1,006 research outputs found

    On Verifying Causal Consistency

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    Causal consistency is one of the most adopted consistency criteria for distributed implementations of data structures. It ensures that operations are executed at all sites according to their causal precedence. We address the issue of verifying automatically whether the executions of an implementation of a data structure are causally consistent. We consider two problems: (1) checking whether one single execution is causally consistent, which is relevant for developing testing and bug finding algorithms, and (2) verifying whether all the executions of an implementation are causally consistent. We show that the first problem is NP-complete. This holds even for the read-write memory abstraction, which is a building block of many modern distributed systems. Indeed, such systems often store data in key-value stores, which are instances of the read-write memory abstraction. Moreover, we prove that, surprisingly, the second problem is undecidable, and again this holds even for the read-write memory abstraction. However, we show that for the read-write memory abstraction, these negative results can be circumvented if the implementations are data independent, i.e., their behaviors do not depend on the data values that are written or read at each moment, which is a realistic assumption.Comment: extended version of POPL 201

    Causal Consistency: Beyond Memory

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    In distributed systems where strong consistency is costly when not impossible, causal consistency provides a valuable abstraction to represent program executions as partial orders. In addition to the sequential program order of each computing entity, causal order also contains the semantic links between the events that affect the shared objects -- messages emission and reception in a communication channel , reads and writes on a shared register. Usual approaches based on semantic links are very difficult to adapt to other data types such as queues or counters because they require a specific analysis of causal dependencies for each data type. This paper presents a new approach to define causal consistency for any abstract data type based on sequential specifications. It explores, formalizes and studies the differences between three variations of causal consistency and highlights them in the light of PRAM, eventual consistency and sequential consistency: weak causal consistency, that captures the notion of causality preservation when focusing on convergence ; causal convergence that mixes weak causal consistency and convergence; and causal consistency, that coincides with causal memory when applied to shared memory.Comment: 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Mar 2016, Barcelone, Spai

    Causal Consistency for Reversible Multiparty Protocols

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    In programming models with a reversible semantics, computational steps can be undone. This paper addresses the integration of reversible semantics into process languages for communication-centric systems equipped with behavioral types. In prior work, we introduced a monitors-as-memories approach to seamlessly integrate reversible semantics into a process model in which concurrency is governed by session types (a class of behavioral types), covering binary (two-party) protocols with synchronous communication. The applicability and expressiveness of the binary setting, however, is limited. Here we extend our approach, and use it to define reversible semantics for an expressive process model that accounts for multiparty (n-party) protocols, asynchronous communication, decoupled rollbacks, and abstraction passing. As main result, we prove that our reversible semantics for multiparty protocols is causally-consistent. A key technical ingredient in our developments is an alternative reversible semantics with atomic rollbacks, which is conceptually simple and is shown to characterize decoupled rollbacks.Comment: Extended, revised version of a PPDP'17 paper (https://doi.org/10.1145/3131851.3131864

    Causal Consistency of Structural Equation Models

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    Complex systems can be modelled at various levels of detail. Ideally, causal models of the same system should be consistent with one another in the sense that they agree in their predictions of the effects of interventions. We formalise this notion of consistency in the case of Structural Equation Models (SEMs) by introducing exact transformations between SEMs. This provides a general language to consider, for instance, the different levels of description in the following three scenarios: (a) models with large numbers of variables versus models in which the `irrelevant' or unobservable variables have been marginalised out; (b) micro-level models versus macro-level models in which the macro-variables are aggregate features of the micro-variables; (c) dynamical time series models versus models of their stationary behaviour. Our analysis stresses the importance of well specified interventions in the causal modelling process and sheds light on the interpretation of cyclic SEMs.Comment: equal contribution between Rubenstein and Weichwald; accepted manuscrip

    Causal Consistent Databases

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    Many consistency criteria have been considered in databases and the causal consistency is one of them. The causal consistency model has gained much attention in recent years because it provides ordering of relative operations. The causal consistency requires that all writes, which are potentially causally related, must be seen in the same order by all processes. The causal consistency is a weaker criteria than the sequential consistency, because there exists an execution, which is causally consistent but not sequentially consistent, however all executions satisfying the sequential consistency are also causally consistent. Furthermore, the causal consistency supports non-blocking operations; i.e. processes may complete read or write operations without waiting for global computation. Therefore, the causal consistency overcomes the primary limit of stronger criteria: communication latency. Additionally, several application semantics are precisely captured by the causal consistency, e.g. collaborative tools. In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art of causal consistent databases, discuss the features, functionalities and applications of the causal consistency model, and systematically compare it with other consistency models. We also discuss the implementation of causal consistency databases and identify limitations of the causal consistency model
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