199 research outputs found

    Continuity argument revisited: geometry of root clustering via symmetric products

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    We study the spaces of polynomials stratified into the sets of polynomial with fixed number of roots inside certain semialgebraic region Ω\Omega, on its border, and at the complement to its closure. Presented approach is a generalisation, unification and development of several classical approaches to stability problems in control theory: root clustering (DD-stability) developed by R.E. Kalman, B.R. Barmish, S. Gutman et al., DD-decomposition(Yu.I. Neimark, B.T. Polyak, E.N. Gryazina) and universal parameter space method(A. Fam, J. Meditch, J.Ackermann). Our approach is based on the interpretation of correspondence between roots and coefficients of a polynomial as a symmetric product morphism. We describe the topology of strata up to homotopy equivalence and, for many important cases, up to homeomorphism. Adjacencies between strata are also described. Moreover, we provide an explanation for the special position of classical stability problems: Hurwitz stability, Schur stability, hyperbolicity.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figure

    Polynomial distribution functions on bounded closed intervals

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    The thesis explores several topics, related to polynomial distribution functions and their densities on [0,1]M, including polynomial copula functions and their densities. The contribution of this work can be subdivided into two areas. - Studying the characterization of the extreme sets of polynomial densities and copulas, which is possible due to the Choquet theorem. - Development of statistical methods that utilize the fact that the density is polynomial (which may or may not be an extreme density). With regard to the characterization of the extreme sets, we first establish that in all dimensions the density of an extreme distribution function is an extreme density. As a consequence, characterizing extreme distribution functions is equivalent to characterizing extreme densities, which is easier analytically. We provide the full constructive characterization of the Choquet-extreme polynomial densities in the univariate case, prove several necessary and sufficient conditions for the extremality of densities in arbitrary dimension, provide necessary conditions for extreme polynomial copulas, and prove characterizing duality relationships for polynomial copulas. We also introduce a special case of reflexive polynomial copulas. Most of the statistical methods we consider are restricted to the univariate case. We explore ways to construct univariate densities by mixing the extreme ones, propose non-parametric and ML estimators of polynomial densities. We introduce a new procedure to calibrate the mixing distribution and propose an extension of the standard method of moments to pinned density moment matching. As an application of the multivariate polynomial copulas, we introduce polynomial coupling and explore its application to convolution of coupled random variables. The introduction is followed by a summary of the contributions of this thesis and the sections, dedicated first to the univariate case, then to the general multivariate case, and then to polynomial copula densities. Each section first presents the main results, followed by the literature review

    Invariant-based approach to symmetry class detection

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    In this paper, the problem of the identification of the symmetry class of a given tensor is asked. Contrary to classical approaches which are based on the spectral properties of the linear operator describing the elasticity, our setting is based on the invariants of the irreducible tensors appearing in the harmonic decomposition of the elasticity tensor [Forte-Vianello, 1996]. To that aim we first introduce a geometrical description of the space of elasticity tensors. This framework is used to derive invariant-based conditions that characterize symmetry classes. For low order symmetry classes, such conditions are given on a triplet of quadratic forms extracted from the harmonic decomposition of the elasticity tensor CC, meanwhile for higher-order classes conditions are provided in terms of elements of H4H^{4}, the higher irreducible space in the decomposition of CC. Proceeding in such a way some well known conditions appearing in the Mehrabadi-Cowin theorem for the existence of a symmetry plane are retrieved, and a set of algebraic relations on polynomial invariants characterizing the orthotropic, trigonal, tetragonal, transverse isotropic and cubic symmetry classes are provided. Using a genericity assumption on the elasticity tensor under study, an algorithm to identify the symmetry class of a large set of tensors is finally provided.Comment: 32 page

    Tropical totally positive matrices

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    We investigate the tropical analogues of totally positive and totally nonnegative matrices. These arise when considering the images by the nonarchimedean valuation of the corresponding classes of matrices over a real nonarchimedean valued field, like the field of real Puiseux series. We show that the nonarchimedean valuation sends the totally positive matrices precisely to the Monge matrices. This leads to explicit polyhedral representations of the tropical analogues of totally positive and totally nonnegative matrices. We also show that tropical totally nonnegative matrices with a finite permanent can be factorized in terms of elementary matrices. We finally determine the eigenvalues of tropical totally nonnegative matrices, and relate them with the eigenvalues of totally nonnegative matrices over nonarchimedean fields.Comment: The first author has been partially supported by the PGMO Program of FMJH and EDF, and by the MALTHY Project of the ANR Program. The second author is sported by the French Chateaubriand grant and INRIA postdoctoral fellowshi
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