9,207 research outputs found

    Automotive air pollution : issues and options for developing countries

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    Air pollution constitutes an ominous threat to human health and welfare. Its adverse effects are pervasive and may be disaggregated at three levels: (a) local, confined to urban and industrial centers; (b) regional, pertaining to transboundary transport of pollutants; and (c) global, related to build up of greenhouse gases. These effects have been observed globally but the characteristics and scale of the air pollution problem in developing countries are not known; nor has the problem been researched and evaluated to the same extent as in industrialized countries. Air pollution, however, can no longer be regarded as a local or a regional issue as it has global repercussions in terms of the greenhouse effect and depletion of the ozone layer. This paper discusses the contribution of motorized land transport to air pollution problems, with special reference to developing countries. It assesses the adverse effects of air pollution from transport sources, primarily motor vehicles, and reviews possible approaches to bring about improvements. The paper identifies key issues and research needs related to land transport and air pollution in developing countriesTransport and Environment,Environmental Economics&Policies,Montreal Protocol,Energy and Environment,Roads&Highways

    China and East Asian Energy : Prospects and Issues

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    In October 2005, the Crawford School (then the Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government) within the Australian National University (ANU) initiated a major research project on China and East Asian Energy. The project is being undertaken under the schools East Asia Forum in conjunction with the China Economy and Business Program. The first conference in the series being organised under the auspices of the China and East Asian Energy Strategies Research Program was hosted in Beijing by the Energy Research Institute and the ANU on 1011 October 2005. It was the first of five annual conferences in the program. This book brings together the key papers presented at that conference.

    Geographic features of zero-emissions urban mobility: the case of electric buses in Europe and Belarus

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    This article reviews the emerging phenomena of electric buses’ deployment in Europe and Belarus within the general framework of the concept of sustainable and electric urban mobility. The author offers a brief overview of electric bus technologies available on the market and a spatial analysis of fleet deployment in Europe. The analysis of the spatial structure of the distribution of e-buses in Europe indicated that, in terms of the number of vehicles in operation, the UK and the Netherlands are the regional leaders, while in terms of the number of cities testing e-buses – Germany, Sweden, and Poland are the leaders. The analysis showed that the main factors supporting the distribution of innovative technology and public support are legislative and regulative framework as well as clear strategic planning and cooperation between local administrations and transportation authorities. Other important aspects, such as network building features, and the location of the charging infrastructure were also discussed. The analysis of the case study of Minsk (the first city to introduce electric buses in Belarus) outlined the typical limiting factors for all types of markets: high battery costs and dependency on infrastructure; recommendations are given to emphasise bus fleet replacement (instead of trolleybus) and to develop a comprehensive sustainable urban mobility strategy

    Why have CO2 emissions increased in the transport sector in Asia ? underlying factors and policy options

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    Rapidly increasing emissions of carbon dioxide from the transport sector, particularly in urban areas, is a major challenge to sustainable development in developing countries. This study analyzes the factors responsible for transport sector CO2 emissions growth in selected developing Asian countries during 1980-2005. The analysis splits the annual emissions growth into components representing economic development; population growth; shifts in transportation modes; and changes in fuel mix, emission coefficients, and transportation energy intensity. The study also reviews existing government policies to limit CO2 emissions growth, particularly various fiscal and regulatory policy instruments. The study finds that of the six factors considered, three - economic development, population growth, and transportation energy intensity - are responsible for driving up transport sector CO2 emissions in Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Vietnam. In contrast, only economic development and population growth are responsible in the case of China, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. CO2 emissions exhibit a downward trend in Mongolia due to decreasing transportation energy intensity. The study also finds that some existing policy instruments help reduce transport sector CO2 emissions, although they were not necessarily targeted for this purpose when introduced.Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases,Energy Production and Transportation,Climate Change Economics,Transport and Environment

    Quantifying Urban Karachi’s Air Quality Effect on Human Health and Policy Recommendations

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    Today’s environmental issues are systematic in nature and cannot be tackled in isolation from man-made activities and impacts. The change in land use and land cover resulting from urbanization has aggravated air quality in urban centers of the country. One of the main sources of air pollution is the use of automobiles in human populated regions resulting in an excess of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen compounds. The emission of greenhouse gases in the form of carbon dioxide from 1990 to 2005 showed an increase of 97.4%. The main source of this increment were vehicular and industrial emissions due to which Pakistan is facing glacier melt in northern areas, earthquakes, flooding and lack of fresh water availability. The authors analyze the effects of vehicular emission on human health; this study is focused on the commercial and industrial areas of Karachi where the flow of heavy traffic and heavy vehicular exhaust emissions are common. The sampled areas are Port Qasim, University Road, Korangi and Mosmiyat. The purpose of this study is to evaluate perceptions of health factors due to air borne pollution in 4 different localities in Karachi. The results showed predominance of headache which is due to an excessive quantity of carbon monoxide and air borne dust in the survey areas as slight exposure of Carbon monoxide affiliated with headache, the second highest complain from respondents is the  Eye Irritation, the exposure of NO2 has acute health effects which include eye irritation, cough and asthma. Based on the above study, recommendations are made to reduce GHG and other pollutants

    Powering Future Transport in Scotland: A Review for the Scottish Association for Public Transport

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    This report discusses energy costs and emissions associated with transport in Scotland and reviews options for future power sources for different modes of public transport. Transport provides a major contribution to greenhouse gas and other harmful emissions worldwide and efforts to reduce these are important for all forms of public transport, as well as for private cars and for the movement of freight. The effects of transport policy decisions are recognised, increasingly, as being very important for the electricity supply industry at national and local levels, largely because of the growth in the numbers of electric and hybrid road vehicles. Moving from oil to low carbon energy for transport raises important issues for electrical power generation and distribution systems in addition to challenges already being faced by the electrical power industry as the proportion of generating capacity involving renewables increases. The report starts by considering current energy costs and emissions for different forms of passenger transport and then outlines some current developments in areas such as internal combustion engine technology, battery storage systems and hydrogen fuel cells. Systems involving short-term energy storage and recovery of energy that would otherwise be dissipated as heat during braking are also discussed. Such systems generally involve the use of super-capacitors, flywheels or hydraulic devices. References are provided to the sources of data used in the analysis carried out for this review and, also, to sources of information about relevant developments in science and engineering. For all the new developments mentioned, there is a brief review of some transport applications in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. The possible impact of autonomous vehicles on future car ownership is still not known and the effects of this technology on public transport remain uncertain. As well as discussing autonomous road vehicles, the report makes brief mention of the potential of autonomous systems and increased automation for rail transport and for tramway operations. The benefits of further conventional railway electrification are reviewed in terms of energy usage, costs and emissions and the advantages of a more integrated approach to the provision of public transport in Scotland are emphasised. The value of using mathematical modelling and simulation methods to explore options in transport systems developments and planning is discussed, and the importance of testing simulation models in ways that are appropriate for the intended application is emphasised. This review presents the first results from a continuing study which was started in 2018 and is intended to provide information that should be relevant for those involved in decision-making in Scotland at the time of publication. The quantitative information contained within it clearly needs to be updated on a regular basis. The review concludes with recommendations for the Scottish Association for Public Transport about possible priorities for its efforts to increase public awareness about transport issues and is intended to be the first of a series of publications on transport and energy issues in the Scottish context. The references form an important part of the report and provide a potentially important bibliography which must be augmented and updated regularly

    The investigation into the energy consumption in some Japanese fisheries and the measures to reduce CO2 emissions

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    Japan’s fish production volume in 2008 was 5.59million tons, it accounted for 4% of world’s production and consisted of catch (4.40million tons) and aquaculture (1.19 million tons). For the far sea fishery, its’ fishing grounds are in domestic and foreign countries’ exclusive economic zone and international waters, since the total production volume of this fishery has been declining, offshore and coastal fishery have become mainly in Japan. In this study, the estimation of the energy consumptions in a kelp aquaculture and three types of fisheries, such as squid, fixed net and gill net, is done for comparison to the consumptions of fisheries in foreign countries. The result reveals that the characteristics of these fisheries’ energy consumptions and the measures for reductions of energy use. Furthermore, in Minamikayabe as surveyed fishing village, the carbon dioxide balance in this village is evaluated. The carbon dioxide emissions from the energy (fuel and electricity) use and the escape Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) from freezers, refrigerators and ice manufacture machines in the village are calculated. Meanwhile, as forests and oceans are carbon dioxide sinks, it is possible to estimate the volume of carbon dioxide stored by woods and seaweed along the coast. Finally, several measures for carbon dioxide reductions are shown.

    The Greenness of China: Household Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Urban Development

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    China urbanization is associated with both increases in per-capita income and greenhouse gas emissions. This paper uses micro data to rank 74 major Chinese cities with respect to their household carbon footprint. We find that the “greenest” cities based on this criterion are Huaian and Suqian while the “dirtiest” cities are Daqing and Mudanjiang. Even in the dirtiest city (Daqing), a standardized household produces only one-fifth of that in America’s greenest city (San Diego). We find that the average January temperature is strongly negatively correlated with a city’s household carbon footprint, which suggests that current regional economic development policies that bolster the growth of China’s northeastern cities are likely to increase emissions. We use our city specific income elasticity estimates to predict the growth of carbon emissions in China’s cities.

    South African postgraduate consumer’s attitude towards global warming

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    The article explored postgraduate consumers’ attitude towards global warming in South Africa. This is relevant in a world where the negative impact of global warming is already felt in some countries and there is a great deal of discussion by stakeholders around the mitigation of greenhouse gases. The data used in this article was collected using a specially designed questionnaire which incorporated questions relating to the persuasion (attitude formation) stage of innovation decision process. The findings of this study revealed that the respondents were passively involved with the global warming phenomenon; many were aware of its negative consequences; they were worried about global warming; they felt that it would impact their personal lives, South Africa and future generations. Opinion leadership and word of mouth communication within the respondent’s social system occurred to a limited extent. This study demonstrated the respondents’ attitude towards global warming which within the context of derived demand is significant since consumers are indirectly responsible for businesses’ greenhouse gas emissions