked encryption, hardcore functions, point-function obfuscation, OAEP, encryption secure for key-dependent messages, encryption secure under related-key attack, proofs of storage and adaptively-secure garbled circuits with short tokens. We can take existing, natural and efficient ROM schemes and show that the instantiated scheme resulting from replacing the RO with a UCE function is secure in the standard model. In several cases this results in the first standard-model schemes for these goals. The definition of UCE-security itself asks that outputs of the function look random given some ``leakage,\u27\u27 even if the adversary knows the key, as long as the leakage is appropriately restricted