640,308 research outputs found

    Careers 2020: options for future careers work in English schools.

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    Careers work in English schools has endured much turbulence recently. The government has now established a statutory duty on schools to secure provision, placing commissioning of careers advice and guidance in the hands of schools rather than local authorities or central government. But the duty is framed very loosely, comes with no funding and offers no clear model of provision. The previous funding for face-to-face guidance from qualified careers advisers has been removed, as has the duty for schools to provide careers education. So what should schools’ careers offers look like in future? How can schools ensure the quality of the career development support that is so vital for young people, and particularly so for those who cannot rely on their existing networks for advice and opportunities?Pearson Think Tan


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    As one of the services rendered in counselling is Career counselling, the student counsellor as a beginner in addition to knowing the "world of work" in other professions, needs to be familiar with options available to him within his choice. Many areas of speciality are becoming available in countries where counseiling as a career had been long established. Countries just embracing counselling are also becoming aware of the meaningful impact counselling services could make to their nations. This article, through literature review and library research explores the various settings in which counselling as a career could be offered, functions likely to be performed and possible requirements for qualifications. The research revealed that choices in this area is becoming more prolific with forecast as to the trend of counselling as a career in the future. Such awareness of career options to the student counsellor could make him fulfill his own potentials if we assume that the art of helping demands that the helper needs to be able to help himself

    What\u27s It Like to Be an Accountant?

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    Professionalism in Careers

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    This briefing paper sets out the background, evidence and key issues relating to professionalism in careers work in England. The work is produced on behalf of Careers England and the Career Development Institute (CDI), but the paper does not represent the policy of either organisations

    The changing UK careers landscape : tidal waves, turbulence and transformation

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    This article explores how the UK careers landscape in each of the four home nations is changing in response to neo-liberal policies. In this context, careers services are increasingly under pressure to demonstrate their added value, impact and returns on investment. As fiscal arrangements tighten and governments state their preferences and priorities for national careers services, differing strategic responses are beginning to emerge. A quasi-market, experimental approach is now the dominant discourse in England, in contrast to differing and complementary arrangements in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The article suggests that insofar as these developments are transforming national careers services, they are also creating significant challenges which require new forms of policy imagery and imagination for high-impact, all-age careers services

    New strategy to transform the quality of careers education, advice and guidance for young people

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    This paper, based on David's experience of having been directly involved in careers work for young people over 35 years, offers some personal suggestions about what should be included in the forthcoming strategy for careers education and guidance. The aim of this strategy should be to ensure that the careers support that young people experience provides them with the help that they need to progress successfully through learning and into work. It should prepare them for lives and careers where they will have to navigate a complex and challenging landscape of education, training and employment

    Evaluation of Careers Yorkshire and the Humber: inspiration activity and good practice guide.

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    The evaluation captures the work of Careers Yorkshire and the Humber in their response to the government's 'inspiration agenda' which aims to support schools, colleges and prisons to inspire career aspiration in young people. Careers Yorkshire and the Humber is a regional provider of the National Careers Service.Careers Yorkshire and the Humbe

    Careers work with young people: collapse or transition? An analysis of current developments in careers education and guidance for young people in England

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    This paper analyses the current information available (in July 2011) about the changes that are taking place in careers work following recent government policy initiatives and public-sector austerity measures. In particular, it examines the local developments that have emerged in relation to a national policy context in which: • Existing careers work is being radically reconfigured. • The new National Careers Service (NCS) will principally serve adults (apart from its telephone/web-based services, which will cover young people too). • Securing careers guidance for young people has been made the responsibility of schools. • The requirement for schools to provide careers education has been removed. • There has been very limited transition planning at national level: this has led to considerable local confusion. • In particular, there is continuing confusion about the future relationship of remaining face-to-face Connexions services to the NCS, and about the branding of such services. Implications for Connexions services, Local Authorities, schools, new market players and the careers profession are identified

    Occupations, Organizations, and Boundaryless Careers

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    [Excerpt] The central premise of this chapter is that, as organizations become less important in defining career pathways and boundaries, occupations will become increasingly more important. While occupational demarcations have always had a significant, albeit often unacknowledged, impact on individual career patterns, the significance of such demarcations for careers is likely to be heightened by current trends in employment relationships. In this chapter, then, I review the sociological literature on occupational labor markets and on the structure of professional occupations, in an effort to shed light on a number of issues associated with occupationally based careers. Of specific concern are three questions: What kinds of job and occupational characteristics foster such careers? When occupations become the major locus of careers, what are the consequences for organizations? And finally, what are some of the key career-management issues for individuals pursuing occupation-ally based careers

    Careers events : what works?

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