61 research outputs found

    WEIZZ: Automatic Grey-box Fuzzing for Structured Binary Formats

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    Fuzzing technologies have evolved at a fast pace in recent years, revealing bugs in programs with ever increasing depth and speed. Applications working with complex formats are however more difficult to take on, as inputs need to meet certain format-specific characteristics to get through the initial parsing stage and reach deeper behaviors of the program. Unlike prior proposals based on manually written format specifications, in this paper we present a technique to automatically generate and mutate inputs for unknown chunk-based binary formats. We propose a technique to identify dependencies between input bytes and comparison instructions, and later use them to assign tags that characterize the processing logic of the program. Tags become the building block for structure-aware mutations involving chunks and fields of the input. We show that our techniques performs comparably to structure-aware fuzzing proposals that require human assistance. Our prototype implementation WEIZZ revealed 16 unknown bugs in widely used programs

    WEIZZ: Automatic grey-box fuzzing for structured binary formats

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    Fuzzing technologies have evolved at a fast pace in recent years, revealing bugs in programs with ever increasing depth and speed. Applications working with complex formats are however more difficult to take on, as inputs need to meet certain format-specific characteristics to get through the initial parsing stage and reach deeper behaviors of the program. Unlike prior proposals based on manually written format specifications, we propose a technique to automatically generate and mutate inputs for unknown chunk-based binary formats. We identify dependencies between input bytes and comparison instructions, and use them to assign tags that characterize the processing logic of the program. Tags become the building block for structure-aware mutations involving chunks and fields of the input. Our technique can perform comparably to structure-aware fuzzing proposals that require human assistance. Our prototype implementation WEIZZ revealed 16 unknown bugs in widely used programs

    Augmenting American Fuzzy Lop to Increase the Speed of Bug Detection

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    Whitebox fuzz testing is a vital part of the software testing process in the software development life cycle (SDLC). It is used for bug detection and security vulnerability checking as well. But current tools lack the ability to detect all the bugs and cover the entire code under test in a reasonable time. This study will explore some of the various whitebox fuzzing techniques and tools (AFL, SAGE, Driller, etc.) currently in use followed by a discussion of their strategies and the challenges facing them. One of the most popular state-of-the-art fuzzers, American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) will be discussed in detail and the modifications proposed to reduce the time required by it while functioning under QEMU emulation mode will be put forth. The study found that the AFL fuzzer can be sped up by injecting an intermediary layer of code in the Tiny Code Generator (TCG) that helps in translating blocks between the two architectures being used for testing. The modified version of AFL was able to find a mean 1.6 crashes more than the basic AFL running in QEMU mode. The study will then recommend future research avenues in the form of hybrid techniques to resolve the challenges faced by the state of the art fuzzers and create an optimal fuzzing tool. The motivation behind the study is to optimize the fuzzing process in order to reduce the time taken to perform software testing and produce robust, error-free software products

    Concolic Execution Tailored for Hybrid Fuzzing

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    Recently, hybrid fuzzing, which combines fuzzing and concolic execution, has been highlighted to overcome limitations of both techniques. Despite its success in contrived programs such as DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC), it still falls short in finding bugs in real-world software due to its low performance of existing concolic executors. To address this issue, this dissertation suggests and demonstrates concolic execution tailored for hybrid fuzzing with two systems: QSYM and Hybridra. First, we present QSYM, a binary-only concolic executor tailored for hybrid fuzzing. It significantly improves the performance of conventional concolic executors by removing redundant symbolic emulations for a binary. Moreover, to efficiently produce test cases for fuzzing, even sacrificing its soundness, QSYM introduces two key techniques: optimistic solving and basic block pruning. As a result, QSYM outperforms state-of-the-art fuzzers, and, more importantly, it found 13 new bugs in eight real-world programs, including file, ffmpeg, and OpenJPEG. Enhancing the key idea of QSYM, we discuss Hybridra, a new concolic executor for file systems. To apply hybrid fuzzing for file systems, which are gigantic and convoluted, Hybridra employs compilation-based concolic execution to boost concolic execution leveraging the existing of source code. Moreover, Hybridra introduces a new technique called staged reduction, which combines existing heuristics to efficiently generate test cases for file systems. Consequently, Hybridra outperforms a state-of-the-art file system fuzzer, Hydra, by achieving higher code coverage, and successfully discovered four new bugs in btrfs, which has been heavily tested by other fuzzers.Ph.D
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