3 research outputs found

    An analogue of Ryser's Theorem for partial Sudoku squares

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    In 1956 Ryser gave a necessary and sufficient condition for a partial latin rectangle to be completable to a latin square. In 1990 Hilton and Johnson showed that Ryser's condition could be reformulated in terms of Hall's Condition for partial latin squares. Thus Ryser's Theorem can be interpreted as saying that any partial latin rectangle RR can be completed if and only if RR satisfies Hall's Condition for partial latin squares. We define Hall's Condition for partial Sudoku squares and show that Hall's Condition for partial Sudoku squares gives a criterion for the completion of partial Sudoku rectangles that is both necessary and sufficient. In the particular case where n=pqn=pq, p∣rp|r, q∣sq|s, the result is especially simple, as we show that any r×sr \times s partial (p,q)(p,q)-Sudoku rectangle can be completed (no further condition being necessary).Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Characterization of graphs with Hall number 2

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    Hall's condition is a simple requirement that a graph G and list assignment L must satisfy if G is to have a proper L-colouring. The Hall number of G is the smallest integer m such that whenever the lists on the vertices each has size at least m and Hall's condition is satisfied a proper L-colouring exists. Hilton and P.D. Johnson introduced the parameter and showed that a graph has Hall number 1 if and only if every block is a clique. In this paper we give a forbidden-induced-subgraph characterization of graphs with Hall number 2