11 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Model Adaptation for Continual Semantic Segmentation

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    We develop an algorithm for adapting a semantic segmentation model that is trained using a labeled source domain to generalize well in an unlabeled target domain. A similar problem has been studied extensively in the unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) literature, but existing UDA algorithms require access to both the source domain labeled data and the target domain unlabeled data for training a domain agnostic semantic segmentation model. Relaxing this constraint enables a user to adapt pretrained models to generalize in a target domain, without requiring access to source data. To this end, we learn a prototypical distribution for the source domain in an intermediate embedding space. This distribution encodes the abstract knowledge that is learned from the source domain. We then use this distribution for aligning the target domain distribution with the source domain distribution in the embedding space. We provide theoretical analysis and explain conditions under which our algorithm is effective. Experiments on benchmark adaptation task demonstrate our method achieves competitive performance even compared with joint UDA approaches.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    MLAN: Multi-Level Adversarial Network for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

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    Recent progresses in domain adaptive semantic segmentation demonstrate the effectiveness of adversarial learning (AL) in unsupervised domain adaptation. However, most adversarial learning based methods align source and target distributions at a global image level but neglect the inconsistency around local image regions. This paper presents a novel multi-level adversarial network (MLAN) that aims to address inter-domain inconsistency at both global image level and local region level optimally. MLAN has two novel designs, namely, region-level adversarial learning (RL-AL) and co-regularized adversarial learning (CR-AL). Specifically, RL-AL models prototypical regional context-relations explicitly in the feature space of a labelled source domain and transfers them to an unlabelled target domain via adversarial learning. CR-AL fuses region-level AL and image-level AL optimally via mutual regularization. In addition, we design a multi-level consistency map that can guide domain adaptation in both input space (i.e.i.e., image-to-image translation) and output space (i.e.i.e., self-training) effectively. Extensive experiments show that MLAN outperforms the state-of-the-art with a large margin consistently across multiple datasets.Comment: Submitted to P

    Exploring Sequence Feature Alignment for Domain Adaptive Detection Transformers

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    Detection transformers have recently shown promising object detection results and attracted increasing attention. However, how to develop effective domain adaptation techniques to improve its cross-domain performance remains unexplored and unclear. In this paper, we delve into this topic and empirically find that direct feature distribution alignment on the CNN backbone only brings limited improvements, as it does not guarantee domain-invariant sequence features in the transformer for prediction. To address this issue, we propose a novel Sequence Feature Alignment (SFA) method that is specially designed for the adaptation of detection transformers. Technically, SFA consists of a domain query-based feature alignment (DQFA) module and a token-wise feature alignment (TDA) module. In DQFA, a novel domain query is used to aggregate and align global context from the token sequence of both domains. DQFA reduces the domain discrepancy in global feature representations and object relations when deploying in the transformer encoder and decoder, respectively. Meanwhile, TDA aligns token features in the sequence from both domains, which reduces the domain gaps in local and instance-level feature representations in the transformer encoder and decoder, respectively. Besides, a novel bipartite matching consistency loss is proposed to enhance the feature discriminability for robust object detection. Experiments on three challenging benchmarks show that SFA outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptive object detection methods. Code has been made available at: https://github.com/encounter1997/SFA.Comment: Fix a typo in Eq. 1

    KRADA: Known-region-aware Domain Alignment for Open World Semantic Segmentation

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    In semantic segmentation, we aim to train a pixel-level classifier to assign category labels to all pixels in an image, where labeled training images and unlabeled test images are from the same distribution and share the same label set. However, in an open world, the unlabeled test images probably contain unknown categories and have different distributions from the labeled images. Hence, in this paper, we consider a new, more realistic, and more challenging problem setting where the pixel-level classifier has to be trained with labeled images and unlabeled open-world images -- we name it open world semantic segmentation (OSS). In OSS, the trained classifier is expected to identify unknown-class pixels and classify known-class pixels well. To solve OSS, we first investigate which distribution that unknown-class pixels obey. Then, motivated by the goodness-of-fit test, we use statistical measurements to show how a pixel fits the distribution of an unknown class and select highly-fitted pixels to form the unknown region in each image. Eventually, we propose an end-to-end learning framework, known-region-aware domain alignment (KRADA), to distinguish unknown classes while aligning distributions of known classes in labeled and unlabeled open-world images. The effectiveness of KRADA has been verified on two synthetic tasks and one COVID-19 segmentation task

    Pixel-level intra-domain adaptation for semantic segmentation

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    Recent advances in unsupervised domain adaptation have achieved remarkable performance on semantic segmentation tasks. Despite such progress, existing works mainly focus on bridging the inter-domain gaps between the source and target domain, while only few of them noticed the intra-domain gaps within the target data. In this work, we propose a pixel-level intra-domain adaptation approach to reduce the intra-domain gaps within the target data. Compared with image-level methods, ours treats each pixel as an instance, which adapts the segmentation model at a more fine-grained level. Specifically, we first conduct the inter-domain adaptation between the source and target domain; Then, we separate the pixels in target images into the easy and hard subdomains; Finally, we propose a pixel-level adversarial training strategy to adapt a segmentation network from the easy to the hard subdomain. Moreover, we show that the segmentation accuracy can be further improved by incorporating a continuous indexing technique in the adversarial training. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our method against existing state-of-the-art approaches