4,900 research outputs found

    Interactive Coding Resilient to an Unknown Number of Erasures

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    We consider distributed computations between two parties carried out over a noisy channel that may erase messages. Following a noise model proposed by Dani et al. (2018), the noise level observed by the parties during the computation in our setting is arbitrary and a priori unknown to the parties. We develop interactive coding schemes that adapt to the actual level of noise and correctly execute any two-party computation. Namely, in case the channel erases T transmissions, the coding scheme will take N+2T transmissions using an alphabet of size 4 (alternatively, using 2N+4T transmissions over a binary channel) to correctly simulate any binary protocol that takes N transmissions assuming a noiseless channel. We can further reduce the communication to N+T by relaxing the communication model and allowing parties to remain silent rather than forcing them to communicate in every round of the coding scheme. Our coding schemes are efficient, deterministic, have linear overhead both in their communication and round complexity, and succeed (with probability 1) regardless of the number of erasures T

    Error Correcting Codes for Distributed Control

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    The problem of stabilizing an unstable plant over a noisy communication link is an increasingly important one that arises in applications of networked control systems. Although the work of Schulman and Sahai over the past two decades, and their development of the notions of "tree codes"\phantom{} and "anytime capacity", provides the theoretical framework for studying such problems, there has been scant practical progress in this area because explicit constructions of tree codes with efficient encoding and decoding did not exist. To stabilize an unstable plant driven by bounded noise over a noisy channel one needs real-time encoding and real-time decoding and a reliability which increases exponentially with decoding delay, which is what tree codes guarantee. We prove that linear tree codes occur with high probability and, for erasure channels, give an explicit construction with an expected decoding complexity that is constant per time instant. We give novel sufficient conditions on the rate and reliability required of the tree codes to stabilize vector plants and argue that they are asymptotically tight. This work takes an important step towards controlling plants over noisy channels, and we demonstrate the efficacy of the method through several examples.Comment: 39 page

    Adaptive Protocols for Interactive Communication

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    How much adversarial noise can protocols for interactive communication tolerate? This question was examined by Braverman and Rao (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2014) for the case of "robust" protocols, where each party sends messages only in fixed and predetermined rounds. We consider a new class of non-robust protocols for Interactive Communication, which we call adaptive protocols. Such protocols adapt structurally to the noise induced by the channel in the sense that both the order of speaking, and the length of the protocol may vary depending on observed noise. We define models that capture adaptive protocols and study upper and lower bounds on the permissible noise rate in these models. When the length of the protocol may adaptively change according to the noise, we demonstrate a protocol that tolerates noise rates up to 1/31/3. When the order of speaking may adaptively change as well, we demonstrate a protocol that tolerates noise rates up to 2/32/3. Hence, adaptivity circumvents an impossibility result of 1/41/4 on the fraction of tolerable noise (Braverman and Rao, 2014).Comment: Content is similar to previous version yet with an improved presentatio

    Interactive Channel Capacity Revisited

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    We provide the first capacity approaching coding schemes that robustly simulate any interactive protocol over an adversarial channel that corrupts any ϵ\epsilon fraction of the transmitted symbols. Our coding schemes achieve a communication rate of 1O(ϵloglog1/ϵ)1 - O(\sqrt{\epsilon \log \log 1/\epsilon}) over any adversarial channel. This can be improved to 1O(ϵ)1 - O(\sqrt{\epsilon}) for random, oblivious, and computationally bounded channels, or if parties have shared randomness unknown to the channel. Surprisingly, these rates exceed the 1Ω(H(ϵ))=1Ω(ϵlog1/ϵ)1 - \Omega(\sqrt{H(\epsilon)}) = 1 - \Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log 1/\epsilon}) interactive channel capacity bound which [Kol and Raz; STOC'13] recently proved for random errors. We conjecture 1Θ(ϵloglog1/ϵ)1 - \Theta(\sqrt{\epsilon \log \log 1/\epsilon}) and 1Θ(ϵ)1 - \Theta(\sqrt{\epsilon}) to be the optimal rates for their respective settings and therefore to capture the interactive channel capacity for random and adversarial errors. In addition to being very communication efficient, our randomized coding schemes have multiple other advantages. They are computationally efficient, extremely natural, and significantly simpler than prior (non-capacity approaching) schemes. In particular, our protocols do not employ any coding but allow the original protocol to be performed as-is, interspersed only by short exchanges of hash values. When hash values do not match, the parties backtrack. Our approach is, as we feel, by far the simplest and most natural explanation for why and how robust interactive communication in a noisy environment is possible

    On the Queueing Behavior of Random Codes over a Gilbert-Elliot Erasure Channel

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    This paper considers the queueing performance of a system that transmits coded data over a time-varying erasure channel. In our model, the queue length and channel state together form a Markov chain that depends on the system parameters. This gives a framework that allows a rigorous analysis of the queue as a function of the code rate. Most prior work in this area either ignores block-length (e.g., fluid models) or assumes error-free communication using finite codes. This work enables one to determine when such assumptions provide good, or bad, approximations of true behavior. Moreover, it offers a new approach to optimize parameters and evaluate performance. This can be valuable for delay-sensitive systems that employ short block lengths.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, conferenc