1,767 research outputs found

    Wireless Network Information Flow: A Deterministic Approach

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    In a wireless network with a single source and a single destination and an arbitrary number of relay nodes, what is the maximum rate of information flow achievable? We make progress on this long standing problem through a two-step approach. First we propose a deterministic channel model which captures the key wireless properties of signal strength, broadcast and superposition. We obtain an exact characterization of the capacity of a network with nodes connected by such deterministic channels. This result is a natural generalization of the celebrated max-flow min-cut theorem for wired networks. Second, we use the insights obtained from the deterministic analysis to design a new quantize-map-and-forward scheme for Gaussian networks. In this scheme, each relay quantizes the received signal at the noise level and maps it to a random Gaussian codeword for forwarding, and the final destination decodes the source's message based on the received signal. We show that, in contrast to existing schemes, this scheme can achieve the cut-set upper bound to within a gap which is independent of the channel parameters. In the case of the relay channel with a single relay as well as the two-relay Gaussian diamond network, the gap is 1 bit/s/Hz. Moreover, the scheme is universal in the sense that the relays need no knowledge of the values of the channel parameters to (approximately) achieve the rate supportable by the network. We also present extensions of the results to multicast networks, half-duplex networks and ergodic networks.Comment: To appear in IEEE transactions on Information Theory, Vol 57, No 4, April 201

    Divide-and-conquer: Approaching the capacity of the two-pair bidirectional Gaussian relay network

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    The capacity region of multi-pair bidirectional relay networks, in which a relay node facilitates the communication between multiple pairs of users, is studied. This problem is first examined in the context of the linear shift deterministic channel model. The capacity region of this network when the relay is operating at either full-duplex mode or half-duplex mode for arbitrary number of pairs is characterized. It is shown that the cut-set upper-bound is tight and the capacity region is achieved by a so called divide-and-conquer relaying strategy. The insights gained from the deterministic network are then used for the Gaussian bidirectional relay network. The strategy in the deterministic channel translates to a specific superposition of lattice codes and random Gaussian codes at the source nodes and successive interference cancelation at the receiving nodes for the Gaussian network. The achievable rate of this scheme with two pairs is analyzed and it is shown that for all channel gains it achieves to within 3 bits/sec/Hz per user of the cut-set upper-bound. Hence, the capacity region of the two-pair bidirectional Gaussian relay network to within 3 bits/sec/Hz per user is characterized.Comment: IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, accepte

    Upper Bounds to the Performance of Cooperative Traffic Relaying in Wireless Linear Networks

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    Wireless networks with linear topology, where nodes generate their own traffic and relay other nodes' traffic, have attracted increasing attention. Indeed, they well represent sensor networks monitoring paths or streets, as well as multihop networks for videosurveillance of roads or vehicular traffic. We study the performance limits of such network systems when (i) the nodes' transmissions can reach receivers farther than one-hop distance from the sender, (ii) the transmitters cooperate in the data delivery, and (iii) interference due to concurrent transmissions is taken into account. By adopting an information-theoretic approach, we derive analytical bounds to the achievable data rate in both the cases where the nodes have full-duplex and half-duplex radios. The expressions we provide are mathematically tractable and allow the analysis of multihop networks with a large number of nodes. Our analysis highlights that increasing the number of coop- erating transmitters beyond two leads to a very limited gain in the achievable data rate. Also, for half-duplex radios, it indicates the existence of dominant network states, which have a major influence on the bound. It follows that efficient, yet simple, communication strategies can be designed by considering at most two cooperating transmitters and by letting half-duplex nodes operate according to the aforementioned dominant state

    Performance Bounds for Bi-Directional Coded Cooperation Protocols

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    In coded bi-directional cooperation, two nodes wish to exchange messages over a shared half-duplex channel with the help of a relay. In this paper, we derive performance bounds for this problem for each of three protocols. The first protocol is a two phase protocol were both users simultaneously transmit during the first phase and the relay alone transmits during the second. In this protocol, our bounds are tight and a multiple-access channel transmission from the two users to the relay followed by a coded broadcast-type transmission from the relay to the users achieves all points in the two-phase capacity region. The second protocol considers sequential transmissions from the two users followed by a transmission from the relay while the third protocol is a hybrid of the first two protocols and has four phases. In the latter two protocols the inner and outer bounds are not identical, and differ in a manner similar to the inner and outer bounds of Cover's relay channel. Numerical evaluation shows that at least in some cases of interest our bounds do not differ significantly. Finally, in the Gaussian case with path loss, we derive achievable rates and compare the relative merits of each protocol in various regimes. This case is of interest in cellular systems. Surprisingly, we find that in some cases, the achievable rate region of the four phase protocol sometimes contains points that are outside the outer bounds of the other protocols.Comment: 15 page