9 research outputs found

    Development of a knowledge base for the planning of prismatic parts inspection on CMM

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    Inspection on coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) is based on software support for various classes of metrological tasks, i.e. Tolerances. Today, the design of a uniform inspection plan for a measuring part presents a rather complex issue due to the following: (i) metrological complexity of a measuring part; (ii) skills and knowledge of a designer / inspection planner; and (iii) software for CAI model, considered as a part of an integrated CAD-CAPP-CAM-CAI system. This issue could be addressed by the usage of expert systems that generate a conceptual inspection plan for a measuring part, based on which the inspection plan for a selected CMM could be automatically developed. This paper presents the development of a model of an automatic inspection planning system for CMMs, and, in particular, the developed knowledge base model

    Development of a knowledge base for the planning of prismatic parts inspection on CMM

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    Inspection on coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) is based on software support for various classes of metrological tasks, i.e. Tolerances. Today, the design of a uniform inspection plan for a measuring part presents a rather complex issue due to the following: (i) metrological complexity of a measuring part; (ii) skills and knowledge of a designer / inspection planner; and (iii) software for CAI model, considered as a part of an integrated CAD-CAPP-CAM-CAI system. This issue could be addressed by the usage of expert systems that generate a conceptual inspection plan for a measuring part, based on which the inspection plan for a selected CMM could be automatically developed. This paper presents the development of a model of an automatic inspection planning system for CMMs, and, in particular, the developed knowledge base model

    Capp Model for Prismatic Parts in Digital Manufacturing

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    Part 4: Quality ManagementInternational audienceThe paper discusses the feature-based process planning in a digital manufacturing concept, for prismatic parts manufacturing. STEP standard as an enabler of feature-based manufacturing is presented in detail, along with belonging application protocols. The case study on the feature-based CAPP/CAM model in Serbian SME is shown to depict the advantages, followed by the research recommendations for the improvement of the presented concept

    Optimization of Flexible Process Planning Based on PSO Algorithm and Chaos Theory

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    U radu je prikazan pristup za optimizaciju fleksibilnih teholoÅ”kih procesa obrade dela primenom algoritma baziranog na inteligenciji roja (PSO algoritam) i teoriji haosa. Pored metoda predstavljanja tehnoloÅ”kih procesa pomoću AND/OR mreža, u radu je predložen matematički model za minimizaciju ukupnog proizvodnog vremena i minimizaciju ukupnih troÅ”kova, kao i princip kodiranja/dekodiranja parametara teholoÅ”kih procesa u jedinke modifikovanog PSO algoritma. Takođe, u cilju prevazilaženja nedostataka vezanih za brzu konvergenciju u ranim fazama optimizacije, predložena je implementacija haotičnih mapa u modifikovani PSO algoritam. Predloženi pristup je eksperimentalno verifikovan na primeru dobijanja optimalnih tehnoloÅ”kih procesa realnog dela.This paper presents an approach for optimizing flexible process plans based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and chaos theory. Besides representing process plans in the form of AND/OR network, mathematical model for the minimization of the total production time and cost was presented, as well as particle encoding/decoding scheme for flexible process planning. Also, we proposed implementation of chaotic maps in modified PSO algorithm in order to prevent algorithm from converging prematurely. Experimental verification of the proposed algorithm was done through the optimal process planning for real part

    Application of Multi-Agent Systems and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Flexible Process Planning

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    Sistemi zasnovani na agentima primenju se za razvoj druŔtvenih, bioloŔkih i tehničkih sistema. U domenu tehničkih sistema, svoju primenu nalaze i u reŔavanju problema optimizacije savremenih tehnoloŔkih sistema. U radu je predstavljena razvijena multiagentna metodologija za optimalno projektovanje tehnoloŔkih procesa obrade dela. Predložena multiagentna arhitehtura se sastoji od četiri agenta: agent za delove, agent za maŔine, agent za transport i agent za optimizaciju. Nakon generisanja optimalnih tehnoloŔkih procesa primenom bioloŔki inspirisanog algoritma na bazi inteligencije roja čestica, u AnyLogic softverskom paketu je izvrŔena simulacija primenom razvijenih agenata. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju opravdanost primene predložene metodologije u simuliranom modelu tehnoloŔkog okruženja.Agent based systems have been used for the development of social, biological, and technical systems. In the domain of technical systems, they are widely applied in optimization problems of modern manufacturing systems. This paper presents multi-agent methodology for optimal process planning. The proposed multi-agent architecture consists of four intelligent agents: job/part agent, machine agent, transport agent, and optimization agent. After generation of optimal process plans, agent based simulation was performed using AnyLogic software. Use of applied method has been justified by experimental results in simulated model of manufacturing environment

    Application of Multi-Agent Systems and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Flexible Process Planning

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    Sistemi zasnovani na agentima primenju se za razvoj druŔtvenih, bioloŔkih i tehničkih sistema. U domenu tehničkih sistema, svoju primenu nalaze i u reŔavanju problema optimizacije savremenih tehnoloŔkih sistema. U radu je predstavljena razvijena multiagentna metodologija za optimalno projektovanje tehnoloŔkih procesa obrade dela. Predložena multiagentna arhitehtura se sastoji od četiri agenta: agent za delove, agent za maŔine, agent za transport i agent za optimizaciju. Nakon generisanja optimalnih tehnoloŔkih procesa primenom bioloŔki inspirisanog algoritma na bazi inteligencije roja čestica, u AnyLogic softverskom paketu je izvrŔena simulacija primenom razvijenih agenata. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju opravdanost primene predložene metodologije u simuliranom modelu tehnoloŔkog okruženja.Agent based systems have been used for the development of social, biological, and technical systems. In the domain of technical systems, they are widely applied in optimization problems of modern manufacturing systems. This paper presents multi-agent methodology for optimal process planning. The proposed multi-agent architecture consists of four intelligent agents: job/part agent, machine agent, transport agent, and optimization agent. After generation of optimal process plans, agent based simulation was performed using AnyLogic software. Use of applied method has been justified by experimental results in simulated model of manufacturing environment

    Optimization of Flexible Process Planning Based on PSO Algorithm and Chaos Theory

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    U radu je prikazan pristup za optimizaciju fleksibilnih teholoÅ”kih procesa obrade dela primenom algoritma baziranog na inteligenciji roja (PSO algoritam) i teoriji haosa. Pored metoda predstavljanja tehnoloÅ”kih procesa pomoću AND/OR mreža, u radu je predložen matematički model za minimizaciju ukupnog proizvodnog vremena i minimizaciju ukupnih troÅ”kova, kao i princip kodiranja/dekodiranja parametara teholoÅ”kih procesa u jedinke modifikovanog PSO algoritma. Takođe, u cilju prevazilaženja nedostataka vezanih za brzu konvergenciju u ranim fazama optimizacije, predložena je implementacija haotičnih mapa u modifikovani PSO algoritam. Predloženi pristup je eksperimentalno verifikovan na primeru dobijanja optimalnih tehnoloÅ”kih procesa realnog dela.This paper presents an approach for optimizing flexible process plans based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and chaos theory. Besides representing process plans in the form of AND/OR network, mathematical model for the minimization of the total production time and cost was presented, as well as particle encoding/decoding scheme for flexible process planning. Also, we proposed implementation of chaotic maps in modified PSO algorithm in order to prevent algorithm from converging prematurely. Experimental verification of the proposed algorithm was done through the optimal process planning for real part

    Proceedings / 6th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering - SIE 2015, 24th-25th September, 2015, Belgrade

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    editors Vesna Spasojević-Brkić, Mirjana Misita, Dragan D. Milanovi

    Proceedings / 6th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering - SIE 2015, 24th-25th September, 2015, Belgrade

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    editors Vesna Spasojević-Brkić, Mirjana Misita, Dragan D. Milanovi