3 research outputs found

    Challenges associated with generative forms of multimedia content (keynote talk)

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    This short paper presents what is currently the main challenge associated with using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate visual media. That challenge is around automatically determining the authenticity of an image/video, which is of increasing importance as fake videos and images start to proliferate on social media, especially when associated with political campaigning. The paper introduces GANs, outlines how they are used to generate visual media and summarises this major challenge

    Challenges associated with generative forms of multimedia content (keynote talk)

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    This short paper presents what is currently the main challenge associated with using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate visual media. That challenge is around automatically determining the authenticity of an image/video, which is of increasing importance as fake videos and images start to proliferate on social media, especially when associated with political campaigning. The paper introduces GANs, outlines how they are used to generate visual media and summarises this major challenge

    Populismus und Protest. Demokratische Öffentlichkeiten und Medienbildung in Zeiten von Rechtsextremismus und Digitalisierung

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    Wie verändern Technologien Partizipation? Das Aufkommen digitaler Technologien hat neue Formen des Engagements ermöglicht, die Protestbewegungen, politische Kampagnen oder auch Initiativen der politischen Bildung prägen. Veränderte Aufmerksamkeitsökonomien und Affektpolitiken, von denen rechtspopulistische Akteur*innen profitieren, fordern die demokratische Selbstverständigung ebenso heraus wie die Macht der Daten. Der Band versammelt Perspektiven aus der Allgemeinen Erziehungswissenschaft und Medienpädagogik auf (post-)digitale demokratische Öffentlichkeiten. (DIPF/Orig.