23 research outputs found

    Learning Organization Characteristics Contributed to its Readiness-to-Change: A Study of the Thai Mobile Phone Service Industry

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    This paper aims to verify the relationship between Learning Organizations (LO) characteristics and an organization's readiness-to-change. LOs, based on a review of the literature, seem to have the competitive advantage of high readiness-to-change in today is economic business environment. The mobile service providers in Thailand are selected for this study. The results have shown a substantial relationship between readiness-to-change and the LO characteristics of cultural values, leadership commitment and empowerment, communication, knowledge transfer, employee characteristics, and performance upgrading. This study confirms that LO characteristics are correlated to an organization's readiness-to-change, suggesting that it is essential for organizations to develop into LOs in order to survive and/or prosper in a competitive and ever changing in business environment.

    Теоретико-прикладні аспекти управління персоналом на підприємствах споживчої кооперації України

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    У статті досліджено історичну ретроспективу концепцій управління персоналом в світовій науці менеджменту; сформовано аспекти управління персоналом на підприємствах споживчої кооперації України.The article investigates the historical retrospective of the concepts of personnel management in the world of science management; formed aspects of personnel management at enterprises of consumer cooperatives in Ukraine.В статье исследована историческая ретроспектива концепций управления персоналом в мировой науке менеджмента; сформированы аспекты управления персоналом на предприятиях потребительской кооперации Украины

    The Implementation Of Knowledge Management System In Taiwans Higher Education

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    Success in an increasingly competitive marketplace depends on the quality of knowledge that organizations apply to their key business processes. The concept of knowledge management (KM) is widely discussed in commercial applications. There are limited discussions as to how it applies to not-for-profit organizations and its relevant measurement issues. This paper examines the application of knowledge management systems (KMS) in a private college in Taiwan, who is facing administrative challenges and cutting-edge competition. The multi-perspective modeling approach is adopted. The college first defines vision in a SWOT analysis through faculty brainstorming sessions. Leadership is formed to ensure a culture of sharing. A knowledge road map then documents inventories of IC and core competence. After defining knowledge management strategies in academic and organizational perspective, the KM model describes steps and procedures for implementation. Finally, implications for other universities and colleges are discussed

    Сучасні підходи до мотивації інтелектуальної активності персоналу підприємства

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    Розглянуто поняття інтелектуальної активності персоналу та систематизовано чинники, що на неї впливають. Досліджено можливості самомотивації працівника до інтелектуальної трудової діяльності. Запропоновано сукупність заходів з формування ефективного мотиваційного механізму підприємства щодо творчої активності співробітників.The personnel intellectual activity concept is examined and the influence factors are systematized. The self-motivation possibilities to the employees intellectual labour activity are investigated. The aggregate of the forming measures of the company effective motivational mechanism in relation to the employees creative activity is proposed.Рассмотрено понятие интеллектуальной активности персонала и систематизированы факторы, которые на нее влияют. Исследованы возможности самомотивации работника к интеллектуальной трудовой деятельности. Предложена совокупность мероприятий по формированию эффективного мотивационного механизма предприятия относительно творческой активности сотрудников

    Role of leadership in the management of corporate knowledge

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    The human resources management system in Slovakia and Poland : chosen aspects

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    PURPOSE: The primary objective of this paper is to identify similarities and differences between Slovak and Polish companies for selected elements of HRM.DESIGN: Literature review and questionnaire research were conducted among 811 Polish and Slovak companies. The possibility of comparing these countries resulted mainly from the fact that both countries underwent transformation at the beginning of the 1990s and were struggling with similar problems resulting from political, economic, social and cultural changes.FINDINGS: The paper presents the results of research on job descriptions, evaluation of employees, financing employee development and employing talented and intercultural people. The analysis and assessment of data obtained in the course of research has proved the existence of statisticall significant differences in selected elements of the system of HRM in Slovak and Polish companies.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: For employees of HR departments, the results of the conducted research may indicate the directions of changes to clarify expectations for employees, ways to use the employee evaluation, financing employee development and employment of talents and people with intercultural skills. For business owners and management staff, the results of conducted research may be helpful in determining the consistency of the general strategy of the company with the adopted HRM strategy in the company and to indicate the directions of future changes in the HRM system in order to achieve compliance of these strategies.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The findings allowed to suggest relevant recommendations for Slovak and Polish companies. A comparison of activities related to the functioning of selected aspects of the HRM system provided an opportunity to exchange good practices and experiences. This paper also indicates the need to constantly monitor the entire HRM process and its individual elements in the company.peer-reviewe

    El valor intangible del empleado en la empresa: caso de estudio : Famar Fuegina SA

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    El presente trabajo de investigación toma bajo análisis el caso de una empresa industrial autopartista con índices de rotación de empleados en aumento en los últimos años y una fuerte reducción de actividades de capacitación e integración. Motivado por la detección de diversas situaciones donde errores, no intencionales de algunos empleados, fueron subsanados con grandes erogaciones de gastos no planificados para evitar un impacto mayor en la economía de la empresa

    Possibilities of applying some knowledge management techniques within the higher education domain in South Africa : a literature survey

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 86-98).This dissertation explores, by way of a literature survey, the concept of Knowledge Management (KM), and in particular, whether it would be a suitable tool in the Higher Education (HE) environment in South Africa (SA). Traditionally KM was used in the business world, for some institutions, with great success. This dissertation, however, argues that KM is only partially applicable to the HE field in general and in particular in SA. The dissertation will be introduced with the background of knowledge and management. Organizational knowledge, organizational learning and organizational memory are explored. KM and bureaucratic organizations are critically discussed. The HE sector in SA is defined in terms of lifelong learning and learning societies

    The role of the library and information science profession in managing knowledge

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    The era of the knowledge-driven economy has arrived. This economy - based on what people know and are willing to share - requires an ability to find and utilise appropriate knowledge quickly and effectively. Managing knowledge is however, complex and multifaceted. In addition, a history of treating different types of information as discrete entities means that no one profession or function has taken responsibility for this process. The library and information science (LIS) profession in particular, has not even formulated a clear role for itself in this process. This dissertation asks the question why this profession - skilled in the acquisition and distribution of information - is not actively engaged in the debate. It seeks to gain an understanding of the roles, skills and competencies needed for managing knowledge and assesses the implications for the LIS profession, if its members want to play a significant part in this process. Research reflects internationally based theory and opinions. In addition, it provides empirical evidence that the majority of the sample of LIS professionals participating in this study do not play a significant role in the knowledge management environment in South African based companies.Dr. J. A. Ko