4 research outputs found

    The impact of climate change and climate variability on coastal wetland ecosystem dynamics

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    Magister Artium - MAThis thesis investigates the influence of climate change and climatic variability on wetland ecosystems (coastal and inland wetlands) on the Agulhas coastal plain. Firstly, this research examines coastal wetland ecosystem resilience to sea level rise by modelling sea level rise trajectories for the Droё River wetland. The rate of sediment accretion was modelled relative to IPCC sea level rise estimates for multiple RCP scenarios. For each scenario, inundation by neap and spring tide and the 2-, 4- and 8-year recurrence interval water level was modelled over a period of 200 years. When tidal variation is considered, the rate of sediment accretion exceeds rising sea levels associated with climate change, resulting in no major changes in terms of inundation. When sea level rise scenarios were modelled in conjunction with the recurrence interval water levels, flooding of the coastal wetland was much greater than current levels for the 1 in 4 and 1 in 8 year events. The study suggests that for this wetland, variability of flows may be a key factor contributing to wetland resilience. Secondly, the thesis examines the variability of open wetland water surface areas and their relation to rainfall to determine wetland hydrological inputs for the Nuwejaars wetland system and respective wetlands. A remote sensing approach was adopted, Landsat 5 TM and 8 OLI multispectral imagery were used to detect changes of water surfaces for the period 1989 to 2017. Water surfaces were enhanced and extracted using the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index of Xu (2006). The coefficient of variation of wetland water surface area was determined. The variability ranges from low to high for respective wetlands. A correlation analysis of wetland water surfaces and local and catchment rainfall for the preceding 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 months was undertaken. The preceding month and associated inputs explains the annual variability of surface waters. The study suggests that, the variability of wetland water surface area are related to variations to water inputs and groundwater, as well as variations in water outputs such as evapotranspiration and an outlet channel

    Extreme temperature and rainfall events and future climate change projections in the Coastal Savannah Agroecological Zone of Ghana

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    The global climate has changed, and there are concerns about the effects on both humans and the environment, necessitating more research for improved adaptation. In this study, we analyzed extreme temperature and rainfall events and projected future climate change scenarios for the coastal Savannah agroecological zone (CSAZ) of Ghana. We utilized the ETCCDI, the RClimDex software (version 1.0), the Mann-Kendall test, Sen's slope estimator, and standardized anomalies to analyze homogeneity, trends, magnitude, and seasonal variations in temperature (Tmax and Tmin) and rainfall datasets for the zone. The SDSM was also used to downscale future climate change scenarios based on the CanESM2 (RCP 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5 scenarios) and HadCM3 (A2 and B2 scenarios) models for the zone. Model performance was evaluated using statistical methods such as R2, RMSE, and PBIAS. Results revealed more changepoints in Tmin than in Tmax and rainfall. Results again showed that the CSAZ has warmed over the last four decades. The SU25, TXn, and TN90p have increased significantly in the zone, and the opposite is the case for the TN10p and DTR. Spatially varied trends were observed for the TXx, TNx, TNn, TX10p, TX90p, and the CSDI across the zone. The decrease in RX1day, RX5day, SDII, R10, R95p, and R99p was significant in most parts of the central region compared to the Greater Accra and Volta regions, while the CDD significantly decreased in the latter two regions than in the former. The trends in CWD and PRCPTOT were insignificant throughout the zone. The overall performance of both models during calibration and validation was good and ranged from 58-99%, 0.01-1.02 °C, and 0.42-11.79 °C for R2, RMSE, and PBIAS, respectively. Tmax is expected to be the highest (1.6 °C) and lowest (−1.6 °C) across the three regions, as well as the highest (1.5 °C) and lowest (−1.6 °C) for the entire zone, according to both models. Tmin is projected to be the highest (1.4 °C) and lowest (−2.1 °C) across the three regions, as well as the highest (1.4 °C) and lowest (−2.3 °C) for the entire zone. The greatest (1.6 °C) change in mean annual Tmax is expected to occur in the 2080s under RCP8.5, while that of the Tmin (3.2 °C) is expected to occur in the 2050s under the same scenario. Monthly rainfall is expected to change between −98.4 and 247.7% across the three regions and −29.0 and 148.0% for the entire zone under all scenarios. The lowest (0.8%) and highest (79%) changes in mean annual rainfall are expected to occur in the 2030s and 2080s. The findings of this study could be helpful for the development of appropriate adaptation plans to safeguard the livelihoods of people in the zone

    Changes in Lake Area in Response to Climatic Forcing in the Endorheic Hongjian Lake Basin, China

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    Endorheic lakes are key components of the water cycle and the ecological system in endorheic basins. The endorheic Hongjian Lake wetland is China’s national nature reserve for protecting the vulnerable species of Relict Gull. The Hongjian Lake, once China’s largest desert freshwater lake, has been suffering from severe shrinkage in the last two decades, yet the variations in the lake area and its responses to climate change are poorly understood due to a lack of in situ observations. In this study, using Landsat remote sensing images, the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index, and nonparametric tests, we obtained the Hongjian Lake area changes on the annual, seasonal, and quasi-monthly scales during 1988–2014, analyzed the corresponding variations of the six climatic factors in the Hongjian Lake Basin (HJLB) using satellite-based products, and investigated the multi-scale response characteristics of lake area to climatic forcing using correlation analysis. The results showed that the lake area decreased during 1988–2014, and this process can be divided into two sub-stages, namely the first slight increasing sub-phase in 1988–1999 and the second significant declining sub-phase in 2000–2014. The shifts in patterns of the seasonal cycle had three types: as the natural rhythm of the lake changes has been broken by intensive human activities since the late 1990s, the natural bimodal type I has obviously changed into non-natural bimodal type II and unimodal type III, featured by a declining peak in July–September. The climatic wet/dry regime on multi-scales during 1988–2014 in the HJLB was generally warming and drying, mainly reflected by the increase in temperature (T), arid index (AI) and evaporation (ET0, ETa), and the decrease in the precipitation (Pre) and actual water difference (AWD). There were large differences in the climatic factors at different time scales, especially in the wet and dry seasons. When the lagged effect, the cumulative effect, and the lagged and cumulative combined effect were gradually considered, the correlation coefficient significantly increased, and the direction of the correlation coefficient became coincident with common sense. The correlation analysis identified a lag period of approximately 1–3 years on an annual scale, and a lag period of approximately 1–3 months on a monthly scale. This study could provide a certain scientific reference for climate change detection, water resource management, and species habitat protection in the HJLB and similar endorheic basins or inland arid regions