17 research outputs found

    Localization-Free Power Cartography

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    Author's accepted manuscript (postprint).© 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Spectrum cartography constructs maps of metrics such as channel gain or received signal power across a geographic area of interest using measurements of spatially distributed sensors. Applications of these maps include network planning, interference coordination, power control, localization, and cognitive radio to name a few. Existing spectrum cartography methods necessitate knowledge of sensor locations, but such locations cannot be accurately determined from pilot positioning signals (such as those in LTE or GPS) in indoor or dense urban scenarios due to multipath. To circumvent this limitation, this paper proposes localization-free cartography, where spectral maps are directly constructed from features of these positioning signals rather than from location estimates. The proposed algorithm capitalizes on the framework of kernel-based learning and offers improved prediction performance relative to existing alternatives, as demonstrated by a simulation study in a street canyon.acceptedVersio

    Location-free Spectrum Cartography

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    Spectrum cartography constructs maps of metrics such as channel gain or received signal power across a geographic area of interest using spatially distributed sensor measurements. Applications of these maps include network planning, interference coordination, power control, localization, and cognitive radios to name a few. Since existing spectrum cartography techniques require accurate estimates of the sensor locations, their performance is drastically impaired by multipath affecting the positioning pilot signals, as occurs in indoor or dense urban scenarios. To overcome such a limitation, this paper introduces a novel paradigm for spectrum cartography, where estimation of spectral maps relies on features of these positioning signals rather than on location estimates. Specific learning algorithms are built upon this approach and offer a markedly improved estimation performance than existing approaches relying on localization, as demonstrated by simulation studies in indoor scenarios.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Spectrum Map Construction Method Based on Dynamic Window Size Tensor Ring Low-rank Factors

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    Spectrum maps can model the received signal strength over a geographical region and will play a pivotal role in the intended spectrum management scheme. Traditional spectrum map construction methods cannot fully utilize the spatial-temporal correlation characteristics of observed spectrum data in a time-varying spectrum situation. The computational complexity for real-time scenes is unaffordable, and the current spectrum situation cannot be estimated promptly. To address this problem, we first model the spatial-temporal spectrum data by tensors. Then, based on the low-rank statistical characteristic of the spectrum map, we apply the tensor ring low-rank factors (TRLRF) algorithm to recover the missing spectrum data. Finally, a dynamic window mechanism is introduced to reduce the computational complexity further. The simulation results show that the proposed dynamic window size tensor ring low-rank factors (DW-TRLRF) algorithm yields higher accuracy than other state-of-the-art algorithms with significantly lower complexity

    Machine Learning Tools for Radio Map Estimation in Fading-Impaired Channels

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    In spectrum cartography, also known as radio map estimation, one constructs maps that provide the value of a given channel metric such as as the received power, power spectral density (PSD), electromagnetic absorption, or channel-gain for every spatial location in the geographic area of interest. The main idea is to deploy sensors and measure the target channel metric at a set of locations and interpolate or extrapolate the measurements. Radio maps nd a myriad of applications in wireless communications such as network planning, interference coordination, power control, spectrum management, resource allocation, handoff optimization, dynamic spectrum access, and cognitive radio. More recently, radio maps have been widely recognized as an enabling technology for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications because they allow autonomous UAVs to account for communication constraints when planning a mission. Additional use cases include radio tomography and source localization.publishedVersio