3 research outputs found

    Effects of varying acupuncture manipulations at ST36 (Zusanli) on gastric electrical frequency and amplitude in bradygastria rabbits

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    Objective. To observe the effects of different manual acupuncture (MA) manipulation on gastric electrical amplitude and frequency for noradrenaline-induced bradygastria in rabbits. Methods. A total of 60 rabbits were randomly allocated into six groups: four MA manipulation groups; reinforcing by twisting the manipulation group (FTG), reducing by twisting the manipulation group (RTG), reinforcing by lifting and thrusting the manipulation group (FLG), and reducing by lifting and thrusting the manipulation group (RLG), a control group (CG), and a model group (MG). The total treatment time length was 45 minutes. The bradygastria was induced via administration of noradrenaline via the marginal ear vein of the rabbits at 5 minutes from baseline, and the bradygastria model was established at 12 minutes from baseline. The rabbits in the four MA manipulation groups received different stimulation parameters at ST36 (Zusanli) for a duration of 3 minutes in accordance with their respective group allocation. The needles were then retained without further manipulation for a further 25 minutes. Gastric electrical amplitude and frequency were recorded using a data acquisition system (Biopac System MP150) at five different time points: baseline (for a duration of 5 minutes), after the bradygastria model was established at 12 minutes from baseline (for a duration of 5 minutes), during MA manipulation commencing at 17 minutes from baseline (for a duration of 3 minutes), 5 minutes after MA manipulation at 25 minutes from baseline (for a duration of 5 minutes), and at 20 minutes following MA manipulation at 40 minutes from baseline (for a duration of 5 minutes). Results. After noradrenaline induction, gastric electrical frequency levels in MA and MG groups were significantly decreased compared to the CG group (P 0.05). During MA manipulation, gastric electrical frequency levels in RTG, FLG, and RLG groups were higher than in the MG group (P < 0.05). At 5 minutes after MA manipulation, gastric electrical frequency levels in RTG and FLG groups were higher than in the MG group (P < 0.05), and gastric electrical frequency level in the RTG group was higher than in the CG group (P < 0.05). At 20 minutes after MA manipulation, gastric electrical frequency levels in FTG, RTG, and FLG groups were higher than in the MG group (P < 0.05). Conclusion. All four variations of MA manipulations have a recovery effect on the gastric electrical frequency of rabbits with bradygastria. In particular, results indicated that FTG, RTG, and FLG at ST36 may have a regular and significant recovery trend through the whole process of the acupuncture intervention

    „Falling values”: artifacts or source of unique information? Drastically low electrical conductivity of acupuncture points is accompanied by significant deviations of EEG, HRV, immunity, metabolism and GDV parameters

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    Background. With this article, we start the project "Functional relationships between the parameters of acupuncture points and the neuro-endocrine-immune network", thereby joining the construction of a bridge between the Western and Eastern paradigms of medicine. Materials and methods. The object of observation were 10 women (32-76 years) and 10 men (37-67 years) examined twice with a weekly interval. The volunteers were considered practically healthy, but the initial testing revealed deviations from the norm in a number of parameters of the neuro-endocrine-immune (NEI) network as a manifestation of maladaptation. We recorded electrical conductivity in acupuncture points (AP) Pg(ND), TR(X) and MC(AVL) as well as parameters of NEI network, gas discharge visualization (GDV) and metabolism. Results. The preliminary analysis of the parameters revealed in the female SO drastic deviations from both the reference and the average for the sample, the levels of electrical conductivity of three pairs of AP - that is, the so-called "falling values", which are usually removed from the subsequent analysis as artifacts. However, we found the same drastic or significant deviations of a number of other parameters of GDV, EEG, HRV, adaptation hormones, immunity and metabolism in this patient. Therefore, the registered drastic decrease in electrical conductivity of AP is by no means an artifact, but reflects the peculiarities of the NEI network, GDV and metabolism of the patient's body during the first examination. It is significant that upon re-examination, the deviations of the parameters significantly or completely approached the range of the average for the sample ± SD or the norm ± SD. Conclusion. The above gives us a reason to initiate a broad discussion of the problem of "falling variables" as carriers of unique information that is ignored and lost

    Evaluating the effect of classical acupuncture on obese individual with spleen energy deficiency

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    Obesity a low grade chronic inflammatory disease with excess storage of adipose tissue, energy imbalance being the prime factor for pathogenesis of obesity through oxidative stress which results in long term complications such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, arthritis, cancer. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the change in the anthropometric measurements after the classical acupuncture. METHODS: This study was conducted on 30 adults between the age of 18 - 35 years not under any medication and fulfilling the inclusion criteria of this study. The study design is experimental pre post study, Acupuncture given to the recruited subjects thrice a week, up to 90 days; parameters were recorded primarily at the baseline, finally at the end were compared and evaluated at the end of the study. RESULT: Results of this study showed that a significant reduction in (P < 0.001) on the anthropometric measurements significant reduction of (P = 0.05) in Weight from 68.90±5.70 to 61.83±6.60, (P = 0.02) in BMI from 31.50±2.66 to 28.56±4.20,(P = 0.04) in HC from 98.24±7.86 to 96.29±5.50, (P = 0.04) in WC from 85.60±3.34 to 81.06±2.90,(P = 0.12) in WHR from 0.86±0.23 to 0.83±0.12, (P = 0.01) in Total score from 12.60±2.56 to 3.40±5.28. R statistical software free version3.2.0 and paired T test were used for data analysis. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated the efficacy of classical acupuncture over obese individuals with spleen energy deficiency, influencing positively through reduction in weight, BMI, Waist circumference and Waist Hip Ratio