15,308 research outputs found

    Cell-probe Lower Bounds for Dynamic Problems via a New Communication Model

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    In this paper, we develop a new communication model to prove a data structure lower bound for the dynamic interval union problem. The problem is to maintain a multiset of intervals I\mathcal{I} over [0,n][0, n] with integer coordinates, supporting the following operations: - insert(a, b): add an interval [a,b][a, b] to I\mathcal{I}, provided that aa and bb are integers in [0,n][0, n]; - delete(a, b): delete a (previously inserted) interval [a,b][a, b] from I\mathcal{I}; - query(): return the total length of the union of all intervals in I\mathcal{I}. It is related to the two-dimensional case of Klee's measure problem. We prove that there is a distribution over sequences of operations with O(n)O(n) insertions and deletions, and O(n0.01)O(n^{0.01}) queries, for which any data structure with any constant error probability requires Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n\log n) time in expectation. Interestingly, we use the sparse set disjointness protocol of H\aa{}stad and Wigderson [ToC'07] to speed up a reduction from a new kind of nondeterministic communication games, for which we prove lower bounds. For applications, we prove lower bounds for several dynamic graph problems by reducing them from dynamic interval union

    Amortized Dynamic Cell-Probe Lower Bounds from Four-Party Communication

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    This paper develops a new technique for proving amortized, randomized cell-probe lower bounds on dynamic data structure problems. We introduce a new randomized nondeterministic four-party communication model that enables "accelerated", error-preserving simulations of dynamic data structures. We use this technique to prove an Ω(n(logn/loglogn)2)\Omega(n(\log n/\log\log n)^2) cell-probe lower bound for the dynamic 2D weighted orthogonal range counting problem (2D-ORC) with n/polylognn/\mathrm{poly}\log n updates and nn queries, that holds even for data structures with exp(Ω~(n))\exp(-\tilde{\Omega}(n)) success probability. This result not only proves the highest amortized lower bound to date, but is also tight in the strongest possible sense, as a matching upper bound can be obtained by a deterministic data structure with worst-case operational time. This is the first demonstration of a "sharp threshold" phenomenon for dynamic data structures. Our broader motivation is that cell-probe lower bounds for exponentially small success facilitate reductions from dynamic to static data structures. As a proof-of-concept, we show that a slightly strengthened version of our lower bound would imply an Ω((logn/loglogn)2)\Omega((\log n /\log\log n)^2) lower bound for the static 3D-ORC problem with O(nlogO(1)n)O(n\log^{O(1)}n) space. Such result would give a near quadratic improvement over the highest known static cell-probe lower bound, and break the long standing Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) barrier for static data structures

    Equivalence of Systematic Linear Data Structures and Matrix Rigidity

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    Recently, Dvir, Golovnev, and Weinstein have shown that sufficiently strong lower bounds for linear data structures would imply new bounds for rigid matrices. However, their result utilizes an algorithm that requires an NPNP oracle, and hence, the rigid matrices are not explicit. In this work, we derive an equivalence between rigidity and the systematic linear model of data structures. For the nn-dimensional inner product problem with mm queries, we prove that lower bounds on the query time imply rigidity lower bounds for the query set itself. In particular, an explicit lower bound of ω(nrlogm)\omega\left(\frac{n}{r}\log m\right) for rr redundant storage bits would yield better rigidity parameters than the best bounds due to Alon, Panigrahy, and Yekhanin. We also prove a converse result, showing that rigid matrices directly correspond to hard query sets for the systematic linear model. As an application, we prove that the set of vectors obtained from rank one binary matrices is rigid with parameters matching the known results for explicit sets. This implies that the vector-matrix-vector problem requires query time Ω(n3/2/r)\Omega(n^{3/2}/r) for redundancy rnr \geq \sqrt{n} in the systematic linear model, improving a result of Chakraborty, Kamma, and Larsen. Finally, we prove a cell probe lower bound for the vector-matrix-vector problem in the high error regime, improving a result of Chattopadhyay, Kouck\'{y}, Loff, and Mukhopadhyay.Comment: 23 pages, 1 tabl

    Crossing the Logarithmic Barrier for Dynamic Boolean Data Structure Lower Bounds

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    This paper proves the first super-logarithmic lower bounds on the cell probe complexity of dynamic boolean (a.k.a. decision) data structure problems, a long-standing milestone in data structure lower bounds. We introduce a new method for proving dynamic cell probe lower bounds and use it to prove a Ω~(log1.5n)\tilde{\Omega}(\log^{1.5} n) lower bound on the operational time of a wide range of boolean data structure problems, most notably, on the query time of dynamic range counting over F2\mathbb{F}_2 ([Pat07]). Proving an ω(lgn)\omega(\lg n) lower bound for this problem was explicitly posed as one of five important open problems in the late Mihai P\v{a}tra\c{s}cu's obituary [Tho13]. This result also implies the first ω(lgn)\omega(\lg n) lower bound for the classical 2D range counting problem, one of the most fundamental data structure problems in computational geometry and spatial databases. We derive similar lower bounds for boolean versions of dynamic polynomial evaluation and 2D rectangle stabbing, and for the (non-boolean) problems of range selection and range median. Our technical centerpiece is a new way of "weakly" simulating dynamic data structures using efficient one-way communication protocols with small advantage over random guessing. This simulation involves a surprising excursion to low-degree (Chebychev) polynomials which may be of independent interest, and offers an entirely new algorithmic angle on the "cell sampling" method of Panigrahy et al. [PTW10]

    New Unconditional Hardness Results for Dynamic and Online Problems

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    There has been a resurgence of interest in lower bounds whose truth rests on the conjectured hardness of well known computational problems. These conditional lower bounds have become important and popular due to the painfully slow progress on proving strong unconditional lower bounds. Nevertheless, the long term goal is to replace these conditional bounds with unconditional ones. In this paper we make progress in this direction by studying the cell probe complexity of two conjectured to be hard problems of particular importance: matrix-vector multiplication and a version of dynamic set disjointness known as Patrascu's Multiphase Problem. We give improved unconditional lower bounds for these problems as well as introducing new proof techniques of independent interest. These include a technique capable of proving strong threshold lower bounds of the following form: If we insist on having a very fast query time, then the update time has to be slow enough to compute a lookup table with the answer to every possible query. This is the first time a lower bound of this type has been proven

    Cell-Probe Lower Bounds from Online Communication Complexity

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    In this work, we introduce an online model for communication complexity. Analogous to how online algorithms receive their input piece-by-piece, our model presents one of the players, Bob, his input piece-by-piece, and has the players Alice and Bob cooperate to compute a result each time before the next piece is revealed to Bob. This model has a closer and more natural correspondence to dynamic data structures than classic communication models do, and hence presents a new perspective on data structures. We first present a tight lower bound for the online set intersection problem in the online communication model, demonstrating a general approach for proving online communication lower bounds. The online communication model prevents a batching trick that classic communication complexity allows, and yields a stronger lower bound. We then apply the online communication model to prove data structure lower bounds for two dynamic data structure problems: the Group Range problem and the Dynamic Connectivity problem for forests. Both of the problems admit a worst case O(logn)O(\log n)-time data structure. Using online communication complexity, we prove a tight cell-probe lower bound for each: spending o(logn)o(\log n) (even amortized) time per operation results in at best an exp(δ2n)\exp(-\delta^2 n) probability of correctly answering a (1/2+δ)(1/2+\delta)-fraction of the nn queries

    Lower Bounds for Oblivious Near-Neighbor Search

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    We prove an Ω(dlgn/(lglgn)2)\Omega(d \lg n/ (\lg\lg n)^2) lower bound on the dynamic cell-probe complexity of statistically oblivious\mathit{oblivious} approximate-near-neighbor search (ANN\mathsf{ANN}) over the dd-dimensional Hamming cube. For the natural setting of d=Θ(logn)d = \Theta(\log n), our result implies an Ω~(lg2n)\tilde{\Omega}(\lg^2 n) lower bound, which is a quadratic improvement over the highest (non-oblivious) cell-probe lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN}. This is the first super-logarithmic unconditional\mathit{unconditional} lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN} against general (non black-box) data structures. We also show that any oblivious static\mathit{static} data structure for decomposable search problems (like ANN\mathsf{ANN}) can be obliviously dynamized with O(logn)O(\log n) overhead in update and query time, strengthening a classic result of Bentley and Saxe (Algorithmica, 1980).Comment: 28 page