2 research outputs found

    Autenticación de contenidos y control de acceso en redes peer-to-peer puras

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    Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del área de investigación de la seguridad en entornos Peer-to-Peer (P2P) totalmente descentralizados (también denominados puros.) En particular, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es definir, analizar e implementar un esquema para la distribución segura de los contenidos compartidos. En este trabajo de tesis se han realizado importantes avances e innovadoras aportaciones enfocadas a garantizar que el contenido compartido es auténtico; es decir, que no ha sido alterado, incluso tratándose de una réplica del original. Además, se propone un mecanismo de control de acceso orientado a proporcionar servicios de autorización en un entorno que no cuenta con una jerarquía de autoridades de certificación. A continuación, se resume la metodología seguida, las principales aportaciones de esta tesis y, finalmente, se muestran las conclusiones más importantes. __________________________________________The study and analysis of the state-of-the-art on security in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks gives us many important insights regarding the lack of practical security mechanisms in such fully decentralized and highly dynamic networks. The major problems range from the absence of content authentication mechanisms, which address and assure the authenticity and integrity of the resources shared by networking nodes, to access control proposals, which provide authorization services. In particular, the combination of both, authentication and access control, within well-known P2P file sharing systems may involve several advances in the content replication and distribution processes. The aim of this thesis is to define, develop and evaluate a secure P2P content distribution scheme for file sharing scenarios. The proposal will be based on the use of digital certificates, similar to those used in the provision of public key authenticity. To carry out this proposal in such an environment, which does not count on a hierarchy of certification authorities, we will explore the application of non-conventional techniques, such as Byzantine agreement protocols and schemes based on “proof-of-work.” We then propose a content authentication protocol for pure P2P file sharing systems. Under certain restrictions, our scheme provides guarantees that a content is authentic, i.e. it has not been altered, even if it is a replica of the original and the source has lost control over it. Moreover, we extend our initial work by showing how digital certificates can be modified to provide authorization capabilities for self-organizing peers. The entire scheme is first theoretically analyzed, and also implemented in C and Java in order to evaluate its performance. This document is presented as Ph.D. Thesis within the 2007–08 Ph.D. in Computer Science Program at Carlos III University of Madrid

    Certificate-based Access Control in Pure P2P Networks

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