297 research outputs found

    Weak hyperbolicity of cube complexes and quasi-arboreal groups

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    We examine a graph Γ\Gamma encoding the intersection of hyperplane carriers in a CAT(0) cube complex X~\widetilde X. The main result is that Γ\Gamma is quasi-isometric to a tree. This implies that a group GG acting properly and cocompactly on X~\widetilde X is weakly hyperbolic relative to the hyperplane stabilizers. Using disc diagram techniques and Wright's recent result on the aymptotic dimension of CAT(0) cube complexes, we give a generalization of a theorem of Bell and Dranishnikov on the finite asymptotic dimension of graphs of asymptotically finite-dimensional groups. More precisely, we prove asymptotic finite-dimensionality for finitely-generated groups acting on finite-dimensional cube complexes with 0-cube stabilizers of uniformly bounded asymptotic dimension. Finally, we apply contact graph techniques to prove a cubical version of the flat plane theorem stated in terms of complete bipartite subgraphs of Γ\Gamma.Comment: Corrections in Sections 2 and 4. Simplification in Section

    Towards a general theory of Erdős-Ko-Rado combinatorics

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    2014 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.In 1961, Erdős, Ko, and Rado proved that for a universe of size n ≥ 2k a family of k-subsets whose members pairwise intersect cannot be larger than n-1/k-1. This fundamental result of extremal combinatorics is now known as the EKR theorem for intersecting set families. Since then, there has been a proliferation of similar EKR theorems in extremal combinatorics that characterize families of more sophisticated objects that are largest with respect to a given intersection property. This line of research has given rise to many interesting combinatorial and algebraic techniques, the latter being the focus of this thesis. Algebraic methods for EKR results are attractive since they could potentially give rise to a unified theory of EKR combinatorics, but the state-of-the-art has been shown only to apply to sets, vector spaces, and permutation families. These categories lie on opposite ends of the stability spectrum since the stabilizers of sets and vector spaces are large as possible whereas the stabilizer of a permutation is small as possible. In this thesis, we investigate a category that lies somewhere in between, namely, the perfect matchings of the complete graph. In particular, we show that an algebraic method of Godsil's can be lifted to the more general algebraic framework of Gelfand pairs, giving the first algebraic proof of the EKR theorem for intersecting families of perfect matchings as a consequence. There is strong evidence to suggest that this framework can be used to approach the open problem of characterizing the maximum t-intersecting families of perfect matchings, whose combinatorial proof remains illusive. We conclude with obstacles and open directions for extending this framework to encompass a broader spectrum of categories

    On the area of constrained polygonal linkages

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    We study configuration spaces of linkages whose underlying graph are polygons with diagonal constrains, or more general, partial two-trees. We show that (with an appropriate definition) the oriented area is a Bott-Morse function on the configuration space. Its critical points are described and Bott-Morse indices are computed. This paper is a generalization of analogous results for polygonal linkages (obtained earlier by G. Khimshiashvili, G. Panina, and A. Zhukova)
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