265 research outputs found

    Capture resilient ElGamal signature protocols

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    One of the fundamental problems of public key cryptography is protecting the private key. Private keys are too long to be remembered by the user, and storing them in the device which performs the private key operation is insecure as long as the device is subject to capture. In this paper, we propose server-assisted protocols for the ElGamal signature scheme which make the system capture resilient in the sense that the security of the system is not compromised even if the signature device is captured. The protocols also have a key disabling feature which allows a user to disable the device's private key in case both the device and the password of the user are compromised simultaneously. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

    Leak-Free Mediated Group Signatures

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    Group signatures are a useful cryptographic construct for privacy-preserving non-repudiable authentication, and there have been many group signature schemes. In this paper, we introduce a variant of group signatures that offers two new security properties called leak-freedom and immediate-revocation. Intuitively, the former ensures that an insider (i.e., an authorized but malicious signer) be unable to convince an outsider (e.g., signature receiver) that she indeed signed a certain message; whereas the latter ensures that the authorization for a user to issue group signatures can be immediately revoked whenever the need arises (temporarily or permanently). These properties are not offered in existing group signature schemes, nor captured by their security definitions. However, these properties might be crucial to a large class of enterprise-centric applications because they are desirable from the perspective of the enterprises who adopt group signatures or are the group signatures liability-holders (i.e., will be hold accountable for the consequences of group signatures). In addition to introducing these new securit

    Password-Protected Secret Sharing

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    We revisit the problem of protecting user\u27s private data against adversarial compromise of user\u27s device(s) which would normally store this data. We formalize an attractive solution to this problem as Password-Protected Secret-Sharing (PPSS), which is a protocol that allows a user to secret-share her data among n trustees in such a way that (1) the user can retrieve the shared secret upon entering a correct password into a reconstruction protocol which succeeds as long as at least t+1 honest trustees participate, and (2) the shared data remains secret even against the adversary which corrupts at most t servers, with the level of protection expected of password-authentication, i.e. the probability that the adversary learns anything useful about the secret is at most negligibly greater than q/|D| where q is the number of reconstruction protocol instances in which adversary engages and |D| is the size of the dictionary from which the password was randomly chosen. We propose an efficient PPSS protocol in the public key model, i.e. where the device can remember a trusted public key, provably secure under the DDH assumption, using non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs which are efficiently instantiatable in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). The resulting protocol is robust and practical, with fewer than 4t+124t+12 exponentiations per party, and with only three messages exchanged between the user and each server, implying a single round of interaction in the on-line phase. As a side benefit our PPSS protocol yields a new Threshold Password Authenticated Key Exchange (T-PAKE) protocol in the public key model which is significantly faster than existing T-PAKE\u27s provably secure in the public key model in ROM

    A distributed key establishment scheme for wireless mesh networks using identity-based cryptography

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    In this paper, we propose a secure and efficient key establishment scheme designed with respect to the unique requirements of Wireless Mesh Networks. Our security model is based on Identity-based key establishment scheme without the utilization of a trusted authority for private key operations. Rather, this task is performed by a collaboration of users; a threshold number of users come together in a coalition so that they generate the private key. We performed simulative performance evaluation in order to show the effect of both the network size and the threshold value. Results show a tradeoff between resiliency and efficiency: increasing the threshold value or the number of mesh nodes also increases the resiliency but negatively effects the efficiency. For threshold values smaller than 8 and for number of mesh nodes in between 40 and 100, at least 90% of the mesh nodes can compute their private keys within at most 70 seconds. On the other hand, at threshold value 8, an increase in the number of mesh nodes from 40 to 100 results in 25% increase in the rate of successful private key generations

    Information Leakage Attacks and Countermeasures

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    The scientific community has been consistently working on the pervasive problem of information leakage, uncovering numerous attack vectors, and proposing various countermeasures. Despite these efforts, leakage incidents remain prevalent, as the complexity of systems and protocols increases, and sophisticated modeling methods become more accessible to adversaries. This work studies how information leakages manifest in and impact interconnected systems and their users. We first focus on online communications and investigate leakages in the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS). Using modern machine learning models, we show that an eavesdropping adversary can efficiently exploit meta-information (e.g., packet size) not protected by the TLS’ encryption to launch fingerprinting attacks at an unprecedented scale even under non-optimal conditions. We then turn our attention to ultrasonic communications, and discuss their security shortcomings and how adversaries could exploit them to compromise anonymity network users (even though they aim to offer a greater level of privacy compared to TLS). Following up on these, we delve into physical layer leakages that concern a wide array of (networked) systems such as servers, embedded nodes, Tor relays, and hardware cryptocurrency wallets. We revisit location-based side-channel attacks and develop an exploitation neural network. Our model demonstrates the capabilities of a modern adversary but also presents an inexpensive tool to be used by auditors for detecting such leakages early on during the development cycle. Subsequently, we investigate techniques that further minimize the impact of leakages found in production components. Our proposed system design distributes both the custody of secrets and the cryptographic operation execution across several components, thus making the exploitation of leaks difficult

    SyRA: Sybil-Resilient Anonymous Signatures with Applications to Decentralized Identity

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    We introduce a new cryptographic primitive, called Sybil-Resilient Anonymous (SyRA) signature, which enables users to generate, on demand, unlinkable pseudonyms tied to any given context, and issue digital signatures on their behalf. Concretely, given a personhood relation, an issuer (who may be a distributed entity) enables users to prove their personhood and extract an associated long-term key, which can then be used to issue signatures for any given context and message. Sybil-resilient anonymous signatures achieve two key security properties: 1) Sybil resilience: ensures that every user is entitled to at most one pseudonym per context, and 2) anonymity: requires that no information about the user is leaked through their various pseudonyms or the signatures they issue on their pseudonyms’ behalf. We conceptualize SyRA signatures as an ideal functionality in the Universal Composition (UC) setting and realize the functionality via an efficient, pairing-based construction that utilizes two levels of verifiable random functions (VRFs) and which may be of independent interest. A key feature of this approach is the statelessness of the issuer: we achieve the core properties of Sybil resilience and anonymity without requiring the issuer to retain any information about past user interactions. SyRA signatures have various applications in multiparty systems, such as e-voting (e.g., for decentralized governance) and cryptocurrency airdrops, making them an attractive option for deployment in decentralized identity (DID) systems