5 research outputs found

    Capacity Approaching Coding for Low Noise Interactive Quantum Communication Part I: Large Alphabets

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    We consider the problem of implementing two-party interactive quantum communication over noisy channels, a necessary endeavor if we wish to fully reap quantum advantages for communication. For an arbitrary protocol with n messages, designed for a noiseless qudit channel over a size alphabet, our main result is a simulation method that fails with probability less than and uses a qudit channel over the same alphabet n(1 + times, of which an fraction can be corrupted adversarially. The simulation is thus capacity achieving to leading order, and we conjecture that it is optimal up to a constant factor in the term. Furthermore, the simulation is in a model that does not require pre-shared resources such as randomness or entanglement between the communicating parties. Our work improves over the best previously known quantum result where the overhead is a non-explicit large constant [Brassard et al., SICOMP'19] for low

    Interactive Coding Resilient to an Unknown Number of Erasures

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    We consider distributed computations between two parties carried out over a noisy channel that may erase messages. Following a noise model proposed by Dani et al. (2018), the noise level observed by the parties during the computation in our setting is arbitrary and a priori unknown to the parties. We develop interactive coding schemes that adapt to the actual level of noise and correctly execute any two-party computation. Namely, in case the channel erases T transmissions, the coding scheme will take N+2T transmissions using an alphabet of size 4 (alternatively, using 2N+4T transmissions over a binary channel) to correctly simulate any binary protocol that takes N transmissions assuming a noiseless channel. We can further reduce the communication to N+T by relaxing the communication model and allowing parties to remain silent rather than forcing them to communicate in every round of the coding scheme. Our coding schemes are efficient, deterministic, have linear overhead both in their communication and round complexity, and succeed (with probability 1) regardless of the number of erasures T

    Capacity approaching coding for low noise interactive quantum communication

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    © 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). We consider the problem of implementing two-party interactive quantum communication over noisy channels, a necessary endeavor if we wish to fully reap quantum advantages for communication. For an arbitrary protocol with n messages, designed for noiseless qudit channels (where d is arbitrary), our main result is a simulation method that fails with probability less than 2−Θ(nϵ) and uses a qudit channel n 1 + Θ times, of which an fraction can be corrupted adversarially. The simulation is thus capacity achieving to leading order, and we conjecture that it is optimal up to a constant factor in the term. Furthermore, the simulation is in a model that does not require pre-shared resources such as randomness or entanglement between the communicating parties. Perhaps surprisingly, this outperforms the best known overhead of 1 + O log log ϵ1 in the corresponding classical model, which is also conjectured to be optimal [Haeupler, FOCS’14]. Our work also improves over the best previously known quantum result where the overhead is a non-explicit large constant [Brassard et al., FOCS’14] for low

    Capacity Approaching Coding for Low Noise Interactive Quantum Communication Part I: Large Alphabets

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