17,093 research outputs found

    Semidefinite approximation for mixed binary quadratically constrained quadratic programs

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    Motivated by applications in wireless communications, this paper develops semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation techniques for some mixed binary quadratically constrained quadratic programs (MBQCQP) and analyzes their approximation performance. We consider both a minimization and a maximization model of this problem. For the minimization model, the objective is to find a minimum norm vector in NN-dimensional real or complex Euclidean space, such that MM concave quadratic constraints and a cardinality constraint are satisfied with both binary and continuous variables. {\color{blue}By employing a special randomized rounding procedure, we show that the ratio between the norm of the optimal solution of the minimization model and its SDP relaxation is upper bounded by \cO(Q^2(M-Q+1)+M^2) in the real case and by \cO(M(M-Q+1)) in the complex case.} For the maximization model, the goal is to find a maximum norm vector subject to a set of quadratic constraints and a cardinality constraint with both binary and continuous variables. We show that in this case the approximation ratio is bounded from below by \cO(\epsilon/\ln(M)) for both the real and the complex cases. Moreover, this ratio is tight up to a constant factor

    Submodular Minimization Under Congruency Constraints

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    Submodular function minimization (SFM) is a fundamental and efficiently solvable problem class in combinatorial optimization with a multitude of applications in various fields. Surprisingly, there is only very little known about constraint types under which SFM remains efficiently solvable. The arguably most relevant non-trivial constraint class for which polynomial SFM algorithms are known are parity constraints, i.e., optimizing only over sets of odd (or even) cardinality. Parity constraints capture classical combinatorial optimization problems like the odd-cut problem, and they are a key tool in a recent technique to efficiently solve integer programs with a constraint matrix whose subdeterminants are bounded by two in absolute value. We show that efficient SFM is possible even for a significantly larger class than parity constraints, by introducing a new approach that combines techniques from Combinatorial Optimization, Combinatorics, and Number Theory. In particular, we can show that efficient SFM is possible over all sets (of any given lattice) of cardinality r mod m, as long as m is a constant prime power. This covers generalizations of the odd-cut problem with open complexity status, and with relevance in the context of integer programming with higher subdeterminants. To obtain our results, we establish a connection between the correctness of a natural algorithm, and the inexistence of set systems with specific combinatorial properties. We introduce a general technique to disprove the existence of such set systems, which allows for obtaining extensions of our results beyond the above-mentioned setting. These extensions settle two open questions raised by Geelen and Kapadia [Combinatorica, 2017] in the context of computing the girth and cogirth of certain types of binary matroids

    A D.C. Programming Approach to the Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

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    In this paper, we consider the sparse eigenvalue problem wherein the goal is to obtain a sparse solution to the generalized eigenvalue problem. We achieve this by constraining the cardinality of the solution to the generalized eigenvalue problem and obtain sparse principal component analysis (PCA), sparse canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and sparse Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) as special cases. Unlike the â„“1\ell_1-norm approximation to the cardinality constraint, which previous methods have used in the context of sparse PCA, we propose a tighter approximation that is related to the negative log-likelihood of a Student's t-distribution. The problem is then framed as a d.c. (difference of convex functions) program and is solved as a sequence of convex programs by invoking the majorization-minimization method. The resulting algorithm is proved to exhibit \emph{global convergence} behavior, i.e., for any random initialization, the sequence (subsequence) of iterates generated by the algorithm converges to a stationary point of the d.c. program. The performance of the algorithm is empirically demonstrated on both sparse PCA (finding few relevant genes that explain as much variance as possible in a high-dimensional gene dataset) and sparse CCA (cross-language document retrieval and vocabulary selection for music retrieval) applications.Comment: 40 page

    Normal Form Theorem for Logic Programs with Cardinality Constraints

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    We discuss proof schemes, a kind of context-dependent proofs for logic programs. We show usefullness of these constructs both in the context of normal logic programs and their generalizations due to Niemela and collaborators. As an application we show the following result. For every cardinality-constraint logic program P there is a logic program P´ with the same heads, but with bodies consisting of atoms and negated atoms such that P and P´ have same stable models. It is worth noting that another proof of same result can be obtained from the results by Lifschitz and collaborators
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