17 research outputs found

    Detailed simulations of cell biology with Smoldyn 2.1.

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    Most cellular processes depend on intracellular locations and random collisions of individual protein molecules. To model these processes, we developed algorithms to simulate the diffusion, membrane interactions, and reactions of individual molecules, and implemented these in the Smoldyn program. Compared to the popular MCell and ChemCell simulators, we found that Smoldyn was in many cases more accurate, more computationally efficient, and easier to use. Using Smoldyn, we modeled pheromone response system signaling among yeast cells of opposite mating type. This model showed that secreted Bar1 protease might help a cell identify the fittest mating partner by sharpening the pheromone concentration gradient. This model involved about 200,000 protein molecules, about 7000 cubic microns of volume, and about 75 minutes of simulated time; it took about 10 hours to run. Over the next several years, as faster computers become available, Smoldyn will allow researchers to model and explore systems the size of entire bacterial and smaller eukaryotic cells

    A new multicompartmental reaction-diffusion modeling method links transient membrane attachment of E. coli MinE to E-ring formation

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    Many important cellular processes are regulated by reaction-diffusion (RD) of molecules that takes place both in the cytoplasm and on the membrane. To model and analyze such multicompartmental processes, we developed a lattice-based Monte Carlo method, Spatiocyte that supports RD in volume and surface compartments at single molecule resolution. Stochasticity in RD and the excluded volume effect brought by intracellular molecular crowding, both of which can significantly affect RD and thus, cellular processes, are also supported. We verified the method by comparing simulation results of diffusion, irreversible and reversible reactions with the predicted analytical and best available numerical solutions. Moreover, to directly compare the localization patterns of molecules in fluorescence microscopy images with simulation, we devised a visualization method that mimics the microphotography process by showing the trajectory of simulated molecules averaged according to the camera exposure time. In the rod-shaped bacterium _Escherichia coli_, the division site is suppressed at the cell poles by periodic pole-to-pole oscillations of the Min proteins (MinC, MinD and MinE) arising from carefully orchestrated RD in both cytoplasm and membrane compartments. Using Spatiocyte we could model and reproduce the _in vivo_ MinDE localization dynamics by accounting for the established properties of MinE. Our results suggest that the MinE ring, which is essential in preventing polar septation, is largely composed of MinE that is transiently attached to the membrane independently after recruited by MinD. Overall, Spatiocyte allows simulation and visualization of complex spatial and reaction-diffusion mediated cellular processes in volumes and surfaces. As we showed, it can potentially provide mechanistic insights otherwise difficult to obtain experimentally

    Reaction-diffusion kinetics on lattice at the microscopic scale

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    Lattice-based stochastic simulators are commonly used to study biological reaction-diffusion processes. Some of these schemes that are based on the reaction-diffusion master equation (RDME), can simulate for extended spatial and temporal scales but cannot directly account for the microscopic effects in the cell such as volume exclusion and diffusion-influenced reactions. Nonetheless, schemes based on the high-resolution microscopic lattice method (MLM) can directly simulate these effects by representing each finite-sized molecule explicitly as a random walker on fine lattice voxels. The theory and consistency of MLM in simulating diffusion-influenced reactions have not been clarified in detail. Here, we examine MLM in solving diffusion-influenced reactions in 3D space by employing the Spatiocyte simulation scheme. Applying the random walk theory, we construct the general theoretical framework underlying the method and obtain analytical expressions for the total rebinding probability and the effective reaction rate. By matching Collins-Kimball and lattice-based rate constants, we obtained the exact expressions to determine the reaction acceptance probability and voxel size. We found that the size of voxel should be about 2% larger than the molecule. MLM is validated by numerical simulations, showing good agreement with the off-lattice particle-based method, eGFRD. MLM run time is more than an order of magnitude faster than eGFRD when diffusing macromolecules with typical concentrations in the cell. MLM also showed good agreements with eGFRD and mean-field models in case studies of two basic motifs of intracellular signaling, the protein production-degradation process and the dual phosphorylation cycle. Moreover, when a reaction compartment is populated with volume-excluding obstacles, MLM captures the non-classical reaction kinetics caused by anomalous diffusion of reacting molecules

    Simulation tools for particle-based reaction-diffusion dynamics in continuous space

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    Particle-based reaction-diffusion algorithms facilitate the modeling of the diffusional motion of individual molecules and the reactions between them in cellular environments. A physically realistic model, depending on the system at hand and the questions asked, would require different levels of modeling detail such as particle diffusion, geometrical confinement, particle volume exclusion or particle-particle interaction potentials. Higher levels of detail usually correspond to increased number of parameters and higher computational cost. Certain systems however, require these investments to be modeled adequately. Here we present a review on the current field of particle-based reaction-diffusion software packages operating on continuous space. Four nested levels of modeling detail are identified that capture incrementing amount of detail. Their applicability to different biological questions is discussed, arching from straight diffusion simulations to sophisticated and expensive models that bridge towards coarse grained molecular dynamics

    Rule-based spatial modeling with diffusing, geometrically constrained molecules

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We suggest a new type of modeling approach for the coarse grained, particle-based spatial simulation of combinatorially complex chemical reaction systems. In our approach molecules possess a location in the reactor as well as an orientation and geometry, while the reactions are carried out according to a list of implicitly specified reaction rules. Because the reaction rules can contain patterns for molecules, a combinatorially complex or even infinitely sized reaction network can be defined.</p> <p>For our implementation (based on LAMMPS), we have chosen an already existing formalism (BioNetGen) for the implicit specification of the reaction network. This compatibility allows to import existing models easily, i.e., only additional geometry data files have to be provided.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our simulations show that the obtained dynamics can be fundamentally different from those simulations that use classical reaction-diffusion approaches like Partial Differential Equations or Gillespie-type spatial stochastic simulation. We show, for example, that the combination of combinatorial complexity and geometric effects leads to the emergence of complex self-assemblies and transportation phenomena happening faster than diffusion (using a model of molecular walkers on microtubules). When the mentioned classical simulation approaches are applied, these aspects of modeled systems cannot be observed without very special treatment. Further more, we show that the geometric information can even change the organizational structure of the reaction system. That is, a set of chemical species that can in principle form a stationary state in a Differential Equation formalism, is potentially unstable when geometry is considered, and vice versa.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that our approach provides a new general framework filling a gap in between approaches with no or rigid spatial representation like Partial Differential Equations and specialized coarse-grained spatial simulation systems like those for DNA or virus capsid self-assembly.</p