3 research outputs found

    Sentiment analytics: Lexicons construction and analysis

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    With the increasing amount of text data, sentiment analysis (SA) is becoming more and more important. An automated approach is needed to parse the online reviews and comments, and analyze their sentiments. Since lexicon is the most important component in SA, enhancing the quality of lexicons will improve the efficiency and accuracy of sentiment analysis. In this research, the effect of coupling a general lexicon with a specialized lexicon (for a specific domain) and its impact on sentiment analysis was presented. Two special domains and one general domain were studied. The two special domains are the petroleum domain and the biology domain. The general domain is the social network domain. The specialized lexicon for the petroleum domain was created as part of this research. The results, as expected, show that coupling a general lexicon with a specialized lexicon improves the sentiment analysis. However, coupling a general lexicon with another general lexicon does not improve the sentiment analysis --Abstract, page iii

    Sentiment Analysis of Novel Review Using Long Short-Term Memory Method

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    The rapid development of the internet and social media and a large amount of text data has become an important research subject in obtaining information from the text data. In recent years, there has been an increase in research on sentiment analysis in the review text to determine the polarity of opinion on social media. However, there are still few studies that apply the deep learning method, namely Long Short-Term Memory for sentiment analysis in Indonesian texts.This study aims to classify Indonesian novel novels based on positive, neutral and negative sentiments using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method. The dataset used is a review of Indonesian language novels taken from the goodreads.com site. In the testing process, the LSTM method will be compared with the Naïve Bayes method based on the calculation of the values of accuracy, precision, recall, f-measure.Based on the test results show that the Long Short-Term Memory method has better accuracy results than the Naïve Bayes method with an accuracy value of 72.85%, 73% precision, 72% recall, and 72% f-measure compared to the results of the Naïve Bayes method accuracy with accuracy value of 67.88%, precision 69%, recall 68%, and f-measure 68%

    Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Online Marketplace Reviews Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Most online stores provide product review facilities that contain responses to a product. The number of reviews makes it difficult for potential customers to make conclusions, so that sentiment analysis is needed to extract information from these reviews. Most sentiment analysis is done at the document level, so the results were still lacking in detail because the classification is based on the entire sentence or document and does not identify the specific aspect discussed. This research aims to classify aspect-based sentiments from online store reviews using the convolutional neural network (CNN) method with the extraction of features using Word2Vec. The dataset used is Indonesian review data from the site bukalapak.com. The test results on the built system showed that CNN's method of Word2Vec feature extraction has a better score than the naive bayes method with an accuracy value of 85.54%, 96.12% precision, 88.39% recall, and f-measure 92.02%. Classification without using stemming preprocessing on the dataset increases the accuracy by 2.77%