106 research outputs found

    Personalities of the Chinese Zodiac

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    3D animation has been trending for many years now. Many stories and the characters in those stories are being re-designed and represented by 3D. Stories I grew up with in Taiwan are so different from those popular in Western culture. While I enjoyed Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Mickey Mouse, I also loved many classic Chinese stories, one of them being that of the Chinese Zodiac. This story is about animals having a race to decide who will be the only 12 animals that represent each year. They are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, chicken, dog and pig.1 In most Asian countries, these twelve animals represent each year in the order from rat to pig and then come back to the rat again, which makes 12 years. In fact, the story is not just a bedtime story for kids’ it’s actually used as a calendar in real life for people in some of the Asian countries. Besides that, many people believe that human personalities are influenced by the Chinese Zodiac. For example, rats are considered smart and will get whatever they want at any cost. And in the story, the hard-working ox knows he walks very slowly so he starts walking towards the finish line early in the morning. The rat hides in the ox’s hair the entire way and jumps out to touch the finish line at the last second. At the end, the rat becomes the number one amount the Zodiac sign and the poor hard-working ox only got number two. Since most Asians believe the Chinese Zodiac can affect people’s personalities, I thought it could be interesting to consider those personalities and re-design those characters in 3D. The goal of this project is to design and create a series of characters and show people born in certain years may look like

    Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Mengenai Pamali Sunda Seputar Kehamilan

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    Pamali merupakan kata bahasa Sunda yang artinya pantangan, hal yang tabu untuk dilakukan. Masa kehamilan merupakan salah satu masa yang banyak pamalinya, tetapi seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, kepercayaan orang terhadap pamali berkurang, padahal pamali mengandung alasan logis di Baliknya yang patut untuk dituruti. Oleh karena itu, perlu ada sebuah media yang memfasilitasi ibu hamil dalam memperoleh informasi mengenai pamali dan alasan logis di Baliknya, dan media yang dipilih adalah buku ilustrasi. Buku ilustrasi mengenai pamali seputar kehamilan ini menggunakan metode analisis teks, dengan teori desain karakter Tom Brancoft dan teori warna terapi dr. Poornima Ramakhrisna. Eksekusi buku (ukuran, format, cover, ukuran teks, dan warna ilustrasi) dibuat berdasarkan hasil eksperimen kepada target, yaitu ibu hamil berusia 19-32 tahun di kota-kota besar Indonesia

    DD 443-001: 2-Dimensional Character Design

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    Visual Metaphors in Set and Properties Design for ‘Setengah Nada Bergeming’ Film Trailer

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    In a film production, production design is an important aspect that supports the narrative or story.  In production design visual metaphors are often used as concepts for sets and props which have the ability to transform a long text into a shorter visual. Visual metaphor itself is a representation of a place, person, nature, and object that can be a tool to build a narrative as well as describe the nature of a character in a film. The use of visual metaphors can be done by understanding the characters in the film, because each have different characteristics and its own uniqueness. By understanding and using the 3-dimensional aspect of the character as the basis for the design of sets and props, production designers can apply visual metaphors in the design of sets and properties that are suitable for the needs of characters and narratives in films. This paper uses a qualitative approach which elaborates the process of applying visual metaphors into the set and properties design, by using the 3-dimensional character theory as the base for producing the short film trailer entitled Setengah Nada Bergeming. This research finds that by dissecting each element of the 3-dimensional character, production designer can intensify not only how a character is represented and how its contributes in building the entire narrative of the story. Keyword: visual metaphors, 3-D characters, sets, properties, short film, trailer
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