11,704 research outputs found

    Accurate Single Stage Detector Using Recurrent Rolling Convolution

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    Most of the recent successful methods in accurate object detection and localization used some variants of R-CNN style two stage Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) where plausible regions were proposed in the first stage then followed by a second stage for decision refinement. Despite the simplicity of training and the efficiency in deployment, the single stage detection methods have not been as competitive when evaluated in benchmarks consider mAP for high IoU thresholds. In this paper, we proposed a novel single stage end-to-end trainable object detection network to overcome this limitation. We achieved this by introducing Recurrent Rolling Convolution (RRC) architecture over multi-scale feature maps to construct object classifiers and bounding box regressors which are "deep in context". We evaluated our method in the challenging KITTI dataset which measures methods under IoU threshold of 0.7. We showed that with RRC, a single reduced VGG-16 based model already significantly outperformed all the previously published results. At the time this paper was written our models ranked the first in KITTI car detection (the hard level), the first in cyclist detection and the second in pedestrian detection. These results were not reached by the previous single stage methods. The code is publicly available.Comment: CVPR 201

    Harvesting Discriminative Meta Objects with Deep CNN Features for Scene Classification

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    Recent work on scene classification still makes use of generic CNN features in a rudimentary manner. In this ICCV 2015 paper, we present a novel pipeline built upon deep CNN features to harvest discriminative visual objects and parts for scene classification. We first use a region proposal technique to generate a set of high-quality patches potentially containing objects, and apply a pre-trained CNN to extract generic deep features from these patches. Then we perform both unsupervised and weakly supervised learning to screen these patches and discover discriminative ones representing category-specific objects and parts. We further apply discriminative clustering enhanced with local CNN fine-tuning to aggregate similar objects and parts into groups, called meta objects. A scene image representation is constructed by pooling the feature response maps of all the learned meta objects at multiple spatial scales. We have confirmed that the scene image representation obtained using this new pipeline is capable of delivering state-of-the-art performance on two popular scene benchmark datasets, MIT Indoor 67~\cite{MITIndoor67} and Sun397~\cite{Sun397}Comment: To Appear in ICCV 201

    Deep Descriptor Transforming for Image Co-Localization

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    Reusable model design becomes desirable with the rapid expansion of machine learning applications. In this paper, we focus on the reusability of pre-trained deep convolutional models. Specifically, different from treating pre-trained models as feature extractors, we reveal more treasures beneath convolutional layers, i.e., the convolutional activations could act as a detector for the common object in the image co-localization problem. We propose a simple but effective method, named Deep Descriptor Transforming (DDT), for evaluating the correlations of descriptors and then obtaining the category-consistent regions, which can accurately locate the common object in a set of images. Empirical studies validate the effectiveness of the proposed DDT method. On benchmark image co-localization datasets, DDT consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Moreover, DDT also demonstrates good generalization ability for unseen categories and robustness for dealing with noisy data.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 201

    Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data

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    In this work, we study 3D object detection from RGB-D data in both indoor and outdoor scenes. While previous methods focus on images or 3D voxels, often obscuring natural 3D patterns and invariances of 3D data, we directly operate on raw point clouds by popping up RGB-D scans. However, a key challenge of this approach is how to efficiently localize objects in point clouds of large-scale scenes (region proposal). Instead of solely relying on 3D proposals, our method leverages both mature 2D object detectors and advanced 3D deep learning for object localization, achieving efficiency as well as high recall for even small objects. Benefited from learning directly in raw point clouds, our method is also able to precisely estimate 3D bounding boxes even under strong occlusion or with very sparse points. Evaluated on KITTI and SUN RGB-D 3D detection benchmarks, our method outperforms the state of the art by remarkable margins while having real-time capability.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 14 table
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