1,179 research outputs found

    Reversible data hiding in JPEG images based on adjustable padding

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    In this paper, we propose a reversible data hiding scheme that enables an adjustable amount of information to be embedded in JPEG images based on padding strategy. The proposed embedding algorithm only modifies, in a subtle manner, an adjustable number of zero-valued quantised DCT coefficients to embed the message. Hence, compared with a state-of-the-art based on histogram shifting, the proposed scheme has a relatively low distortion to the host images. In addition to this, we found that by representing the message in ternary instead of in binary, we can embed a greater amount of information while the level of distortion remains unchanged. Experimental results support that the proposed scheme can achieve better visual quality of the marked JPEG image than the histogram shifting based scheme. The proposed scheme also outperforms this state-of-the-art in terms of the ease of implementation


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    Due to the enhanced digital media on the web, information security and privacy protection issue have attracted the eye of information communication. Information hiding has become a subject of sizable im-portance. Currently each day there's very big drawback of information hacking into the networking space. There is variety of techniques offered within the trade to over-come this drawback. So, information hiding within the encrypted image is one in all the solutions, however the matter is that the original cover can't be losslessly recov-ered by this system. That’s why recently; additional and additional attention is paid to reversible information concealing in encrypted pictures however this technique drawback low hardiness. A completely unique technique is planned by reserving for embedding information be-fore encoding of the image takes place with the offered algorithmic rule. Currently the authentic person will hide the information simply on the image to produce authen-tication. The transmission and exchange of image addi-tionally desires a high security .This is the review paper regarding this reversible information hiding algorithms obtainable. As a result, because of histogram enlarge-ment and bar graph shifting embedded message and also the host image may be recovered dead. The embedding rate is enhanced and PSNR magnitude relation using novel technique

    An Efficient Data Security System Using Reserve Room Approach on Digital Images for Secret Sharing

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    This paper presents enhancement of d ata protection system for secret communication through common network based on reversible data concealment in encrypted images with reserve room approach. In this paper was implemented for true color RGB image and reserve room approach under multi scale decomposition. The Blue plane will be chosen for hiding the secret text data. Then image is then separated into number of blocks locally and lifting wavelet will be used to detect approximation and detailed coefficients. Then approximation part is encrypted using chaos encryption method. The proposed encryption technique uses the key to encrypt an image and not only enhances the safety of secret carrier informa tion by making the information inaccessible to any intruder having a random method. After image encryption, the data hide r will conceal the secret data into the detailed coefficients which are reserved before encryption. Although encryption achieves certain security effects, they make the secret messages unreadable and unnatural or meaningless. This system is still enhanced with encrypt messages using a symmetric key method. This is the reason a new security approach called reversible data hiding arises. It is the art of hiding the existence of data in another transmission medium to achieve secret communication. The data hidi ng technique uses the adaptive LSB replacement algorithm for concealing the secret message bits into the encrypted image. In the data extraction module, the secret data will be extracted by using relevant key for choosing the encrypted pixe ls to extract th e data. By using the decryption keys, the image and extracted text data will be extracted from encryption to get the original informatio n. Finally the performance of this proposal in encryption and data hiding will be analyzed based on image and data recovery

    Multiaccess Channels with State Known to Some Encoders and Independent Messages

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    We consider a state-dependent multiaccess channel (MAC) with state non-causally known to some encoders. We derive an inner bound for the capacity region in the general discrete memoryless case and specialize to a binary noiseless case. In the case of maximum entropy channel state, we obtain the capacity region for binary noiseless MAC with one informed encoder by deriving a non-trivial outer bound for this case. For a Gaussian state-dependent MAC with one encoder being informed of the channel state, we present an inner bound by applying a slightly generalized dirty paper coding (GDPC) at the informed encoder that allows for partial state cancellation, and a trivial outer bound by providing channel state to the decoder also. The uninformed encoders benefit from the state cancellation in terms of achievable rates, however, appears that GDPC cannot completely eliminate the effect of the channel state on the achievable rate region, in contrast to the case of all encoders being informed. In the case of infinite state variance, we analyze how the uninformed encoder benefits from the informed encoder's actions using the inner bound and also provide a non-trivial outer bound for this case which is better than the trivial outer bound.Comment: Accepted to EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking, Feb. 200

    From Low-Distortion Norm Embeddings to Explicit Uncertainty Relations and Efficient Information Locking

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    The existence of quantum uncertainty relations is the essential reason that some classically impossible cryptographic primitives become possible when quantum communication is allowed. One direct operational manifestation of these uncertainty relations is a purely quantum effect referred to as information locking. A locking scheme can be viewed as a cryptographic protocol in which a uniformly random n-bit message is encoded in a quantum system using a classical key of size much smaller than n. Without the key, no measurement of this quantum state can extract more than a negligible amount of information about the message, in which case the message is said to be "locked". Furthermore, knowing the key, it is possible to recover, that is "unlock", the message. In this paper, we make the following contributions by exploiting a connection between uncertainty relations and low-distortion embeddings of L2 into L1. We introduce the notion of metric uncertainty relations and connect it to low-distortion embeddings of L2 into L1. A metric uncertainty relation also implies an entropic uncertainty relation. We prove that random bases satisfy uncertainty relations with a stronger definition and better parameters than previously known. Our proof is also considerably simpler than earlier proofs. We apply this result to show the existence of locking schemes with key size independent of the message length. We give efficient constructions of metric uncertainty relations. The bases defining these metric uncertainty relations are computable by quantum circuits of almost linear size. This leads to the first explicit construction of a strong information locking scheme. Moreover, we present a locking scheme that is close to being implementable with current technology. We apply our metric uncertainty relations to exhibit communication protocols that perform quantum equality testing.Comment: 60 pages, 5 figures. v4: published versio

    Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using MSBs Integration and Histogram Modification

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    This paper presents a reversible data hiding in encrypted image that employs based notions of the RDH in plain-image schemes including histogram modification and prediction-error computation. In the proposed method, original image may be encrypted by desire encryption algorithm. Most significant bit (MSB) of encrypted pixels are integrated to vacate room for embedding data bits. Integrated ones will be more resistant against failure of reconstruction if they are modified for embedding data bits. At the recipient, we employ chess-board predictor for lossless reconstruction of the original image by the aim of prediction-error analysis. Comparing to existent RDHEI algorithms, not only we propose a separable method to extract data bits, but also content-owner may attain a perfect reconstruction of the original image without having data hider key. Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm outperforms state of the art ones
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