49,417 research outputs found

    Adversarial Learning for Chinese NER from Crowd Annotations

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    To quickly obtain new labeled data, we can choose crowdsourcing as an alternative way at lower cost in a short time. But as an exchange, crowd annotations from non-experts may be of lower quality than those from experts. In this paper, we propose an approach to performing crowd annotation learning for Chinese Named Entity Recognition (NER) to make full use of the noisy sequence labels from multiple annotators. Inspired by adversarial learning, our approach uses a common Bi-LSTM and a private Bi-LSTM for representing annotator-generic and -specific information. The annotator-generic information is the common knowledge for entities easily mastered by the crowd. Finally, we build our Chinese NE tagger based on the LSTM-CRF model. In our experiments, we create two data sets for Chinese NER tasks from two domains. The experimental results show that our system achieves better scores than strong baseline systems.Comment: 8 pages, AAAI-201

    Bipartite Flat-Graph Network for Nested Named Entity Recognition

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    In this paper, we propose a novel bipartite flat-graph network (BiFlaG) for nested named entity recognition (NER), which contains two subgraph modules: a flat NER module for outermost entities and a graph module for all the entities located in inner layers. Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) and graph convolutional network (GCN) are adopted to jointly learn flat entities and their inner dependencies. Different from previous models, which only consider the unidirectional delivery of information from innermost layers to outer ones (or outside-to-inside), our model effectively captures the bidirectional interaction between them. We first use the entities recognized by the flat NER module to construct an entity graph, which is fed to the next graph module. The richer representation learned from graph module carries the dependencies of inner entities and can be exploited to improve outermost entity predictions. Experimental results on three standard nested NER datasets demonstrate that our BiFlaG outperforms previous state-of-the-art models.Comment: Accepted by ACL202

    Dual Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Sub-Character Representation Learning

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    Characters have commonly been regarded as the minimal processing unit in Natural Language Processing (NLP). But many non-latin languages have hieroglyphic writing systems, involving a big alphabet with thousands or millions of characters. Each character is composed of even smaller parts, which are often ignored by the previous work. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture employing two stacked Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) to learn sub-character level representation and capture deeper level of semantic meanings. To build a concrete study and substantiate the efficiency of our neural architecture, we take Chinese Word Segmentation as a research case example. Among those languages, Chinese is a typical case, for which every character contains several components called radicals. Our networks employ a shared radical level embedding to solve both Simplified and Traditional Chinese Word Segmentation, without extra Traditional to Simplified Chinese conversion, in such a highly end-to-end way the word segmentation can be significantly simplified compared to the previous work. Radical level embeddings can also capture deeper semantic meaning below character level and improve the system performance of learning. By tying radical and character embeddings together, the parameter count is reduced whereas semantic knowledge is shared and transferred between two levels, boosting the performance largely. On 3 out of 4 Bakeoff 2005 datasets, our method surpassed state-of-the-art results by up to 0.4%. Our results are reproducible, source codes and corpora are available on GitHub.Comment: Accepted & forthcoming at ITNG-201

    DocTag2Vec: An Embedding Based Multi-label Learning Approach for Document Tagging

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    Tagging news articles or blog posts with relevant tags from a collection of predefined ones is coined as document tagging in this work. Accurate tagging of articles can benefit several downstream applications such as recommendation and search. In this work, we propose a novel yet simple approach called DocTag2Vec to accomplish this task. We substantially extend Word2Vec and Doc2Vec---two popular models for learning distributed representation of words and documents. In DocTag2Vec, we simultaneously learn the representation of words, documents, and tags in a joint vector space during training, and employ the simple kk-nearest neighbor search to predict tags for unseen documents. In contrast to previous multi-label learning methods, DocTag2Vec directly deals with raw text instead of provided feature vector, and in addition, enjoys advantages like the learning of tag representation, and the ability of handling newly created tags. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct experiments on several datasets and show promising results against state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 10 page
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