2 research outputs found

    Subword balance, position indices and power sums

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate various ways of characterizing words, mainly over a binary alphabet, using information about the positions of occurrences of letters in words. We introduce two new measures associated with words, the position index and sum of position indices. We establish some characterizations, connections with Parikh matrices, and connections with power sums. One particular emphasis concerns the effect of morphisms and iterated morphisms on words

    Two-Dimensional Digitized Picture Arrays and Parikh Matrices

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    Parikh matrix mapping or Parikh matrix of a word has been introduced in the literature to count the scattered subwords in the word. Several properties of a Parikh matrix have been extensively investigated. A picture array is a two-dimensional connected digitized rectangular array consisting of a finite number of pixels with each pixel in a cell having a label from a finite alphabet. Here we extend the notion of Parikh matrix of a word to a picture array and associate with it two kinds of Parikh matrices, called row Parikh matrix and column Parikh matrix. Two picture arrays A and B are defined to be M-equivalent if their row Parikh matrices are the same and their column Parikh matrices are the same. This enables to extend the notion of M-ambiguity to a picture array. In the binary and ternary cases, conditions that ensure M-ambiguity are then obtained