18,565 research outputs found

    Investigation of strategic capacity issues in the aerospace sector

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    The business environment is changing fast and radically. Traditional capacity planning has limitations in today’s dynamic environments, particularly from a strategic perspective in the aerospace sector. This document sets out to identify the unique characteristics of the aerospace industry and compare the traditional views of capacity planning and modern concepts in SCP relevant to the sector. Key findings are summarised from an analysis of the literature on strategic capacity planning. The importance of considering demand uncertainty, technology uncertainty and supply uncertainty is highlighted. Two case studies in the aero- engine sector are presented. A collaborative virtual organisation requires Strategic Capacity Planning (SCP) that focuses not only on economies of scale but also on coordination, flexibility and responsiveness. An integrated framework for addressing SCP in the aerospace industry is presented

    Ethernet - a survey on its fields of application

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    During the last decades, Ethernet progressively became the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology. Apart from LAN installations, Ethernet became also attractive for many other fields of application, ranging from industry to avionics, telecommunication, and multimedia. The expanded application of this technology is mainly due to its significant assets like reduced cost, backward-compatibility, flexibility, and expandability. However, this new trend raises some problems concerning the services of the protocol and the requirements for each application. Therefore, specific adaptations prove essential to integrate this communication technology in each field of application. Our primary objective is to show how Ethernet has been enhanced to comply with the specific requirements of several application fields, particularly in transport, embedded and multimedia contexts. The paper first describes the common Ethernet LAN technology and highlights its main features. It reviews the most important specific Ethernet versions with respect to each application field’s requirements. Finally, we compare these different fields of application and we particularly focus on the fundamental concepts and the quality of service capabilities of each proposal

    Measuring Quality Change due to Technological Externality in Multi-Feature Service Bundles

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    Technological innovation, externalities and network effects keep shifting the preference parameters in cellular telecommunication service sector. The paper suggests a framework to model these changes.It notes two channels that affect the service prices (in possibly opposite ways). In each corresponding period, consumer with lower reservation prices are shopping for the services. But these reservation prices are going up due to complementarity/ network effects. Under some reasonable assumptions on industry and cost structure, market data can be used to identify these changes. A price index is suggested that decomposes service bundle price changes into the change in price for same-quality of service and change in quality of the service bundle. Some interesting properties of these indexes are also discussed.

    Control Over Dispute-System Design and Mandatory Commercial Arbitration

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    This article argues that mandatory arbitration is not itself the problem. The problem is instead that in some instances, one party to the dispute has exclusive control of the design of the dispute-resolution system. Consequently, research on mandatory arbitration should concentrate on who is structuring it, how they structure it, why this is so and how these choices affect dispute outcomes

    Investigation of strategic capacity issues in the aerospace sector

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    The business environment is changing fast and radically. Traditional capacity planning has limitations in today’s dynamic environments, particularly from a strategic perspective in the aerospace sector. This document sets out to identify the unique characteristics of the aerospace industry and compare the traditional views of capacity planning and modern concepts in SCP relevant to the sector. Key findings are summarised from an analysis of the literature on strategic capacity planning. The importance of considering demand uncertainty, technology uncertainty and supply uncertainty is highlighted. Two case studies in the aero- engine sector are presented. A collaborative virtual organisation requires Strategic Capacity Planning (SCP) that focuses not only on economies of scale but also on coordination, flexibility and responsiveness. An integrated framework for addressing SCP in the aerospace industry is presented

    Mixed contracts for the newsvendor problem with real options

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    In this paper we consider the newsvendor model with real options. We consider a mixed contract where the retailer can order a combination of q units subject to the conditions in a classical newsvendor contract and Q real options on the same items. We provide a closed form solution to this mixed contract when the demand is discrete and study some of its properties. We also offer an explicit solution for the continuous case. In particular we demonstrate that a mixed contract may be superior to a real option contract when a manufacturer has a bound on how much variance she is willing to accept.Newsvendor model; real options; discrete demand; mixed contract

    Innovation activity in the hotel industry: evidence from Balearic Islands.

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    The paper provides empirical evidence on technological activity in the Spanish service sector, in particular for the tourist accommodation in the Balearics. The study wants to fulfil the lack of analyses in the field of tourism. Commonly, the study of innovation activity has been carried out from a manufacture perspective, for that reason the paper discusses the precise definition of innovation in accommodation services. The data refer to a large representative sample of hotels in Balearic Islands (Spain), providing a homogeneous set of information. The results show as higher-categories hotels are more innovative than lower-categories hotels; an aggregated measure of technological innovation presents a rate over the average for hotels that belong to a chain, and that for hotels under management contract. Half of innovative companies adjust the human capital skills and abilities. The hotel industry is a supplier-driven sector that innovates introducing R&D embodied technology rather than undertaking internal R&D activities.Services innovation; Hotel industry; Balearic Islands;


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    The Staggers Rail Act of 1980 granted railroads freedom to establish rates and enter into confidential contracts with grain shippers. Recent legislation (1986) required that certain contract terms be disclosed. This study shows rail rates in the Plains region commenced an upward trend after implementation of the disclosure policy. Results suggest contract disclosure and increased reliance on posted tariffs facilitated rate coordination within the oligopolistic railroad industry.Public Economics,

    The stalling engine in Wirtschaftswunder-Land: Germany's economic policy challenges

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    An Englishman once watched his first American football game. He looked intently as the team gathered into a huddle after each play. His American host asked him what he thought of the proceedings. “Not a bad sport,” remarked the visitor, “but they do seem to engage in an excessive number of committee meetings.” Maybe what is true for American football is much more typical for the German economy nowadays, where trade unions and employers’ associations determine the wage rate and where round tables are used to find solutions to economic policy challenges. On the more serious side, I want to talk about some of the economic policy challenges that Germany faces. Being an optimist by nature, I would paint a rosy picture, especially when abroad. As an academic, however, I have to paint a realistic picture. --