19,035 research outputs found

    Large Margin Image Set Representation and Classification

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    In this paper, we propose a novel image set representation and classification method by maximizing the margin of image sets. The margin of an image set is defined as the difference of the distance to its nearest image set from different classes and the distance to its nearest image set of the same class. By modeling the image sets by using both their image samples and their affine hull models, and maximizing the margins of the images sets, the image set representation parameter learning problem is formulated as an minimization problem, which is further optimized by an expectation -maximization (EM) strategy with accelerated proximal gradient (APG) optimization in an iterative algorithm. To classify a given test image set, we assign it to the class which could provide the largest margin. Experiments on two applications of video-sequence-based face recognition demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art image set classification methods in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency

    Noise-adaptive Margin-based Active Learning and Lower Bounds under Tsybakov Noise Condition

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    We present a simple noise-robust margin-based active learning algorithm to find homogeneous (passing the origin) linear separators and analyze its error convergence when labels are corrupted by noise. We show that when the imposed noise satisfies the Tsybakov low noise condition (Mammen, Tsybakov, and others 1999; Tsybakov 2004) the algorithm is able to adapt to unknown level of noise and achieves optimal statistical rate up to poly-logarithmic factors. We also derive lower bounds for margin based active learning algorithms under Tsybakov noise conditions (TNC) for the membership query synthesis scenario (Angluin 1988). Our result implies lower bounds for the stream based selective sampling scenario (Cohn 1990) under TNC for some fairly simple data distributions. Quite surprisingly, we show that the sample complexity cannot be improved even if the underlying data distribution is as simple as the uniform distribution on the unit ball. Our proof involves the construction of a well separated hypothesis set on the d-dimensional unit ball along with carefully designed label distributions for the Tsybakov noise condition. Our analysis might provide insights for other forms of lower bounds as well.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. An abridged version to appear in Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), which is held in Phoenix, AZ USA in 201

    On the Sample Complexity of Predictive Sparse Coding

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    The goal of predictive sparse coding is to learn a representation of examples as sparse linear combinations of elements from a dictionary, such that a learned hypothesis linear in the new representation performs well on a predictive task. Predictive sparse coding algorithms recently have demonstrated impressive performance on a variety of supervised tasks, but their generalization properties have not been studied. We establish the first generalization error bounds for predictive sparse coding, covering two settings: 1) the overcomplete setting, where the number of features k exceeds the original dimensionality d; and 2) the high or infinite-dimensional setting, where only dimension-free bounds are useful. Both learning bounds intimately depend on stability properties of the learned sparse encoder, as measured on the training sample. Consequently, we first present a fundamental stability result for the LASSO, a result characterizing the stability of the sparse codes with respect to perturbations to the dictionary. In the overcomplete setting, we present an estimation error bound that decays as \tilde{O}(sqrt(d k/m)) with respect to d and k. In the high or infinite-dimensional setting, we show a dimension-free bound that is \tilde{O}(sqrt(k^2 s / m)) with respect to k and s, where s is an upper bound on the number of non-zeros in the sparse code for any training data point.Comment: Sparse Coding Stability Theorem from version 1 has been relaxed considerably using a new notion of coding margin. Old Sparse Coding Stability Theorem still in new version, now as Theorem 2. Presentation of all proofs simplified/improved considerably. Paper reorganized. Empirical analysis showing new coding margin is non-trivial on real dataset
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