6 research outputs found


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    Information Technology (IT) governance decisions usually involve several stakeholders with divergent claims. Past research on IT governance focused on internal stakeholders\u27 responsibilities and roles in IT governance decisions. However, we don’t know much about external stakeholders’ place in IT governance. Based on stakeholder theory, a qualitative research approach is adopted to determine the importance of different external stakeholders in IT governance by examining how they are prioritized in this context. Results suggested that external stakeholders’ prioritization in IT governance context as perceived by IT executives vary according to IT decision domains. Moreover external stakeholders’ influence over IT decision domains may be direct or indirect depending on their active role in IT activities or on their relationship with the organization as a whole. Implications of results are discussed

    The Competition Effect of Decentralized Platforms: An Analytical Model

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    Envelopment angst and concerns about the exploitative appropriation of data network effects can lead to fragmented platform markets. In this paper, we investigate if this fragmentation can be mended with decentralized platform architectures. Abstracting from an exemplary case in the mobility-as-a-service sector, we model a competitive two-platform market with a centralized platform and decentralized alternative. We find that in markets with high envelopment costs, the co-existence of these platforms leads to market segmentation: Complementors with low market power join the centralized platform, while complementors with high market power join the decentralized platform. Furthermore, the existence of a decentralized alternative can increase welfare. Lastly, by considering data control aspects, we demonstrate the effect of favorable platform design on complementor decision-making

    The competition effect of decentralized platforms: An analytical model

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    peer reviewedEnvelopment angst and concerns about the exploitative appropriation of data network effects can lead to fragmented platform markets. In this paper, we investigate if this fragmentation can be mended with decentralized platform architectures. Abstracting from an exemplary case in the mobility-as-a-service sector, we model a competitive two-platform market with a centralized platform and decentralized alternative. We find that in markets with high envelopment costs, the co-existence of these platforms leads to market segmentation: Complementors with low market power join the centralized platform, while complementors with high market power join the decentralized platform. Furthermore, the existence of a decentralized alternative can increase welfare. Lastly, by considering data control aspects, we demonstrate the effect of favorable platform design on complementor decision-making.R-AGR-3787 - EU 2020 - MDOT (01/07/2020 - 31/12/2023) - FRIDGEN Gilber

    Measuring the effectiveness of information systems

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    Measuring the effectiveness of information systems (IS) is an issue that has generated debate and research among academics and practitioners. This thesis consolidates the numerous and various approaches to measuring IS effectiveness into six general schools of thought: user satisfaction, system usage, performance/usefulness, productivity, value analysis and cost-benefit analysis. It then presents a model for examining the various linkages that exist among the IS effectiveness measues. These linkages include: user satisfaction and system usage, system usage and performance, performance and productivity, and productivity and cost justification. This research provides a user a summary of the IS effectiveness literature of the past two decades and a consolidated reference for measuring the effectiveness of information systems.http://archive.org/details/measuringeffecti1094530950Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Rôle de la gouvernance des TI dans la création de la valeur des TI pour l'organisation

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    Les investissements octroyés au domaine des TI par les organisations sont de plus en plus importants. Ils représentent dans certaines industries plus de 6 % du revenu de l’organisation (Gartner, 2014a). Paradoxalement, plusieurs organisations arrivent difficilement à générer un bon retour sur leur investissements TI à cause d’un contrôle déficient ou d’une mauvaise prise de décision sur ces mêmes investissements (IT Governance Institute, 2008). En revanche, les entreprises qui réussissent s’efforcent à éviter ces manquements par la mise en place d’une gouvernance des TI efficace. L’existence d’une relation positive entre la gouvernance des TI et la performance organisationnelle a été mise en évidence par quelques recherches antérieures. En l’occurrence, Weill et Ross (2004) soulignent que les entreprises dotées d’une gouvernance des TI efficace enregistrent un rendement de leur investissements TI supérieur de 40% aux autres (Weill & Ross, 2004). Cependant, ces études n’expliquent pas comment la gouvernance des TI serait liée à la performance de l’organisation. Dans cette thèse, nous avons cherché à clarifier conceptuellement et empiriquement cette relation en proposant dans un premier temps une conceptualisation théorique de cette relation qui se trouve fondée sur la perspective des capacités dynamiques (Article #1). Les apprentissages conceptuels issus du premier article ont été exploités par la suite pour développer et tester empiriquement un modèle théorique de l’influence de la gouvernance des TI sur la contribution des TI à la performance organisationnelle (Article #2). Finalement, une étude qualitative de l’importance accordée aux parties prenantes externes dans la gouvernance des TI a été menée (Article #3). Ce troisième article part du principe qu’une gouvernance des TI efficace, et qui se veut génératrice de la valeur pour l’organisation, doit prendre en considération toute partie prenante qui peut influencer la prise de décision TI de l’organisation, incluant les parties externes à l’organisation. Mots-clés : gouvernance des TI, sophistication de gestion des TI, alignement stratégique des TI, contribution des TI à la performance organisationnelle, capacités dynamiques, parties prenantes externes, théorie des parties prenantes.Investments allocated to IT by organisations are increasingly important. They represent in some industries more than 6% of the organisation’s revenue (Gartner, 2014a). However, many organizations still fail to create value from their IT investments because of a lack of control or a poor decision making on these investments (IT Governance Institute, 2008). Successful enterprises strive to avoid these shortcomings through effective IT governance. The existence of a positive relationship between IT governance and organizational performance was highlighted by some previous research. For instance, Weill and Ross (2004) point out that companies with an effective IT governance tend to achieve 40 % better return from their IT investments than others. However, these studies do not explain how IT governance is related to the organisation’s performance. In this thesis, we sought to clarify conceptually and empirically that relationship by offering initially a theoretical conceptualization of this relationship that is based on the dynamic capabilities perspective (article #1). Conceptual learning from the first article was subsequently exploited to develop and empirically test a theoretical model of IT governance influence on IT contribution to organizational performance (article #2). Finally, a qualitative study of the importance given to external stakeholders in IT governance was conducted (article #3). This third article assumes that effective IT governance that is able to achieve IT business value for the organization must consider every stakeholder that can influence the organization’s IT decision-making, including the organization external stakeholders. Keywords: IT governance, IT management sophistication, IT strategic alignment, IT contribution to organisational performance, dynamic capabilities, external stakeholders, stakeholder theory