737 research outputs found

    Categorical Structures for Type Theory in Univalent Foundations

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    In this paper, we analyze and compare three of the many algebraic structures that have been used for modeling dependent type theories: categories with families, split type-categories, and representable maps of presheaves. We study these in the setting of univalent foundations, where the relationships between them can be stated more transparently. Specifically, we construct maps between the different structures and show that these maps are equivalences under suitable assumptions. We then analyze how these structures transfer along (weak and strong) equivalences of categories, and, in particular, show how they descend from a category (not assumed univalent/saturated) to its Rezk completion. To this end, we introduce relative universes, generalizing the preceding notions, and study the transfer of such relative universes along suitable structure. We work throughout in (intensional) dependent type theory; some results, but not all, assume the univalence axiom. All the material of this paper has been formalized in Coq, over the UniMath library

    Heterogeneous substitution systems revisited

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    Matthes and Uustalu (TCS 327(1-2):155-174, 2004) presented a categorical description of substitution systems capable of capturing syntax involving binding which is independent of whether the syntax is made up from least or greatest fixed points. We extend this work in two directions: we continue the analysis by creating more categorical structure, in particular by organizing substitution systems into a category and studying its properties, and we develop the proofs of the results of the cited paper and our new ones in UniMath, a recent library of univalent mathematics formalized in the Coq theorem prover.Comment: 24 page

    Displayed Categories

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    We introduce and develop the notion of *displayed categories*. A displayed category over a category C is equivalent to "a category D and functor F : D --> C", but instead of having a single collection of "objects of D" with a map to the objects of C, the objects are given as a family indexed by objects of C, and similarly for the morphisms. This encapsulates a common way of building categories in practice, by starting with an existing category and adding extra data/properties to the objects and morphisms. The interest of this seemingly trivial reformulation is that various properties of functors are more naturally defined as properties of the corresponding displayed categories. Grothendieck fibrations, for example, when defined as certain functors, use equality on objects in their definition. When defined instead as certain displayed categories, no reference to equality on objects is required. Moreover, almost all examples of fibrations in nature are, in fact, categories whose standard construction can be seen as going via displayed categories. We therefore propose displayed categories as a basis for the development of fibrations in the type-theoretic setting, and similarly for various other notions whose classical definitions involve equality on objects. Besides giving a conceptual clarification of such issues, displayed categories also provide a powerful tool in computer formalisation, unifying and abstracting common constructions and proof techniques of category theory, and enabling modular reasoning about categories of multi-component structures. As such, most of the material of this article has been formalised in Coq over the UniMath library, with the aim of providing a practical library for use in further developments.Comment: v3: Revised and slightly expanded for publication in LMCS. Theorem numbering change

    Fibred Fibration Categories

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    We introduce fibred type-theoretic fibration categories which are fibred categories between categorical models of Martin-L\"{o}f type theory. Fibred type-theoretic fibration categories give a categorical description of logical predicates for identity types. As an application, we show a relational parametricity result for homotopy type theory. As a corollary, it follows that every closed term of type of polymorphic endofunctions on a loop space is homotopic to some iterated concatenation of a loop

    Towards a constructive simplicial model of Univalent Foundations

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    We provide a partial solution to the problem of defining a constructive version of Voevodsky's simplicial model of univalent foundations. For this, we prove constructive counterparts of the necessary results of simplicial homotopy theory, building on the constructive version of the Kan-Quillen model structure established by the second-named author. In particular, we show that dependent products along fibrations with cofibrant domains preserve fibrations, establish the weak equivalence extension property for weak equivalences between fibrations with cofibrant domain and define a univalent classifying fibration for small fibrations between bifibrant objects. These results allow us to define a comprehension category supporting identity types, Σ\Sigma-types, Π\Pi-types and a univalent universe, leaving only a coherence question to be addressed.Comment: v3: changed the definition of the type Weq(U) of weak equivalences to fix a problem with constructivity. Other Minor changes. 31 page

    Unifying Cubical Models of Univalent Type Theory

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    We present a new constructive model of univalent type theory based on cubical sets. Unlike prior work on cubical models, ours depends neither on diagonal cofibrations nor connections. This is made possible by weakening the notion of fibration from the cartesian cubical set model, so that it is not necessary to assume that the diagonal on the interval is a cofibration. We have formally verified in Agda that these fibrations are closed under the type formers of cubical type theory and that the model satisfies the univalence axiom. By applying the construction in the presence of diagonal cofibrations or connections and reversals, we recover the existing cartesian and De Morgan cubical set models as special cases. Generalizing earlier work of Sattler for cubical sets with connections, we also obtain a Quillen model structure
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