4 research outputs found

    Automatic building information model query generation

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    Energy efficient building design and construction calls for extensive collaboration between different subfields of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) community. Performing building design and construction engineering raises challenges on data integration and software interoperability. Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) data hub to host and integrate building models is a promising solution to address those challenges, which can ease building design information management. However, the partial model query mechanism of current BIM data hub collaboration model has several limitations, which prevents designers and engineers to take advantage of BIM. To address this problem, we propose a general and effective approach to generate query code based on a Model View Definition (MVD). This approach is demonstrated through a software prototype called QueryGenerator. By demonstrating a case study using multi-zone air flow analysis, we show how our approach and tool can help domain experts to use BIM to drive building design with less labour and lower overhead cost.published_or_final_versio


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    ABSTRACT This paper describes techniques for improving the performance of meta framework developed by combining C++ and Java language segments through reducing the number of bytecodes generated. Augmented versions of existing languages can be developed by combining good properties of those languages. It increases the flexibility of programmers in using language constructs of those languages. The framework identifies and parses source code with C++ and Java language statements using metagrammar developed and create a unified AST for the hybrid source code. Bytecodes are generated for AST and interpreted. The performance of Bytecodes can be improved through optimization techniques associated with metagrammars, like constant propagation which identifies constant values for variables and propagate it to the place where the variable occurs and replace it with corresponding value. Function inlining and exception optimization greatly improves the execution time performance of Bytecodes. Optimization through metagrammars eliminates rigorous analysis of bytecodes to identify hot spots and optimize them

    Un formalisme pour la traçabilité des transformations

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    Dans le développement logiciel en industrie, les documents de spécification jouent un rôle important pour la communication entre les analystes et les développeurs. Cependant, avec le temps, les changements de personel et les échéances toujours plus courtes, ces documents sont souvent obsolètes ou incohérents avec l'état effectif du système, i.e., son code source. Pourtant, il est nécessaire que les composants du système logiciel soient conservés à jour et cohérents avec leurs documents de spécifications pour faciliter leur développement et maintenance et, ainsi, pour en réduire les coûts. Maintenir la cohérence entre spécification et code source nécessite de pouvoir représenter les changements sur les uns et les autres et de pouvoir appliquer ces changements de manière cohérente et automatique. Nous proposons une solution permettant de décrire une représentation d'un logiciel ainsi qu'un formalisme mathématique permettant de décrire et de manipuler l'évolution des composants de ces représentations. Le formalisme est basé sur les triplets de Hoare pour représenter les transformations et sur la théorie des groupes et des homomorphismes de groupes pour manipuler ces transformations et permettrent leur application sur les différentes représentations du système. Nous illustrons notre formalisme sur deux représentations d'un système logiciel : PADL, une représentation architecturale de haut niveau (semblable à UML), et JCT, un arbre de syntaxe abstrait basé sur Java. Nous définissons également des transformations représentant l'évolution de ces représentations et la transposition permettant de reporter les transformations d'une représentation sur l'autre. Enfin, nous avons développé et décrivons brièvement une implémentation de notre illustration, un plugiciel pour l'IDE Eclipse détectant les transformations effectuées sur le code par les développeurs et un générateur de code pour l'intégration de nouvelles représentations dans l'implémentation.When developing software system in industry, system specifications are heavily used in communication among analysts and developers. However, system evolution, employee turn-over and shorter deadlines lead those documents either not to be up-to-date or not to be consistent with the actual system source code. Yet, having up-to-date documents would greatly help analysts and developers and reduce development and maintenance costs. Therefore, we need to keep those documents up-to-date and consistent. We propose a novel mathematical formalism to describe and manipulate the evolution of these documents. The mathematical formalism is based on Hoare triple to represent the transformations and group theory and groups homomorphisms to manipulate these transformations and apply them on different representations. We illustrate our formalism using two representation of a same system: PADL, that is an abstract design specification (similar to UML), and JCT, that is an Abstract Syntax Tree for Java. We also define transformations describing their evolutions, and transformations transposition from one representation to another. Finally, we provide an implementation of our illustration, a plugin for the Eclipse IDE detecting source code transformations made by a developer and a source code generator for integrating new representations in the implementation

    Reengineering Standalone C++ Legacy Systems into the J2EE Partition Distributed Environment

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    ABSTRACT Many enterprise systems are developed in C++ language and most of them are standalone. Because the standalone software can not follow the new market environment, reengineering the standalone legacy systems into distributed environment becomes a critical problem. Some methods have been proposed on related topics such as design recovery, the identification of the component, modeling the interfaces of components and components allocation. Up to now, there does not exist a reengineering process for partition distributed environment, which will offer distinct advantages on horizontal scalability and performance over normal distributed solutions. This paper presents a new process to reengineer C++ legacy systems into the J2EE partition distributed environment. The process consists of four steps: translation from C++ to Java code; extraction of components using the cluster technology; modeling component interfaces and partition of the components in J2EE distribute environment. It has been applied to a large equity-trading legacy system which has proved to be successful