762 research outputs found

    Efficient resource allocation for automotive active vision systems

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    Individual mobility on roads has a noticeable impact upon peoples' lives, including traffic accidents resulting in severe, or even lethal injuries. Therefore the main goal when operating a vehicle is to safely participate in road-traffic while minimising the adverse effects on our environment. This goal is pursued by road safety measures ranging from safety-oriented road design to driver assistance systems. The latter require exteroceptive sensors to acquire information about the vehicle's current environment. In this thesis an efficient resource allocation for automotive vision systems is proposed. The notion of allocating resources implies the presence of processes that observe the whole environment and that are able to effeciently direct attentive processes. Directing attention constitutes a decision making process dependent upon the environment it operates in, the goal it pursues, and the sensor resources and computational resources it allocates. The sensor resources considered in this thesis are a subset of the multi-modal sensor system on a test vehicle provided by Audi AG, which is also used to evaluate our proposed resource allocation system. This thesis presents an original contribution in three respects. First, a system architecture designed to efficiently allocate both high-resolution sensor resources and computational expensive processes based upon low-resolution sensor data is proposed. Second, a novel method to estimate 3-D range motion, e cient scan-patterns for spin image based classifiers, and an evaluation of track-to-track fusion algorithms present contributions in the field of data processing methods. Third, a Pareto efficient multi-objective resource allocation method is formalised, implemented, and evaluated using road traffic test sequences

    Traffic sign detection using a cascade method with fast feature extraction and saliency test

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    Automatic traffic sign detection is challenging due to the complexity of scene images, and fast detection is required in real applications such as driver assistance systems. In this paper, we propose a fast traffic sign detection method based on a cascade method with saliency test and neighboring scale awareness. In the cascade method, feature maps of several channels are extracted efficiently using approximation techniques. Sliding windows are pruned hierarchically using coarse-to-fine classifiers and the correlation between neighboring scales. The cascade system has only one free parameter, while the multiple thresholds are selected by a data-driven approach. To further increase speed, we also use a novel saliency test based on mid-level features to pre-prune background windows. Experiments on two public traffic sign data sets show that the proposed method achieves competing performance and runs 27 times as fast as most of the state-of-the-art methods

    Human Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance A Cognitive Science Approach

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    With crimes on the rise all around the world, video surveillance is becoming more important day by day. Due to the lack of human resources to monitor this increasing number of cameras manually new computer vision algorithms to perform lower and higher level tasks are being developed. We have developed a new method incorporating the most acclaimed Histograms of Oriented Gradients the theory of Visual Saliency and the saliency prediction model Deep Multi Level Network to detect human beings in video sequences. Furthermore we implemented the k Means algorithm to cluster the HOG feature vectors of the positively detected windows and determined the path followed by a person in the video. We achieved a detection precision of 83.11% and a recall of 41.27%. We obtained these results 76.866 times faster than classification on normal images.Comment: ICCV 2017 Venice, Italy Pages 5 Figures

    Exploring Human Vision Driven Features for Pedestrian Detection

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    Motivated by the center-surround mechanism in the human visual attention system, we propose to use average contrast maps for the challenge of pedestrian detection in street scenes due to the observation that pedestrians indeed exhibit discriminative contrast texture. Our main contributions are first to design a local, statistical multi-channel descriptorin order to incorporate both color and gradient information. Second, we introduce a multi-direction and multi-scale contrast scheme based on grid-cells in order to integrate expressive local variations. Contributing to the issue of selecting most discriminative features for assessing and classification, we perform extensive comparisons w.r.t. statistical descriptors, contrast measurements, and scale structures. This way, we obtain reasonable results under various configurations. Empirical findings from applying our optimized detector on the INRIA and Caltech pedestrian datasets show that our features yield state-of-the-art performance in pedestrian detection.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT

    Mathematical modeling for partial object detection.

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    From a computer vision point of view, the image is a scene consisting of objects of interest and a background represented by everything else in the image. The relations and interactions among these objects are the key factors for scene understanding. In this dissertation, a mathematical model is designed for the detection of partially occluded faces captured in unconstrained real life conditions. The proposed model novelty comes from explicitly considering certain objects that are common to occlude faces and embedding them in the face model. This enables the detection of faces in difficult settings and provides more information to subsequent analysis in addition to the bounding box of the face. In the proposed Selective Part Models (SPM), the face is modelled as a collection of parts that can be selected from the visible regular facial parts and some of the occluding objects which commonly interact with faces such as sunglasses, caps, hands, shoulders, and other faces. With the face detection being the first step in the face recognition pipeline, the proposed model does not only detect partially occluded faces efficiently but it also suggests the occluded parts to be excluded from the subsequent recognition step. The model was tested on several recent face detection databases and benchmarks and achieved state of the art performance. In addition, detailed analysis for the performance with respect to different types of occlusion were provided. Moreover, a new database was collected for evaluating face detectors focusing on the partial occlusion problem. This dissertation highlights the importance of explicitly handling the partial occlusion problem in face detection and shows its efficiency in enhancing both the face detection performance and the subsequent recognition performance of partially occluded faces. The broader impact of the proposed detector exceeds the common security applications by using it for human robot interaction. The humanoid robot Nao is used to help in teaching children with autism and the proposed detector is used to achieve natural interaction between the robot and the children by detecting their faces which can be used for recognition or more interestingly for adaptive interaction by analyzing their expressions
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