18 research outputs found

    Causal Inference by Identification of Vector Autoregressive Processes with Hidden Components

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    A widely applied approach to causal inference from a non-experimental time series XX, often referred to as "(linear) Granger causal analysis", is to regress present on past and interpret the regression matrix B^\hat{B} causally. However, if there is an unmeasured time series ZZ that influences XX, then this approach can lead to wrong causal conclusions, i.e., distinct from those one would draw if one had additional information such as ZZ. In this paper we take a different approach: We assume that XX together with some hidden ZZ forms a first order vector autoregressive (VAR) process with transition matrix AA, and argue why it is more valid to interpret AA causally instead of B^\hat{B}. Then we examine under which conditions the most important parts of AA are identifiable or almost identifiable from only XX. Essentially, sufficient conditions are (1) non-Gaussian, independent noise or (2) no influence from XX to ZZ. We present two estimation algorithms that are tailored towards conditions (1) and (2), respectively, and evaluate them on synthetic and real-world data. We discuss how to check the model using XX

    Identifying Nonlinear 1-Step Causal Influences in Presence of Latent Variables

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    We propose an approach for learning the causal structure in stochastic dynamical systems with a 11-step functional dependency in the presence of latent variables. We propose an information-theoretic approach that allows us to recover the causal relations among the observed variables as long as the latent variables evolve without exogenous noise. We further propose an efficient learning method based on linear regression for the special sub-case when the dynamics are restricted to be linear. We validate the performance of our approach via numerical simulations

    Learning Temporal Dependence from Time-Series Data with Latent Variables

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    We consider the setting where a collection of time series, modeled as random processes, evolve in a causal manner, and one is interested in learning the graph governing the relationships of these processes. A special case of wide interest and applicability is the setting where the noise is Gaussian and relationships are Markov and linear. We study this setting with two additional features: firstly, each random process has a hidden (latent) state, which we use to model the internal memory possessed by the variables (similar to hidden Markov models). Secondly, each variable can depend on its latent memory state through a random lag (rather than a fixed lag), thus modeling memory recall with differing lags at distinct times. Under this setting, we develop an estimator and prove that under a genericity assumption, the parameters of the model can be learned consistently. We also propose a practical adaption of this estimator, which demonstrates significant performance gains in both synthetic and real-world datasets

    Online Joint Topology Identification and Signal Estimation with Inexact Proximal Online Gradient Descent

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    Identifying the topology that underlies a set of time series is useful for tasks such as prediction, denoising, and data completion. Vector autoregressive (VAR) model based topologies capture dependencies among time series, and are often inferred from observed spatio-temporal data. When the data are affected by noise and/or missing samples, the tasks of topology identification and signal recovery (reconstruction) have to be performed jointly. Additional challenges arise when i) the underlying topology is time-varying, ii) data become available sequentially, and iii) no delay is tolerated. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes two online algorithms to estimate the VAR model-based topologies. The proposed algorithms have constant complexity per iteration, which makes them interesting for big data scenarios. They also enjoy complementary merits in terms of complexity and performance. A performance guarantee is derived for one of the algorithms in the form of a dynamic regret bound. Numerical tests are also presented, showcasing the ability of the proposed algorithms to track the time-varying topologies with missing data in an online fashion.Comment: 14 pages including supplementary material, 2 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin