36 research outputs found

    Categories of Quantum and Classical Channels (extended abstract)

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    We introduce the CP*-construction on a dagger compact closed category as a generalisation of Selinger's CPM-construction. While the latter takes a dagger compact closed category and forms its category of "abstract matrix algebras" and completely positive maps, the CP*-construction forms its category of "abstract C*-algebras" and completely positive maps. This analogy is justified by the case of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, where the CP*-construction yields the category of finite-dimensional C*-algebras and completely positive maps. The CP*-construction fully embeds Selinger's CPM-construction in such a way that the objects in the image of the embedding can be thought of as "purely quantum" state spaces. It also embeds the category of classical stochastic maps, whose image consists of "purely classical" state spaces. By allowing classical and quantum data to coexist, this provides elegant abstract notions of preparation, measurement, and more general quantum channels.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2012, arXiv:1407.842

    A Functorial Construction of Quantum Subtheories

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    We apply the geometric quantization procedure via symplectic groupoids proposed by E. Hawkins to the setting of epistemically restricted toy theories formalized by Spekkens. In the continuous degrees of freedom, this produces the algebraic structure of quadrature quantum subtheories. In the odd-prime finite degrees of freedom, we obtain a functor from the Frobenius algebra in \textbf{Rel} of the toy theories to the Frobenius algebra of stabilizer quantum mechanics.Comment: 19 page

    Unordered Tuples in Quantum Computation

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    It is well known that the C*-algebra of an ordered pair of qubits is M_2 (x) M_2. What about unordered pairs? We show in detail that M_3 (+) C is the C*-algebra of an unordered pair of qubits. Then we use Schur-Weyl duality to characterize the C*-algebra of an unordered n-tuple of d-level quantum systems. Using some further elementary representation theory and number theory, we characterize the quantum cycles. We finish with a characterization of the von Neumann algebra for unordered words.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118

    Inversion, Iteration, and the Art of Dual Wielding

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    The humble †\dagger ("dagger") is used to denote two different operations in category theory: Taking the adjoint of a morphism (in dagger categories) and finding the least fixed point of a functional (in categories enriched in domains). While these two operations are usually considered separately from one another, the emergence of reversible notions of computation shows the need to consider how the two ought to interact. In the present paper, we wield both of these daggers at once and consider dagger categories enriched in domains. We develop a notion of a monotone dagger structure as a dagger structure that is well behaved with respect to the enrichment, and show that such a structure leads to pleasant inversion properties of the fixed points that arise as a result. Notably, such a structure guarantees the existence of fixed point adjoints, which we show are intimately related to the conjugates arising from a canonical involutive monoidal structure in the enrichment. Finally, we relate the results to applications in the design and semantics of reversible programming languages.Comment: Accepted for RC 201

    A Bestiary of Sets and Relations

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    Building on established literature and recent developments in the graph-theoretic characterisation of its CPM category, we provide a treatment of pure state and mixed state quantum mechanics in the category fRel of finite sets and relations. On the way, we highlight the wealth of exotic beasts that hide amongst the extensive operational and structural similarities that the theory shares with more traditional arenas of categorical quantum mechanics, such as the category fdHilb. We conclude our journey by proving that fRel is local, but not without some unexpected twists.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118