1 research outputs found

    Categorization of Programs Using Neural Networks

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    This paper describes some experiments based on the use of neural networks for assistance in the quality assessment of programs, especially in connection with the reengineering of legacy systems. We use Kohonen networks, or self-organizing maps, for the categorization of programs: programs with similar features are grouped together in a two-dimensional neighbourhood, whereas dissimilar programs are located far apart. Backpropagation networks are used for generalization purposes: based on a set of example programs whose relevant aspects have already been assessed, we would like to obtain an extrapolation of these assessments to new programs. The basis for these investigation is an intermediate representation of programs in the form of various dependency graphs, capturing the essentials of the programs. Previously, a set of metrics has been developed to perform an assessment of programs on the basis of this intermediate representation. It is not always clear, however, which parameters of the intermediate representation are relevant for a particular metric. The categorization and generalization capabilities of neural networks are employed to improve or verify the selection of parameters, and might even initiate the development of additional metric