3 research outputs found

    Verifying Modal Workflow Specifications Using Constraint Solving

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    International audienceNowadaysworkflowsareextensivelyusedbycompaniestoimproveorganizationalefficiencyandproductivity.Thispaperfocusesontheverificationofmodalworkflowspecificationsusingconstraintsolvingasacomputationaltool.ItsmaincontributionconsistsindevelopinganinnovativeformalframeworkbasedonconstraintsystemstomodelexecutionsofworkflowPetrinetsandtheirstructuralproperties,aswellastoverifytheirmodalspecifications.Finally,animplementationandpromisingexperimentalresultsconstituteapracticalcontribution

    Incremental Integer Linear Programming Models for Petri Nets Reachability Problems

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    Checking System Properties via Integer Programming

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    . The marking equation is a well known verification method in the Petri net community. It has also be applied by Avrunin, Corbett et al. to automata models. It is a semidecision method, and it may fail to give an answer for some systems, in particular for those communicating by means of shared variables. In this paper, we complement the marking equation by a so called trap equation. We show that both together significantly extend the range of verifiable systems by conducting several case studies. 1 Introduction The use of linear algebra and integer programming for verification purposes has a long tradition in Petri net theory [6, 19, 18, 20]. One of the best known techniques is the state or marking equation [6, 20]. This is a linear equation which can be easily derived from the description of the net and its initial marking (in linear time). It can be seen as a set of linear constraints L that every reachable marking must satisfy. In other words, the solutions of L are a superset of th..