117 research outputs found

    The Adversarial Attack and Detection under the Fisher Information Metric

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    Many deep learning models are vulnerable to the adversarial attack, i.e., imperceptible but intentionally-designed perturbations to the input can cause incorrect output of the networks. In this paper, using information geometry, we provide a reasonable explanation for the vulnerability of deep learning models. By considering the data space as a non-linear space with the Fisher information metric induced from a neural network, we first propose an adversarial attack algorithm termed one-step spectral attack (OSSA). The method is described by a constrained quadratic form of the Fisher information matrix, where the optimal adversarial perturbation is given by the first eigenvector, and the model vulnerability is reflected by the eigenvalues. The larger an eigenvalue is, the more vulnerable the model is to be attacked by the corresponding eigenvector. Taking advantage of the property, we also propose an adversarial detection method with the eigenvalues serving as characteristics. Both our attack and detection algorithms are numerically optimized to work efficiently on large datasets. Our evaluations show superior performance compared with other methods, implying that the Fisher information is a promising approach to investigate the adversarial attacks and defenses.Comment: Accepted as an AAAI-2019 oral pape

    Fast and Robust Rank Aggregation against Model Misspecification

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    In rank aggregation, preferences from different users are summarized into a total order under the homogeneous data assumption. Thus, model misspecification arises and rank aggregation methods take some noise models into account. However, they all rely on certain noise model assumptions and cannot handle agnostic noises in the real world. In this paper, we propose CoarsenRank, which rectifies the underlying data distribution directly and aligns it to the homogeneous data assumption without involving any noise model. To this end, we define a neighborhood of the data distribution over which Bayesian inference of CoarsenRank is performed, and therefore the resultant posterior enjoys robustness against model misspecification. Further, we derive a tractable closed-form solution for CoarsenRank making it computationally efficient. Experiments on real-world datasets show that CoarsenRank is fast and robust, achieving consistent improvement over baseline methods
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