40 research outputs found

    PointGrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention

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    Generating 3D point clouds is challenging yet highly desired. This work presents a novel autoregressive model, PointGrow, which can generate diverse and realistic point cloud samples from scratch or conditioned on semantic contexts. This model operates recurrently, with each point sampled according to a conditional distribution given its previously-generated points, allowing inter-point correlations to be well-exploited and 3D shape generative processes to be better interpreted. Since point cloud object shapes are typically encoded by long-range dependencies, we augment our model with dedicated self-attention modules to capture such relations. Extensive evaluations show that PointGrow achieves satisfying performance on both unconditional and conditional point cloud generation tasks, with respect to realism and diversity. Several important applications, such as unsupervised feature learning and shape arithmetic operations, are also demonstrated

    Language identification with suprasegmental cues: A study based on speech resynthesis

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    This paper proposes a new experimental paradigm to explore the discriminability of languages, a question which is crucial to the child born in a bilingual environment. This paradigm employs the speech resynthesis technique, enabling the experimenter to preserve or degrade acoustic cues such as phonotactics, syllabic rhythm or intonation from natural utterances. English and Japanese sentences were resynthesized, preserving broad phonotactics, rhythm and intonation (Condition 1), rhythm and intonation (Condition 2), intonation only (Condition 3), or rhythm only (Condition 4). The findings support the notion that syllabic rhythm is a necessary and sufficient cue for French adult subjects to discriminate English from Japanese sentences. The results are consistent with previous research using low-pass filtered speech, as well as with phonological theories predicting rhythmic differences between languages. Thus, the new methodology proposed appears to be well-suited to study language discrimination. Applications for other domains of psycholinguistic research and for automatic language identification are considered

    Reasoning with Categories for Trusting Strangers: a Cognitive Architecture

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    A crucial issue for agents in open systems is the ability to filter out information sources in order to build an image of their counterparts, upon which a subjective evaluation of trust as a promoter of interactions can be assessed. While typical solutions discern relevant information sources by relying on previous experiences or reputational images, this work presents an alternative approach based on the cognitive ability to: (i) analyze heterogeneous information sources along different dimensions; (ii) ascribe qualities to unknown counterparts based on reasoning over abstract classes or categories; and, (iii) learn a series of emergent relationships between particular properties observable on other agents and their effective abilities to fulfill tasks. A computational architecture is presented allowing cognitive agents to dynamically assess trust based on a limited set of observable properties, namely explicitly readable signals (Manifesta) through which it is possible to infer hidden properties and capabilities (Krypta), which finally regulate agents' behavior in concrete work environments. Experimental evaluation discusses the effectiveness of trustor agents adopting different strategies to delegate tasks based on categorization

    An automatic and association-based procedure for hierarchical publication subject categorization

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    Subject categorization of scientific publications, i.e., journals, book series or conference proceedings, has become a main concern in academia, as publication impact and ranking are considered a basic criterion to evaluate paper quality. Publishers usually propose their own categorization, but they often include only their own publications and their categories might not be coherent with other proposals. Also, due to the dynamic nature of science, new categories may frequently appear. As traditional mechanisms for categorization have been questioned by many authors, a new research line has emerged to improve the category assignment process. Approaches usually rely on assessing publication similarity in terms of topics, co-citation, editorial boards, and/or shared author profiles. In this work, we propose a novel procedure for scientific publication hierarchical categorization based on the repetition or absence of relevant descriptors in association rules among publications. The key idea is that publication categories can be automatically defined by strong associations of nuclear topics. Also, some very specific subcategories can be defined by exclusion from any set of rules. This process can be used to construct a data-driven hierarchy of scientific publication categories from scratch or to improve any existing categorization by discovering new fields. In this paper the proposed algorithm uses SJR descriptors all journals in the SCImago dataset and the three-level classification in the Scopus dataset (covering only 35 % of publications of the SCImago dataset) to discover new categories and assign every journal to the resulting enhanced hierarchy one.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA This research is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), the Junta de Andalucía (JA),and the Universidad de M ́alaga (UMA) through the research projects with reference TED2021-129956B-I00 and UMA20-FEDERJA-06

    Emerging Artificial Societies Through Learning

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    The NewTies project is implementing a simulation in which societies of agents are expected to de-velop autonomously as a result of individual, population and social learning. These societies are expected to be able to solve environmental challenges by acting collectively. The challenges are in-tended to be analogous to those faced by early, simple, small-scale human societies. This report on work in progress outlines the major features of the system as it is currently conceived within the project, including the design of the agents, the environment, the mechanism for the evolution of language and the peer-to-peer infrastructure on which the simulation runs.Artificial Societies, Evolution of Language, Decision Trees, Peer-To-Peer Networks, Social Learning

    The Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Balance Sheets

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    This paper uses disaggregated data on bank balance sheets to provide a test of the lending view of monetary policy transmission. We argue that if the lending view is correct, one should expect the loan and security portfolios of large and small banks to respond differentially to a contraction in monetary policy. We first develop this point with a theoretical model; we then test to see if the model's predictions are borne out in the data.

    PointGrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention

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    A point cloud is an agile 3D representation, efficiently modeling an object's surface geometry. However, these surface-centric properties also pose challenges on designing tools to recognize and synthesize point clouds. This work presents a novel autoregressive model, PointGrow, which generates realistic point cloud samples from scratch or conditioned on given semantic contexts. Our model operates recurrently, with each point sampled according to a conditional distribution given its previously-generated points. Since point cloud object shapes are typically encoded by long-range interpoint dependencies, we augment our model with dedicated self-attention modules to capture these relations. Extensive evaluation demonstrates that PointGrow achieves satisfying performance on both unconditional and conditional point cloud generation tasks, with respect to fidelity, diversity and semantic preservation. Further, conditional PointGrow learns a smooth manifold of given image conditions where 3D shape interpolation and arithmetic calculation can be performed inside

    Visual object category discovery in images and videos

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    textThe current trend in visual recognition research is to place a strict division between the supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms, which is problematic for two main reasons. On the one hand, supervised methods require training data for each and every category that the system learns; training data may not always be available and is expensive to obtain. On the other hand, unsupervised methods must determine the optimal visual cues and distance metrics that distinguish one category from another to group images into semantically meaningful categories; however, for unlabeled data, these are unknown a priori. I propose a visual category discovery framework that transcends the two paradigms and learns accurate models with few labeled exemplars. The main insight is to automatically focus on the prevalent objects in images and videos, and learn models from them for category grouping, segmentation, and summarization. To implement this idea, I first present a context-aware category discovery framework that discovers novel categories by leveraging context from previously learned categories. I devise a novel object-graph descriptor to model the interaction between a set of known categories and the unknown to-be-discovered categories, and group regions that have similar appearance and similar object-graphs. I then present a collective segmentation framework that simultaneously discovers the segmentations and groupings of objects by leveraging the shared patterns in the unlabeled image collection. It discovers an ensemble of representative instances for each unknown category, and builds top-down models from them to refine the segmentation of the remaining instances. Finally, building on these techniques, I show how to produce compact visual summaries for first-person egocentric videos that focus on the important people and objects. The system leverages novel egocentric and high-level saliency features to predict important regions in the video, and produces a concise visual summary that is driven by those regions. I compare against existing state-of-the-art methods for category discovery and segmentation on several challenging benchmark datasets. I demonstrate that we can discover visual concepts more accurately by focusing on the prevalent objects in images and videos, and show clear advantages of departing from the status quo division between the supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms. The main impact of my thesis is that it lays the groundwork for building large-scale visual discovery systems that can automatically discover visual concepts with minimal human supervision.Electrical and Computer Engineerin