2 research outputs found

    Fibring In The Leibniz Hierarchy

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    This article studies preservation of certain algebraic properties of propositional logics when combined by fibring. The logics analyzed here are classified in protoalgebraic, equivalential and algebraizable. By introducing new categories of algebrizable logics and of deductivizable quasi-varieties, it is stated an isomorphism between these categories. This constitutes an alternative to a similar result found in the literature.155-6 SPEC. ISS.475501Blok, W., Pigozzi, D., Abstract algebraic logic and the deduction theorem The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, , To appearBlok, W., Pigozzi, D., Protoalgebraic logics (1986) Studia Logica, 45, pp. 337-369Blok, W., Pigozzi, D., (1989) Algebraizable Logics, volume 77 (396) of Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, , AMS, Providence, Rhode IslandJ. Bueno. Semântica Algébrica de Traduções Possíveis (Possible - Translations Algebraic Semantics, in Portuguese). 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Fibrilação de Lógicas na Hierarquia de Leibniz (Fibring Logics within the Leibniz Hierarchy, in Portuguese). PhD thesis, IFCH - State University of Campinas, Brazil, 2005Fernández, V.L., Coniglio, M.E., Fibring algebraizable consequence systems (2004) Proceedings of CombLog'04 - Workshop on Combination of Logics: Theory and Applications, pp. 93-98. , W. A. Carnielli, F. M. Dionísio, P. Mateus edsJ. M. Font, R. Jansana, and D. Pigozzi. A survey of abstract algebraic logic. Studia Logica (Special Issue on Abstract Algebraic Logic II 74(1-2):13-97, 2003. 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