15 research outputs found

    The effect of pricing online content on perceived information quality in online sites

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    Direct pricing of online content provides an alternative business model for providing online content. Its merits over the commonly used indirect pricing models are widely recognized. As more and more companies resort to charging users for information that was free in the past, we try to answer the following questions: (1) Will direct pricing online content itself affect the perceived information quality in online sites? (2) Will users’ individual differences moderate the relationship between pricing online contents and perceived information quality? and (3) How does direct pricing of online content affect the perceived information quality in terms of accuracy, completeness, currency and format? Based on theories in IS and marketing, we develop a research model that extends our understanding of perceptions on information quality in information systems. Using an experiment and a survey, we intend to test several hypotheses on the effect of direct pricing of online content on users’ perceptions of information quality. Our results will complement existing IS theories on information quality and also contribute to the practical world by studying online users’ behavior and justifying companies’ current or future decisions on pricing information services

    A Comprehensive Instrument for Measuring Knowledge Management System Satisfaction

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    This paper study on measuring the user satisfactionof Knowledge Resources for Science and Technology ExcellenceMalaysia (KRSTE.my) as a medium for managing knowledge inScience, Technology and Innovation (STI), amongst theregistered users. As a Knowledge Management System (KMS),KRSTE.my functions as a collector of STI information relatedmaterial, provides a platform for collaboration and discussion ofthe community, and also a receptor of the latest inventions inSTI. This study proposes an integrated instrument for theempirical evaluation of user’s satisfaction of a KMS. We haveconsolidated factors from several instruments developed byprevious researchers. This effort has resulted in a comprehensiveinstrument for measuring users' satisfaction of a knowledgemanagement system. The instrument consists of six knowledgefactors, namely: content, map, manipulation, community,usefulness, and security, which measure the level of usersatisfaction towards the system. The instrument includes 22items that measure user satisfaction of KRSTE.my. A total of271 Malaysian citizen registered subscribers that has accessed tothe system are involved in this study. Quantitative researchmethods have been employed in data collection processconducted over a period of seven weeks. This study involved astatistical analysis to determine significant factors that measureuser satisfaction on KRSTE.my. Results from the analysisindicate that the instrument is reliable which show all itemsmeasuring the six dimensions are correlated. The finding of thestudy shown that knowledge content and knowledge map gives ahigh level of satisfaction to the user based on the mean score.While only the knowledge security, knowledge manipulation,knowledge usefulness and knowledge community are at moderatelevel of satisfaction. Overall, user satisfaction is high onKRSTE.my with the mean score of 3.49 (of the maximum score of5). This study also makes an important contribution indetermining the level of user satisfaction toward KRSTE.my as aKMS. In addition, the study produced a reliable instrument

    Helping CSCW applications succeed : the role of mediators in the context of use

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. [12]-[13]).by Kazuo Okamura ... [et al.]

    A társas befolyásolás folyamata az információs rendszerek használatának kialakulása során

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    A bevezetett IT-rendszerek valós használata egy hosszabb társas konstrukciós folyamatban alakul ki, melyben a felhasználók és a rendszer kölcsönösen formálják egymást (Bartis 2014). E társas konstrukciós folyamatban bizonyos felhasználók befolyásolják az adott környezetben kialakuló rendszerhasználatot. Jelen cikkben ezt a szerepet és szereplőket tanulmányozza a szerző. Célja, hogy az információs rendszerek tényleges használatának kialakulását jobban megértse

    Quality And Effectiveness Of Enterprise Resource Planning - Customer Relationship Management Systems: Implications For Information Systems Marketing Strategies

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    The present research examines the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in Greece, employing Delone and McLean’s model. The questionnaires of the study were e-mailed to the 1,049 largest organizations based on turnover and assets. The final research sample consists of 105 Greek enterprises. The list of organizations was compiled by using the Index of Companies and Products Directory (ICAP). Results show that users have more positive attitude towards system quality and information quality and less positive attitude towards service quality. Moreover, users believe that ERP systems enhance their performance and can contribute to the control of management. Furthermore, present paper proved that D&M model constitutes a causal model with the exception of the variable of system use that is only related to user satisfaction, and ERP system quality.The findings of this research trigger many theoretical and managerial implications and create lots of potential for future research in the fields of Information Systems, Management, and Marketing

    A behavioural analysis of the adoption and use of interactive computer systems by senior managers

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    The purpose of this research has been to make a contribution to knowledge about those processes and phenomena which influence the use of computer-based decision systems by senior managers for their own decision activities. In the course of the thesis, research questions are addressed which relate to the nature of the role of the directly-accessed computer in the working life of the top manager, and especially to the factors which influence computer adoption and use. A review of relevant literature enabled gaps in existing knowledge about senior managerial computer use to be identified, and indicated the potential value of exploratory research. A programme of interviews was devised and executed which enabled the exploration of the research problem across a sample of senior managers from private and public organizations. It is felt that the methodology of performing intra- and inter-organizational comparisons among computer-exposed managers was fundamental to achieving new insights into managerial behaviours. Following qualitative and qualitative analysis of the research data, a dynamic behavioural model of the computer adoption process in large organizations is proposed together with a description of salient behavioural features at key points in the process. This theoretical model contributes to an understanding of the nature and circumstances of the senior managerial behaviours associated with direct computer use

    Special Libraries, Fall 1986

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    Volume 77, Issue 4https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1986/1003/thumbnail.jp

    New Perspectives on the System Usage Construct

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    Information systems are designed to support human and organizational purposes. To achieve their ends, information systems must be used. Although this may seem to be self-evident, there are many aspects of systems usage that are not so, and yet, in spite of this, there has been little intense conceptual scrutiny of this construct in past research. The objective of this thesis, therefore, is to develop new in-depth perspectives for studying system usage. Drawing on critical realist assumptions and studies of research diversity, I explain how epistemological factors enable while ontological factors constrain the diversity of meanings of system usage, and I build on this reasoning to advance a systematic approach for conceptualizing and measuring system usage in an appropriate way for a given research context. To demonstrate the approach and judge its usefulness, I carry out three empirical studies to test whether measures of system usage that are selected according to the proposed approach provide more explanatory power and lead to more coherent results in specific research contexts than other measures of system usage. Exploring the relationship between system usage and user task performance among 804 users of spreadsheet software, the experiments reveal support for the usefulness of the approach and demonstrate how it can enable researchers to conceptualize and measure system usage in an appropriate manner for a given research context. Together, the conceptual approach and empirical studies contribute by: (1) providing a systematic way to conceptualize and measure system usage for a given study context, (2) revealing rich new directions for research on the nature of system usage, its antecedents, and its consequences, and (3) suggesting a new approach for construct development and investigation in IS research