3 research outputs found


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    Analisis Kode Statis (Static Code Analysis) masuk ke dalam metode white box testing yang digunakan pada pengembangan aplikasi. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan cara mengevaluasi source code untuk mendeteksi pelanggaran kode apa saja yang terdapat dalam project aplikasi open source To Do List berbasis website menggunakan Laravel dan Vue.js. Proses analisis kode statis bertujuan memberikan pemahaman serta memastikan basic code pada project telah memenuhi standarisasi pengkodean yang telah ditetapkan. Teknik pengujian source code dilakukan melewati proses scanning pada project dengan standarisasi pengkodean yang telah ditetapkan dan diatur dalam Quality Gate SonarQube sebagai acuan untuk seberapa tinggi kualitas kode yang harus dilalui. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh melalui tool SonarQube menunjukkan pelanggaran kode yang ditemukan secara keseluruhan pada project To Do List dengan beberapa kategori issues, yaitu 4 bug, 2 security hotspots, 31 code smell, dan 117 duplicate lines of code dengan density sebesar 18,3% yang membutuhkan total waktu estimasi pengerjaan untuk perbaikan pelanggaran kode sebanyak 2 jam 35 menit

    Modelo de mejora para pruebas continuas

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    La Entrega Continua es una pr谩ctica donde se desarrolla software de calidad de un modo en el que puede ser lanzado a producci贸n en cualquier momento. Sin embargo, como parte de este trabajo de investigaci贸n se realizaron una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura y una encuesta, las cuales reportan que tanto la literatura acad茅mica como la industria todav铆a encuentran problemas relacionados con el proceso de pruebas al usar pr谩cticas como Entrega Continua o Despliegue Continuo. De este modo, se propone el Modelo de Mejora para Pruebas Continuas como una soluci贸n a los problemas de pruebas en los entornos de desarrollo continuo. El mismo recopila propuestas y enfoques de diferentes autores que son presentados como buenas pr谩cticas, agrupadas por tipos de pruebas y divididos en cuatro niveles. Estos niveles indican una jerarqu铆a de mejora y un camino evolutivo en la implementaci贸n de las Pruebas Continuas. Adem谩s, una herramienta llamada EvalCTIM fue desarrollada para guiar la evaluaci贸n del proceso de pruebas utilizando el modelo propuesto. Finalmente, para validar el modelo, se emple贸 el m茅todo de Investigaci贸n-Acci贸n mediante una evaluaci贸n te贸rica interpretativa seguida de estudios de casos llevados a cabo en proyectos de desarrollo de software reales. Los resultados demuestran que el modelo se puede utilizar como una soluci贸n para implementar las Pruebas Continuas de forma gradual en empresas con entornos de desarrollo continuo.Continuous Delivery is a practice where high-quality software is built in a way that it can be released into production at any time. However, a systematic literature review and a survey performed as part of this research report that both the literature and the industry are still facing problems related to testing using practices like Continuous Delivery or Continuous Development. Thus, we propose Continuous Testing Improvement Model as a solution to the testing problems in continuous software development environments. It brings together proposals and approaches from different authors which are presented as good practices grouped by type of tests and divided into four levels. These levels indicate an improvement hierarchy and an evolutionary path in the implementation of Continuous Testing. Also, an application called EvalCTIM was developed to support the appraisal of a testing process using the proposed model. Finally, to validate the model, an action-research methodology was employed through an interpretive theoretical evaluation followed by case studies conducted in real software development projects. The results demonstrate that the model can be used as a solution for implementing Continuous Testing gradually at companies using continuous software development practices.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Challenges of SonarQube Plug-In Maintenance

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    The SONARQUBETM platform is a widely used open-source tool for continuous code quality management. It provides an API to extend the platform with plug-ins to upload additional data or to enrich its functionalities. The SourceMeter plug-in for SONARQUBETM platform integrates the SourceMeter static source code analyzer tool into the SONARQUBETM platform, i.e., uploads the analysis results and extends the GUI to be able to present the new results. The first version of the plug-in was released in 2015 and was compatible with the corresponding SONARQUBETM version. However, the platform-and what is more important, its API-have evolved a lot since then, therefore the plug-in had to be adapted to the new API. It was not just a slight adjustment, though, because we had to redesign and reimplement the whole UI and, at the same time, perform significant alterations in other parts of the plug-in as well. Besides, we examined the effect of the API evolution on other open-source plug-ins and found that most of them still remain compatible with the latest version, even if they have not been updated alongside the underlying API modifications. The reason for this is that these plug-ins use only a small part of the API that have not changed over time. 漏 2019 IEEE