31 research outputs found

    Optimization of Cell-Aware Test

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    Optimization of Cell-Aware Test

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    Reducing Library Characterization Time for Cell-aware Test while Maintaining Test Quality

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    Cell-aware test (CAT) explicitly targets faults caused by defects inside library cells to improve test quality, compared with conventional automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) approaches, which target faults only at the boundaries of library cells. The CAT methodology consists of two stages. Stage 1, based on dedicated analog simulation, library characterization per cell identifies which cell-level test pattern detects which cell-internal defect; this detection information is encoded in a defect detection matrix (DDM). In Stage 2, with the DDMs as inputs, cell-aware ATPG generates chip-level test patterns per circuit design that is build up of interconnected instances of library cells. This paper focuses on Stage 1, library characterization, as both test quality and cost are determined by the set of cell-internal defects identified and simulated in the CAT tool flow. With the aim to achieve the best test quality, we first propose an approach to identify a comprehensive set, referred to as full set, of potential open- and short-defect locations based on cell layout. However, the full set of defects can be large even for a single cell, making the time cost of the defect simulation in Stage 1 unaffordable. Subsequently, to reduce the simulation time, we collapse the full set to a compact set of defects which serves as input of the defect simulation. The full set is stored for the diagnosis and failure analysis. With inspecting the simulation results, we propose a method to verify the test quality based on the compact set of defects and, if necessary, to compensate the test quality to the same level as that based on the full set of defects. For 351 combinational library cells in Cadence’s GPDK045 45nm library, we simulate only 5.4% defects from the full set to achieve the same test quality based on the full set of defects. In total, the simulation time, via linear extrapolation per cell, would be reduced by 96.4% compared with the time based on the full set of defects

    Recent Trends and Perspectives on Defect-Oriented Testing

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    Electronics employed in modern safety-critical systems require severe qualification during the manufacturing process and in the field, to prevent fault effects from manifesting themselves as critical failures during mission operations. Traditional fault models are not sufficient anymore to guarantee the required quality levels for chips utilized in mission-critical applications. The research community and industry have been investigating new test approaches such as device-aware test, cell-aware test, path-delay test, and even test methodologies based on the analysis of manufacturing data to move the scope from OPPM to OPPB. This special session presents four contributions, from academic researchers and industry professionals, to enable better chip quality. We present results on various activities towards this objective, including device-aware test, software-based self-test, and memory test

    Scan-Chain Intra-Cell Aware Testing

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    This paper first presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of different test pattern sets in terms of ability to detect possible intra-cell defects affecting the scan flip-flops. The analysis is then used to develop an effective test solution to improve the overall test quality. As a major result, the paper demonstrates that by combining test vectors generated by a commercial ATPG to detect stuck-at and delay faults, plus a fragment of extra test patterns generated to specifically target the escaped defects, we can obtain a higher intra-cell defect coverage (i.e., 6.46% on average) and a shorter test time (i.e., 42.20% on average) than by straightforwardly using an ATPG which directly targets these defects

    Exploring the Mysteries of System-Level Test

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    System-level test, or SLT, is an increasingly important process step in today's integrated circuit testing flows. Broadly speaking, SLT aims at executing functional workloads in operational modes. In this paper, we consolidate available knowledge about what SLT is precisely and why it is used despite its considerable costs and complexities. We discuss the types or failures covered by SLT, and outline approaches to quality assessment, test generation and root-cause diagnosis in the context of SLT. Observing that the theoretical understanding for all these questions has not yet reached the level of maturity of the more conventional structural and functional test methods, we outline new and promising directions for methodical developments leveraging on recent findings from software engineering.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Mixed-level identification of fault redundancy in microprocessors

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    A new high-level implementation independent functional fault model for control faults in microprocessors is introduced. The fault model is based on the instruction set, and is specified as a set of data constraints to be satisfied by test data generation. We show that the high-level test, which satisfies these data constraints, will be sufficient to guarantee the detection of all non-redundant low level faults. The paper proposes a simple and fast simulation based method of generating test data, which satisfy the constraints prescribed by the proposed fault model, and a method of evaluating the high-level control fault coverage for the proposed fault model and for the given test. A method is presented for identification of the high-level redundant faults, and it is shown that a test, which provides 100% coverage of non-redundant high-level faults, will also guarantee 100% non-redundant SAF coverage, whereas all gate-level SAF not covered by the test are identified as redundant. Experimental results of test generation for the execution part of a microprocessor support the results presented in the paper.Comment: 2019 IEEE Latin American Test Symposium (LATS

    Optimizing Test Pattern Generation Using Top-Off ATPG Methodology for Stuck–AT, Transition and Small Delay Defect Faults

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    The ever increasing complexity and size of digital circuits complemented by Deep Sub Micron (DSM) technology trends today pose challenges to the efficient Design For Test (DFT) methodologies. Innovation is required not only in designing the digital circuits, but also in automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) to ensure that the pattern set screens all the targeted faults while still complying with the Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) memory constraints. DSM technology trends push the requirements of ATPG to not only include the conventional static defects but also to include test patterns for dynamic defects. The current industry practices consider test pattern generation for transition faults to screen dynamic defects. It has been observed that just screening for transition faults alone is not sufficient in light of the continuing DSM technology trends. Shrinking technology nodes have pushed DFT engineers to include Small Delay Defect (SDD) test patterns in the production flow. The current industry standard ATPG tools are evolving and SDD ATPG is not the most economical option in terms of both test generation CPU time and pattern volume. New techniques must be explored in order to ensure that a quality test pattern set can be generated which includes patterns for stuck-at, transition and SDD faults, all the while ensuring that the pattern volume remains economical. This thesis explores the use of a “Top-Off” ATPG methodology to generate an optimal test pattern set which can effectively screen the required fault models while containing the pattern volume within a reasonable limit