4 research outputs found

    Computing and maximizing the exact reliability of wireless backhaul networks

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    The reliability of a fixed wireless backhaul network is the probability that the network can meet all the communication requirements considering the uncertainty (e.g., due to weather) in the maximum capacity of each link. We provide an algorithm to compute the exact reliability of a backhaul network, given a discrete probability distribution on the possible capacities available at each link. The algorithm computes a conditional probability tree, where each leaf in the tree requires a valid routing for the network. Any such tree provides an upper and lower bound on the reliability, and the algorithm improves these bounds by branching in the tree. We also consider the problem of determining the topology and configuration of a backhaul network that maximizes reliability subject to a limited budget. We provide an algorithm that exploits properties of the conditional probability tree used to calculate reliability of a given network design. We perform a computational study demonstrating that the proposed methods can calculate reliability of large backhaul networks, and can optimize topology for modest size networks

    Dimensioning microwave wireless networks

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    International audienceWe aim at dimensioning fixed broadband microwave wireless networks under unreliable channel conditions. As the transport capacity of microwave links is prone to variations due to, e.g., weather conditions, such a dimensioning requires special attention. It can be formulated as the determination of the minimum cost bandwidth assignment of the links in the network for which traffic requirements can be met with high probability, while taking into account that transport link capacities vary depending on channel conditions. The proposed optimization model represents a major step forward since we consider dynamic routing. Experimental results show that the resulting solutions can save up to 45% of the bandwidth cost compared to the case where a bandwidth over-provisioning policy is uniformly applied to all links in the network planning. Comparisons with previous work also show that we can solve much larger instances in significantly shorter computing times, with a comparable level of reliability

    Chance-Constrained Optimization of Reliable Fixed Broadband Wireless Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, we extend our former investigation on conceiving reliable fixed point-to-point wireless networks under outage probability constraints. We consider the problem of determining the minimum cost bandwidth assignment of a network, while guaranteeing a reliability level of the solution. If the optimal bandwidth assignment and routing of traffic demands are accomplished, the reliability criterion requires that network flows remain feasible with high probability, regarding that the performance of microwave links is prone to variations due to external factors, e.g., weather. We introduce a chance-constrained programming approach to tackle this problem and we present reformulations to standard integer linear programming models, including a budget-constrained formulation. To improve the solving performance, we propose new valid inequalities and a primal heuristic. Computational results present a performance analysis of the valid inequalities and the heuristic. Further, the outperformance of the novel model compared to more traditional approaches is documented