619 research outputs found

    Deep Learning With Sentiment Inference For Discourse-Oriented Opinion Analysis

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    Opinions are omnipresent in written and spoken text ranging from editorials, reviews, blogs, guides, and informal conversations to written and broadcast news. However, past research in NLP has mainly addressed explicit opinion expressions, ignoring implicit opinions. As a result, research in opinion analysis has plateaued at a somewhat superficial level, providing methods that only recognize what is explicitly said and do not understand what is implied. In this dissertation, we develop machine learning models for two tasks that presumably support propagation of sentiment in discourse, beyond one sentence. The first task we address is opinion role labeling, i.e.\ the task of detecting who expressed a given attitude toward what or who. The second task is abstract anaphora resolution, i.e.\ the task of finding a (typically) non-nominal antecedent of pronouns and noun phrases that refer to abstract objects like facts, events, actions, or situations in the preceding discourse. We propose a neural model for labeling of opinion holders and targets and circumvent the problems that arise from the limited labeled data. In particular, we extend the baseline model with different multi-task learning frameworks. We obtain clear performance improvements using semantic role labeling as the auxiliary task. We conduct a thorough analysis to demonstrate how multi-task learning helps, what has been solved for the task, and what is next. We show that future developments should improve the ability of the models to capture long-range dependencies and consider other auxiliary tasks such as dependency parsing or recognizing textual entailment. We emphasize that future improvements can be measured more reliably if opinion expressions with missing roles are curated and if the evaluation considers all mentions in opinion role coreference chains as well as discontinuous roles. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first abstract anaphora resolution model that handles the unrestricted phenomenon in a realistic setting. We cast abstract anaphora resolution as the task of learning attributes of the relation that holds between the sentence with the abstract anaphor and its antecedent. We propose a Mention-Ranking siamese-LSTM model (MR-LSTM) for learning what characterizes the mentioned relation in a data-driven fashion. The current resources for abstract anaphora resolution are quite limited. However, we can train our models without conventional data for abstract anaphora resolution. In particular, we can train our models on many instances of antecedent-anaphoric sentence pairs. Such pairs can be automatically extracted from parsed corpora by searching for a common construction which consists of a verb with an embedded sentence (complement or adverbial), applying a simple transformation that replaces the embedded sentence with an abstract anaphor, and using the cut-off embedded sentence as the antecedent. We refer to the extracted data as silver data. We evaluate our MR-LSTM models in a realistic task setup in which models need to rank embedded sentences and verb phrases from the sentence with the anaphor as well as a few preceding sentences. We report the first benchmark results on an abstract anaphora subset of the ARRAU corpus \citep{uryupina_et_al_2016} which presents a greater challenge due to a mixture of nominal and pronominal anaphors as well as a greater range of confounders. We also use two additional evaluation datasets: a subset of the CoNLL-12 shared task dataset \citep{pradhan_et_al_2012} and a subset of the ASN corpus \citep{kolhatkar_et_al_2013_crowdsourcing}. We show that our MR-LSTM models outperform the baselines in all evaluation datasets, except for events in the CoNLL-12 dataset. We conclude that training on the small-scale gold data works well if we encounter the same type of anaphors at the evaluation time. However, the gold training data contains only six shell nouns and events and thus resolution of anaphors in the ARRAU corpus that covers a variety of anaphor types benefits from the silver data. Our MR-LSTM models for resolution of abstract anaphors outperform the prior work for shell noun resolution \citep{kolhatkar_et_al_2013} in their restricted task setup. Finally, we try to get the best out of the gold and silver training data by mixing them. Moreover, we speculate that we could improve the training on a mixture if we: (i) handle artifacts in the silver data with adversarial training and (ii) use multi-task learning to enable our models to make ranking decisions dependent on the type of anaphor. These proposals give us mixed results and hence a robust mixed training strategy remains a challenge

    A perceptually based computational framework for the interpretation of spatial language

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    The goal of this work is to develop a semantic framework to underpin the development of natural language (NL) interfaces for 3 Dimensional (3-D) simulated environments. The thesis of this work is that the computational interpretation of language in such environments should be based on a framework that integrates a model of visual perception with a model of discourse. When interacting with a 3-D environment, users have two main goals the first is to move around in the simulated environment and the second is to manipulate objects in the environment. In order to interact with an object through language, users need to be able to refer to the object. There are many different types of referring expressions including definite descriptions, pronominals, demonstratives, one-anaphora, other-expressions, and locative-expressions Some of these expressions are anaphoric (e g , pronominals, oneanaphora, other-expressions). In order to computationally interpret these, it is necessary to develop, and implement, a discourse model. Interpreting locative expressions requires a semantic model for prepositions and a mechanism for selecting the user’s intended frame of reference. Finally, many of these expressions presuppose a visual context. In order to interpret them this context must be modelled and utilised. This thesis develops a perceptually grounded discourse-based computational model of reference resolution capable of handling anaphoric and locative expressions. There are three novel contributions in this framework a visual saliency algorithm, a semantic model for locative expressions containing projective prepositions, and a discourse model. The visual saliency algorithm grades the prominence of the objects in the user's view volume at each frame. This algorithm is based on the assumption that objects which are larger and more central to the user's view are more prominent than objects which are smaller or on the periphery of their view. The resulting saliency ratings for each frame are stored in a data structure linked to the NL system’s context model. This approach gives the system a visual memory that may be drawn upon in order to resolve references. The semantic model for locative expressions defines a computational algorithm for interpreting locatives that contain a projective preposition. Specifically, the prepositions in front of behind, to the right of, and to the left of. There are several novel components within this model. First, there is a procedure for handling the issue of frame of reference selection. Second, there is an algorithm for modelling the spatial templates of projective prepositions. This algonthm integrates a topological model with visual perceptual cues. This approach allows us to correctly define the regions described by projective preposition in the viewer-centred frame of reference, in situations that previous models (Yamada 1993, Gapp 1994a, Olivier et al 1994, Fuhr et al 1998) have found problematic. Thirdly, the abstraction used to represent the candidate trajectors of a locative expression ensures that each candidate is ascribed the highest rating possible. This approach guarantees that the candidate trajector that occupies the location with the highest applicability in the prepositions spatial template is selected as the locative’s referent. The context model extends the work of Salmon-Alt and Romary (2001) by integrating the perceptual information created by the visual saliency algonthm with a model of discourse. Moreover, the context model defines an interpretation process that provides an explicit account of how the visual and linguistic information sources are utilised when attributing a referent to a nominal expression. It is important to note that the context model provides the set of candidate referents and candidate trajectors for the locative expression interpretation algorithm. These are restncted to those objects that the user has seen. The thesis shows that visual salience provides a qualitative control in NL interpretation for 3-D simulated environments and captures interesting and significant effects such as graded judgments. Moreover, it provides an account for how object occlusion impacts on the semantics of projective prepositions that are canonically aligned with the front-back axis in the viewer-centred frame of reference

    Unrestricted Bridging Resolution

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    Anaphora plays a major role in discourse comprehension and accounts for the coherence of a text. In contrast to identity anaphora which indicates that a noun phrase refers back to the same entity introduced by previous descriptions in the discourse, bridging anaphora or associative anaphora links anaphors and antecedents via lexico-semantic, frame or encyclopedic relations. In recent years, various computational approaches have been developed for bridging resolution. However, most of them only consider antecedent selection, assuming that bridging anaphora recognition has been performed. Moreover, they often focus on subproblems, e.g., only part-of bridging or definite noun phrase anaphora. This thesis addresses the problem of unrestricted bridging resolution, i.e., recognizing bridging anaphora and finding links to antecedents where bridging anaphors are not limited to definite noun phrases and semantic relations between anaphors and their antecedents are not restricted to meronymic relations. In this thesis, we solve the problem using a two-stage statistical model. Given all mentions in a document, the first stage predicts bridging anaphors by exploring a cascading collective classification model. We cast bridging anaphora recognition as a subtask of learning fine-grained information status (IS). Each mention in a text gets assigned one IS class, bridging being one possible class. The model combines the binary classifiers for minority categories and a collective classifier for all categories in a cascaded way. It addresses the multi-class imbalance problem (e.g., the wide variation of bridging anaphora and their relative rarity compared to many other IS classes) within a multi-class setting while still keeping the strength of the collective classifier by investigating relational autocorrelation among several IS classes. The second stage finds the antecedents for all predicted bridging anaphors at the same time by exploring a joint inference model. The approach models two mutually supportive tasks (i.e., bridging anaphora resolution and sibling anaphors clustering) jointly, on the basis of the observation that semantically/syntactically related anaphors are likely to be sibling anaphors, and hence share the same antecedent. Both components are based on rich linguistically-motivated features and discriminatively trained on a corpus (ISNotes) where bridging is reliably annotated. Our approaches achieve substantial improvements over the reimplementations of previous systems for all three tasks, i.e., bridging anaphora recognition, bridging anaphora resolution and full bridging resolution. The work is – to our knowledge – the first bridging resolution system that handles the unrestricted phenomenon in a realistic setting. The methods in this dissertation were originally presented in Markert et al. (2012) and Hou et al. (2013a; 2013b; 2014). The thesis gives a detailed exposition, carrying out a thorough corpus analysis of bridging and conducting a detailed comparison of our models to others in the literature, and also presents several extensions of the aforementioned papers

    Iarg-AnCora: Spanish corpus annotated with implicit arguments

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    This article presents the Spanish Iarg-AnCora corpus (400 k-words, 13,883 sentences) annotated with the implicit arguments of deverbal nominalizations (18,397 occurrences). We describe the methodology used to create it, focusing on the annotation scheme and criteria adopted. The corpus was manually annotated and an interannotator agreement test was conducted (81 % observed agreement) in order to ensure the reliability of the final resource. The annotation of implicit arguments results in an important gain in argument and thematic role coverage (128 % on average). It is the first corpus annotated with implicit arguments for the Spanish language with a wide coverage that is freely available. This corpus can subsequently be used by machine learning-based semantic role labeling systems, and for the linguistic analysis of implicit arguments grounded on real data. Semantic analyzers are essential components of current language technology applications, which need to obtain a deeper understanding of the text in order to make inferences at the highest level to obtain qualitative improvements in the results

    Inducing Implicit Arguments via Cross-document Alignment: A Framework and its Applications

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    Natural language texts frequently contain related information in different positions in discourse. As human readers, we can recognize such information across sentence boundaries and correctly infer relations between them. Given this inference capability, we understand texts that describe complex dependencies even if central aspects are not repeated in every sentence. In linguistics, certain omissions of redundant information are known under the term ellipsis and have been studied as cohesive devices in discourse (Halliday and Hasan, 1976). For computational approaches to semantic processing, such cohesive devices are problematic because methods are traditionally applied on the sentence level and barely take surrounding context into account. In this dissertation, we investigate omission phenomena on the level of predicate-argument structures. In particular, we examine instances of structures involving arguments that are not locally realized but inferable from context. The goal of this work is to automatically acquire and process such instances, which we also refer to as implicit arguments, to improve natural language processing applications. Our main contribution is a framework that identifies implicit arguments by aligning and comparing predicate-argument structures across pairs of comparable texts. As part of this framework, we develop a novel graph-based clustering approach, which detects corresponding predicate-argument structures using pairwise similarity metrics. To find discourse antecedents of implicit arguments, we further design a heuristic method that utilizes automatic annotations from various linguistic pre-processing tools. We empirically validate the utility of automatically induced instances of implicit arguments and discourse antecedents in three extrinsic evaluation scenarios. In the first scenario, we show that our induced pairs of arguments and antecedents can successfully be applied to improve a pre-existing model for linking implicit arguments in discourse. In two further evaluation settings, we show that induced instances of implicit arguments, together with their aligned explicit counterparts, can be used as training material for a novel model of local coherence. Given discourse-level and semantic features, this model can predict whether a specific argument should be explicitly realized to establish local coherence or whether it is inferable and hence redundant in context